Many years ago I was living in a trailer court and a family with two young daughters moved in next door. The mom and dad were OK but the two young daughters were exceptional. The oldest, Julie, was 15, and other than a little baby fat, was gorgeous. She had the biggest tits I have ever seen on a 18 year old girl. 36 Ds, at least. The 18 year old, Jennifer, was a small version of a super model. She had the most beautiful cone shaped tits and I was so surprised that their mom would let both of them go bra-less on the first day we met. Jennifer’s tits were the best I’ve ever seen on a girl her age. The first day I met them, both girls and their mom had on very thin tee-shirts and all their nipples were very visible through the thin material. Jennifer caught me staring and gave me a little smile and wink. She had on a pair of short shorts that showed an amazing camel toe pussy in the front and a gorgeous butt crack in the back with her thong visible above her shorts in the back. Of course I wanted her to see my cock and I was already planning how to do that.
The very first school day I was home when Jennifer and Julie got home. I had on a pair of very thin skin tight bicycle riding type mid-thigh shorts. They fit like a second skin and molded around my cock and ball so there was no question about what was there. They were so thin I may as well been naked.
I figured if I said something about my shorts then they could look all they wanted, so I asked them how they liked my new shorts. Both girls’ eyes were then locked on my shorts and my now aching package. Blushingly Jennifer said she thought they looked amazing and Julie quickly agreed. Both girls had already changed into thin tee-shirts and were braless and I could see their hard young nipples very proudly expressing their pleasure too.
I said I thought I should go in for awhile and if the girls wanted to they could come over later and use my computer. I told them I had already to talked to their mom about it and she said it would be fine. Julie said they would love to because they did have some stuff to write for school, but she would really like it if I would wear the same shorts I had on. She said she really like the way they looked on me. I told them I did not planned on changing and I was glad they liked my shorts. Jennifer said she didn’t think I should wear those shorts out in public because they didn’t leave much to the imagination and someone might object to them being so revealing. I thanked her and said I had just bought them for lounging around the house. Julie said she didn’t think I should wear them in front of their mom and dad either and I agreed. They came over and used my computer and every few minutes they would call me in to my computer room to ask me something. Each time one of the girls would talk to me while the other got an eye-full of my swollen cock.
They finished up and left and I started planning on how I was going to expose myself to them. The next day I was home before they got out of school and put my plan into motion. I had porn pulled up on my computer with a headset plugged into it with the sound all the way down.
After about 18 minutes of me very slowly stroking my swollen cock I saw the girls pass my open door. I heard them chatting away and then I heard Julie say that I must have left my back door open and she was going to close it for me.
“On! Man! I love to beat my meat. ”
She looked directly at me and had a clear view of me jacking my cock off. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes got as big as saucers and were locked on me and what I was doing to myself. I heard Jennifer say,
“Julie, what are you looking at?”
Julie turned to face Jennifer, put a finger up to her lips to tell her to be quiet, and motioned for Jennifer to join her at my door. And then Jennifer was in my view and saw what Julie was looking at and grabbed Julie’s arm in a death grip and had that same stunned look on her face. Both of these young beauties watching me jacking my aching cock off sent me into orbit. I said out loud,
I watched as my cum erupted out of my pisshole all over my chest and stomach. The tickling in my cockhead radiating down through my entire package was so intense that it almost hurt.
“Well! Mr. Cock, just look at the mess you’ve made all over us. I guess that’s my fault for making you feel so good. I guess I better get us cleaned up before Julie and Jennifer come over to use the computer. You wouldn’t want them to catch us like this, would you? Oh! You would. You nasty old cock but that does sound like fun to me too. ”
I saw Julie quietly closing my door for me and in thought that was so sweet. (To be continued)
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