It is not easy to relive the moments I had my lover Travis. It was in all a wonderful and memorable time. He used to tell me how use to suck off a guy who worked at his dad’s workshop and enjoyed it. But when he got to be with me – he showed me all the things he could do. He pulled down my pants and sucked my cock. I was amazed at the way my cock would disappear in his mouth. Then came the time when I started sucking his cock, he practically forced me into doing it - I sucked him off.
One day he was unusually horny and without even saying anything, simply teasing – meant he wanted or was begging for some real rough sex.
The first time around I told him I wanted to piss, he let me go. I went over to piss and when returned, he had his back towards me with his ass wide apart. I had an erection again. I fucked him. When tried to grab his cock to suck, he moved away,
“I am going to wash your cock” Travis says.
I go to the basin and puts soap over my cock and balls and washed them along with his hands. Wd dressed up and went back to where we were.
A few days later he did the same the same thing, I was prepared to give him the worse of it.
“In my mouth, in mouth” He says.
“What...?” I ask
“Cum in my mouth, asshole” He shouts
I pull my cock out and bring it to his gaped open mouth and blast my cum in it, he began gargling it. I had an urge to do something, but did not have the nerve to. He stops gargling .
“Piss” Travis says.
That was the call I was waiting for and I do. He drunk a entire load and had big smile on his face. He did not stop me from sucking him off. He did not piss. It was a year later, when Travis told about the strange things he was up to. I could not believe it though.
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