Hi everyone, my name's Mackenzie and this is my first post here so I hope you like it! I've enjoyed reading stories here for a few years now but I've never been that creative so I'm gonna share a true story that happened to me a couple years ago. I'm 22 years old, I can't remember exactly but I was about 18 at the time this happened. The emotions are still vivid to me because it was one of my first truly sexual experiences and I still think about it a lot. (Just giving a little background haha) I'm pretty average but told I have a cute smile:) I'm 5'4, 140 lbs- a little smaller at the time though! and have medium length dark blonde hair.
This story is about the first time I went to a concert. It wasn't really my first concert but the first time I went with friends rather than parents so I think of it that way. I won't say the rapper's name but he is pretty famous, and it was a large show. My girls and I took forever getting ready for it and we thought we were hot shit! I remember wearing a tight black shirt with a matching medium length skirt and boots. We were so excited and got there pretty early so we ended up about 50 meters back from center stage. We could tell it was gonna be a great show from how eager everyone around us was for the opener to finish, but because there was a lot less energy in the first act, we didn't realize we were near the center of the pit. As soon as the show started, the lights went down and there was crazy smoke and lasers everywhere, a great spectacle. The performance was amazing but we were way too small for the crowd and all got pushed around and separated really quickly. It was difficult just to keep my balance, but there was so many people close together that I never actually fell down. The rapper got everyone really into the show and a lot of people were grinding (I could also smell weed and alcohol like everywhere) haha but I was having a lot of fun even though I was separated from my friends, it would have been too loud to talk to them anyways.
About halfway through I could feel the back of one guy's hand rested against my butt, but it was crowded and I'm used to school dances and that sort of thing so I let it go. But then I felt it turn and even tap against me lightly; I wasn't at all expecting that but I couldn't tell who it was and I just wanted to keep dancing with the crowd, so I shifted away a little bit but it still was against me, cupping the side of my cheek. I was kind of flattered and felt very independent that night so I didn't even mind when he fully grabbed my butt with his big hand. I was dancing around a lot but he kept a hold of my ass then and even tapped me lightly a few more times. That made me feel really naughty but also a little nervous and I tried to look back, but it was either too dark to see or he was good at blending in because there was just too many people to identify who was touching me. He was squeezing and rubbing all over.
I reached back to grab the hand but he lowered it out of the way, tracing down the inside of my knee. I tried shifting one more time but somehow just ended up closer to him. I remember feeling a shiver pass through me as he slowly traced back up my leg (still dancing with the music the whole time) and tugged at the edge of my panties just below my skirt. The motion of the crowd was so strong I was struggling to hold myself up and then his hand went all the way up my skirt as he grabbed a handful of my ass, squeezing and slapping my almost bare cheeks.
At that point I couldn't help myself from getting fairly wet with excitement (I couldn't even concentrate on the music anymore) but also pretty offended that a guy would try to have his way with me like that. The show kept getting more intense though and everyone was moving so much my skirt rode all the way up my waist. I didn't care because no one could see but he grabbed my hips then with both hands and started grinding to the music. I forgot some of my outrage because I thought it was really hot, there were several other people grinding all around us and I loved feeling his hands against nothing but my thin blue panties. (I was still a virgin at the time too so that felt beyond xxx to me)! I could have looked back but was nervous about making eye contact at that point and also was worried he might be way older than me and make things awkward, so I never actually looked at his face. I did feel his hot breath against my neck though and even some stubble which really turned me on. He whispered in a husky voice "I know you want me to grab your sexy little tits huh babe" and I felt that knot of nerves/horniness suddenly rise in my stomach.
I became a little worried about other people seeing at that point because he didn't really do a good job of covering up what was going on but like I said, it was a wild show and no one was paying much attention to anyone else. I was pretty lost in the moment, dancing like I never have before with his hands all over me while he kissed my neck. I could tell he was surprised when he felt the wetness on the inside of my leg. He tentatively touched a little closer and I just spread my legs then, I knew I was ready. He stroked all around my soaking wet slit while we kept dancing and eventually slid his middle finger up into me as deep as he could go and it felt so incredible I just kept soaking his hand up haha even just thinking about it now still turns me on. I couldn't believe what was happening but he made me come so hard twice while I rode up against him. He put my hand into his pants too and I felt his rock hard cock. That turned me on as well but there was nothing I could do except hold it and touch through his pants.
I was so horny I wanted to be completely naked in the crowd and the idea of people seeing was turning me on. I let my panties slide off but luckily he had a little more discretion and stopped me from pulling my shirt and bra all the way off in the moment. He did let me pull his cock out of his shorts though and while he kept fingering me I was secretly stroking him too, admiring its thickness and rigidity in the shadows, still trying not to be seen haha.
As the show started to wind down, he helped me readjust my clothes as I kept stroking. I whispered that he could come on me if he wanted to, and with that he lifted up the back of my shirt and blasted a hot sticky load into the small of my back. I was shockedbut pleased. He chuckled a quick thank you as he zipped up and then was gone. One of the hottest nights of my life and I never even got a good view of him. Soon I was reunited with my friends and I made my way home, without saying a word of it. Everyone loved the show, but not as much as me! When I got home I was still so horny I masturbated a few more times before bed.
And there you have it folks :) my first submission. I'd love to get some feedback so please feel free to comment or email with any questions or suggestions. Hope you have enjoyed!
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