This story is a work of fiction. Any names referenced in its writing that bear resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental. I only hope that more is written about male pregnancy/transgender pregnancy. Thank You and Enjoy.
Forbidden – Chapter 04
Tommy's father looks into his sons eyes with a combined look of lust and confusion, but no disgust at the realization his son had just fucked him. Paul just sat there in his bed for what seemed like an eternity, letting what just happened sink into his brain. His deep gaze met the freshly-fucked satisfied face of Tommy, baby batter still leaking from his asshole. It's Paul who utters the first words, "That. . . .
Tommy feels the veins of his father's neck under his tongue, pulsing with blood that's working harder to ensure Paul's cock reaches full mast. Tommy reaches down with his hands, and takes his father's cock in his hands, reveling at its power. Carefully, he starts to jack his father's still lubricated dick, coaxing a moan from his father's lips. "Tommy. . . we can't. . .
After the stream of cum stops, Tommy brings his hands up to his mouth for a taste. "Mmmm, very tasty daddy. Not as much as you pumped in my ass, but still impressive none-the-less. " Paul, in a post-orgasmic daze, stares in awe as his own son licks cum from his hands.
Watching his son walk out of the bedroom, Paul remains just a dumbstruck as he was when he first saw his own cum leaking out of Tommy's ass. As he hears the water in the shower start up, a storm breaks out inside him, part of him desperately wanting to walk into that shower and fuck the living hell out of the person in it. Deep inside, another voice tells him that the person in the shower is his son, the same person who he raised for the past few years; the same person who he read stories to at night, and turned on his nightlight afterwards because he was afraid of the dark. Almost as quick as it had started, the storm ended, the result being the decision that he was better than this; he was not going to let his libido control his actions. With purpose, he got out of the cum-soaked bed, and made his way to the shower.
The bathroom already had a haze of steam about it. He saw the silhouette of his son, washing cum of his body. Paul pulls back the curtain, revealing his son's ass. In the split second it took him to get a good view of his son's ass, Paul realized then who he was dreaming about, even though he should have before. "I'm glad you decided to join me daddy.
Still facing the shower stall, Tommy leans his head back on his father's chest, "You know, soap is a good lubricant", with a special wink. In what seemed like seconds, Tommy felt his father pushing his soaped-up dick up inside him. Tommy grunts, his ass still not used to feeling the monster inside him. "Ahh, go slow, you're still bigger than any porn star known to man. " Paul grunts, and goes a little more slowly pushing his cock up inside of Tommy's insides. Inch by inch, Paul slowly lets his cock stretch and fill his son's asshole. Paul keeps going until he hits a wall with just a few inches left, "That's it. That's all I can take right now daddy. We'll have to stretch me out to make room in there for all of you. "
Slowly, Paul pulls out of his son, and slowly sinks back into him, being careful not to breach that wall of tissue inside his son.
Slowly, Paul's dick starts to soften, and his cum leaks from Tommy's poor, almost abused asshole. Feeling the cum slowly escaping from his ass onto the shower floor, Tommy can't help but wonder, why they didn't do this before now?
To Be Continued.
silent_one__@hotmail. com
All feedback/comments/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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