I woke up the next morning face down on my bed one arm flung over Jamantha’s chest. My phone was flashing with a txt from my mum saying that they had taken my twin brother and sister to the beach for the week. I sent back that I was fine then turned my phone onto vibrate an put it on my pussy. The reply cameÂthrough and the vibrate got me so horney I wanted Jamantha to suck me but she was still asleep.
I lent over the side of the bad and pulled out a large box. It was full to the brim of sex toys I’d ‘acquired’ this past year. I chose a double vibrating plug and shoved one end up my ass and the other into my pussy then turned it on. I moved a bit to get it going but it wasn’t enough to tip me over the edge of climax.
I sat down and looked at Jamantha, she was still asleep with her legs wide open. I crawled over to her, filling the plugs press against my cunt. I lent down and licked her pussy.
Amazingly Jamantha was still asleep so I started to finger her ass. She gasped but didn’t stop me so I jammed another finger in moving them around slowly. She loosened up a bit more so I put in another, I moved them around and felt her start to grind against my fingers. I pulled them out and heard an annoyed groan come from Jamantha. Smiling I reached into the box and pulled out a vibrator. I started teasing her ass with it then positioned it at her opening. With one hard push the whole vibrator was taken by her ass.
Jamantha woke with a scream, tears rolling down her face. I moved the vibrator slowly and her scream went from one of pain to one of pleasure. I leave the vibrator in her ass and she moves slightly to make it move. I climb on top of her and started rubbing my plugged pussy against her empty one. I fall forward onto Jamantha, kissing her neck and stroking her breast. Our bodies spasm into climax as we lay with our arms around each other.
I pulled the plug out and put it into the box.
We moved furiously for a couple minutes, the dildo sliding in and out of us but we were to tired to cum. We lay there panting for a few moments, leg entwined and dildo in place. I turned my head toward my computer and noticed that my web cam was on.
I disentangled myself from Jamantha, who was watching the end of last nights movie. I sit down at the computer and turned on the screen. A MSN window is still open. I suddenly remember last night before the party I was talking to Greg.
Shit I said he’s seen everything. fuck shit crap the mics ion. He’s heard everything. At that every second my phone went off.
I send a txt back. ‘when can you come round’?
 coments welcome at airforce_sis@hotmail. com
.Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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