Part 1
Selina and Malcom were still in the middle of trying anal sex when they heard a door slam. "Shit it's my brother put on your clothes!" Malcom tried to put on his pants but before he could even pick them up off the floor Donny walked in. "What the fuck is going on in here?! Dude did you fuck my 18 year old sister?! I'LL KILL YOU!" Selina jumped in front of Malcom. "Stop Donny! Leave him alone. I'm the one who wanted to do it not him. " "He's a grown-fucking-man! Your 18 in high school and he's 19 in college!" "Donny didn't you have sex with your ex two years ago when you were 18? She was only 18 just like me!" Donny thought about how his ex's brother felt and he let it go. "Donny please keep this quiet. Please!" "Fine but you have to do me a favor. . . fuck Tonny and me too. I need some fresh pussy and your my blood so this will be interesting. " Something came over her and she said yes.
Part 2
Tonny came in and started to undress. Tonny was 6'3 he was short compared to Donny who was 6'11.
Part 3
Tonny got behind her and stuck his cock in her ass and sat there for a second. "Yea bitch I'ma gonna break your ass. " "Give it to me!" Tonny grabbed by her waist and started to pound in her. You could her smacking sounds all the way down stairs. "Fuck yea. Oh God your ass is to tight. I can't take it!" He shot cum in her ass. "How did that feel you dirty slut?" She laughed then they told her to jerk them all off and they were gonna cum in her face. She took Malcom and Tonny in her hands and put her brother in her mouth. "I'm family I get special treatment. " She was so excited by what was going on she cummed. Then soon after they all stood in front of her and cummed on her face. "Lick it all up.
* Sorry if it's bad ran out of ideas, but my next story with be better. Leave me ideas and I'll try and work with what you give me. <3*
.Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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