Jonathan Hammer, had done time – he was arrested for screwing a kid. When he was out, out of work, the last thing he wanted to do was to be near kids, but he ended up getting to drive an ice cream truck and selling them. He made rounds of different neighbourhoods. Going from street to street. One day Tom Shay another driver, called in sick, so he had do cover his area too. He turned into street, the kids rushed to buy ice cream when they heard the bells. When Jonathan was busy selling ice cream cone, he spots around 7 teenagers, standing by a tree, wearing their pants below their waists and were shirtless. Jonathan could not get his eyes off them. He looked away then heard laughing. He looked at the boys they were looking at him, whispered something in each other ears. One laughed so loud, he rolled back at the tree. When most of the children had gone, the eldest amongst the seven comes.
“Hi, Tom, I want seven cones”
“Tom!?” Jonathan “Alright/ what flavour?”
“Any”. That boy was joined in by two. Jonathan hands them the ice cream cones.
“Hi, I am Randy” The first boy says. “Where’s Tom?”
“Not well”
“Your name is?”
“Have ever seen this?” Randy asks, pulls one of the boys closer to him, pushes his loosely buttoned pants down, forces his dick inside the ice cream cone.
“Aaah!” that teenager screams, “That hurts, you bastard”. Jonathan eyes opened wide, he has an erection in his pants, but his coat hid the bulge, still he could not believe what he was looking at. The third boy starts licking that ice cream cone. Randy laughs.
“I bet you have a great cock” Randy says. “Can you show me?”. The boy who had his cock stuffed in the cone runs off naked, with his pants in his hands.
“Sorry I’m going” Jonathan says. Brings down the cover and drives off. He dreaded the thought he would be coming through this route till Tom got well.
The next day. The scene repeated itself, with a difference. He hears a knock in the back door, Jonathan sees its Randy through the window. He opens the door, Randy pushes him inside, gets rid of his pants, pulls down Jonathan’s trousers and underwear and starts ravenously sucking his cock.
“You have really fantastic cock” Randy tells Jonathan, stands up and spreads his butt, to show his asshole. Jonathan was about to fuck him. He hears
“Mr Ice Cream man, may we have some ice cream?” Some kids say. Jonathan pulls up his trousers zips them and gives them ice cream and shuts the window, pulls the curtain. He goes back to fucking Randy.
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