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This is a work of complete fiction.It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it.No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you.No one over legal age should read this for the same reason.All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person.I do not know Ariel Winter, Emma Watson, Krysten Ritter, Deborah Ann Woll, or have anything to do with them.Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

Story Code: Rape, MMM/F, M/F, M/FF, F/F, Masturbation,

The Lord Of Hollywood
By Muhabba

They call it When The World Went White.A flash in the sky that covered the planet eliminating the world's electricity and leaving barbarism in it's place.Warlords arose and carved out their own fiefdoms, territories, and kingdoms through bloody violence.His name is Dirk, traveling the lands of California looking for a place to finally put aside his guns and sword and rest.His companion, Ariel Winter, follows him on his adventures as they struggle to survive in the new, bloody world.


The sun beat down on Ariel’s skin like a torch.Sweat gleamed on her tan flesh and rolled down her body to soak into her leather coverings.She wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand as she looked around at where they were.The desert surrounding them looked like every inch of desert they had traveled through since leaving the last town.They hadn’t been able to take much in the way of supplies with them having had to leave in quite a bit of hurry which totally wasn’t her fault.When was the last time somebody had a bowl of apples anyway?

Since the world had Went White, Ariel was sure that the sun was getting hotter or, at least, that was what it felt like to her.She adjusted her fur covered top that barely covered her ample chest.Of all the things she missed since the world had ended, right now she missed sports bras the most.Her soft abdomen was completely exposed due to the fact she had left most of her clothes back in town and the sweat rolling down her stomach was soaking into her leather skirt and making her chaff.Her knee high leather boots were frayed and uncomfortable and she began wishing she had paid more attention to her old wardrobe assistant back on her TV show.Back when she had been a person.Back when she had been Ariel Winter, costar of Modern Family.

“I’m hot and I’m tired and my feet hurt and I wanna rest,” Ariel whined as she leaned against her walking stick.It was actually more of a staff, nearly six feet tall and covered with bits of ribbon and cloth of various colors she liked and thought made the ugly stick look pretty.She had gotten used to smacking people on the heads when she needed to run and she liked her stick very much.It was her best friend, especially considering her traveling companion.

Ariel saw Dirk swing his head back a little as he grunted.“Shouldn’t have lost our clothes back there then,” he said and she stuck her tongue back at him.It was the most he had said to her since their escape but considering how much he usually talked it was pretty much more than he usually said for a whole week.She didn’t know what he did before the world Went White but she suspected that what ever he had been, it couldn’t have involved much speech making.Or talking to people.Or talking.

“Were you a librarian?” Ariel asked.It was a game with them, well, mostly her but she had gotten him to agree to answer her if she guessed what he had done back before the planet had gone to shit.She hadn’t guessed right yet and based on his noncommittal grunt she had guessed wrong again.She wiped the sweat from her wide expanse of cleavage and noticed an odd odor.Lifting her arm up she sniffed her armpit and gagged.“Oh my God!I stink too!” she yelled with disgust.

Dirk grunted again by way of reply but didn’t say anything else which just made Ariel madder.“It’s okay for you, you’re just sitting up on a horse.I’m the one that has to walk everywhere!” she yelled at him defiantly, “Why can’t I have a horse or at least let me ride with you?”

“Horses are expensive,” Dirk said matter of factly, “And this horse don’t like you.”

Ariel huffed in frustration and stamped her foot in anger sending a jiggling wave through her exposed cleavage.“That’s so unfair,” she mumbled to herself as she followed behind Dirk.Her eyes were drawn to him and it was easy to understand why, he was gorgeous.He stood at over six feet tall with shaggy blond hair, broad shoulders, a muscular body, great arms, muscular thighs and legs, and was just an all around bad-ass.His six shooter rode low on his hip and his sword was hung on his back but Ariel knew that he had a second clip on his belt to hang the sword on.His leather pants were tight and made his ass look like it should be in an oil painting or something.She had hit on him numerous times before and he always turned her down preferring to keep their relationship professional but as she felt her nipples tighten at the thought of him above her and in her with the stars over head she knew she had it in her to wear him down eventually.

“The only reason the horse doesn’t like me is because you, like, told it to not like me or something,” Ariel complained as she slouched along behind Dirk.It was just her luck, really.First she had discovered a new found confidence in her overly developed body just before turning eighteen, then the skies all over the world had turned white plunging the planet into a feudal hell-scape, and now she couldn’t even get laid with one of the last men on earth.“I’m sooo thirsty,” she whined.

As they reached the top of a hill, Ariel looked back at the setting sun.“Hey.What’s that?” she asked pointing back at the way they had come.

“It’s a spring,” Dirk said without even bothering to look back.

“Oh my God!Like with water and stuff?” Ariel asked with her hands clasped to her impressive chest.

Sensing Ariel had stopped, Dirk clicked his horse around and looked at her.“Forget it.It’s too open.We’d be seen,” he said sternly.

Ariel looked back at Dirk with wide, dark, hopeful eyes.“So, like, we can’t spend the night but we could stop at least.Refill the old canteens and what not.Let your stupid, hateful horse get a drink.Right?”

Dirk rolled his eyes and tried not to let the frustration he was feeling enter his voice.She was a nice kid but still young and nobody was needier than a teenage girl as far as he was concerned.“The horse ain’t hateful, he’s smarter than you think.He just ain’t forgot what you did to him when you two first met,” he said.

“That was not my fault,” Ariel said defensively, “And maybe I could make it up to him by getting him a drink?”

Dirk sighed in frustration.“We ain’t staying,” he warned.“You get yourself a drink, get the horse a drink, brush him down.I’ll see if I can spot some game, maybe scare us up some fresh dinner for when we do stop tonight,” he said in the tone of a man that expected his orders to me carried out to the letter.

Ariel jumped up and down in glee, not even Dirk failing to notice how her voluptuous body jiggled, before coming to attention and giving him a mock salute.“Sir, yes, sir,” she said before skipping away towards the spring.

When Dirk finally caught up to Ariel he gave her the reins to the horse that she had immediately forgotten.“Don’t go wandering off.Keep an eye open.Stay out of the open.Always be prepared,” he told her with a small jab of his finger to her chest.

“You worry too much,” Ariel said as she took the reins and led the horse down to the spring as Dirk took off at a jog to try and catch them their night's meal.The spring was nestled inside of a deep crater with scrub brush surrounding it.The natural rock formation kept it hidden from the trail which is how she had missed it the first time and she couldn’t even see the trail from where she was.“Yeah, we are so perfectly safe here,” she told the horse as she patted it affectionately on it’s rear-end.The horse’s head flipped back and it’s teeth snapped together as it tried to bite her and she squeaked in surprise.

Ariel shooed at the horse's head as it turned around and started drinking from the spring.“The only reason you don’t have a name yet is because Dirk won’t let me call you ‘Asshole’,” she grumbled under her breath.She stepped away several feet from the thirsty animal and filled up the canteens and water skins, keeping an eye on the horse to make sure it didn’t get to close and get it’s horse slobber in her water.Next she brushed the horse down as best as she could, or rather as much as it would let her, and then sat down next to the water to take her boots off.

Dipping her feet in the cool water, Ariel moaned in relief.“That feels soooo good,” she groaned before looking over at the still drinking horse.“You are so lucky you don’t have real feet,” she told him as she reached down and massaged her aching feet.The water was cool and crystal clear as she ran her wet hand up her smooth, tired calves.She noticed her strange odor and sniffed under her armpits again, her face screwing up in disgust.“Oh this is ridiculous,” she told the horse, “It’s not like we’re in a hurry to get any where,” she muttered.

In a flash, Ariel was stripped naked and wading out into the cool water.The pool only came up to just below her fleshy ass leaving her completely exposed but she wasn’t worried, the only person she saw was the horse.She bent over with her thick ass pointed back at the bank of the pool and cupped her hand, bringing the cool water up to her impressive chest and letting it roll down her body.The cool water quickly brought her dark nipples to full hardness and caused her to giggle out as the water tickled her naked body.

The nubile girl covered her entire luscious body in the cool water, bringing goosebumps all over her exposed flesh.She rinsed off as best she could, first cleaning under her arms and then lifting each large breast up to wash underneath and letting them fall back down.Each firm orb jiggled wildly for a moment before returning to their natural shape as she continued cleaning down her exposed skin until she reached the juncture between her thick thighs.She cleaned herself as best she could between her legs, a coy smile forming on her lips as her fingers slid across her suddenly warm pussy.She chewed her bottom lip for a moment, thinking over her options, where she was, how much time she had left before Dirk would be back, when the last time she actually saw another living person besides Dirk.She looked over at the horse ignoring her as it ate the grass around the pool and came to a decision.“Fuck it.A girl needs some alone time,” she said to herself.

Ariel found a broad, exposed rock, warm to the touch having absorbed the California sun all day, and laid down flat on her back.She gripped each of her large tits in her hands, squeezing them playfully and smiling to herself as she began teasing her hard nipples, twisting the hard nubs and rolling them between her fingertips.She kneaded her firm orbs until her warm flesh was oozing between her outspread fingers, her nipples scrapping against her palms as she giggled girlishly to herself.Her breathing became short and ragged as she molested her chest, her back arching as she filled her palms with her warm, voluminous tits.

One of Ariel’s hands traveled down her overly developed body, over her soft stomach to the now burning juncture of her thighs.Her fingers danced between her legs, toying with her plump pussy-lips and bringing a groan of lust from her lips.She slid her middle finger between her labia, teasing her horny hole as her clit slid from it’s sheath and she rolled her wide hips up to meet her questing hand.Her other hand released her tit and joined the other between her outspread legs, two fingers sliding up and down on either side of her sizzling little clit as she slowly slid her middle finger into her wet pussy.She gasped out in pleasure, her eyes closed in bliss, her head thrown back as she enjoyed the way her fingers were making her feel.She continued rocking her hips up to meet her fingers, fucking herself as her horny body writhed in ecstasy, her orgasm already beginning to rise.

A loud scrape drew Ariel’s attention and she opened her eyes to see a dirty, well worn boot next to her head.She followed the boot up to a pair of ratty, ill-worn jeans, a gunman’s belt holding a old six-shooter, a ragged button up shirt that had probably started life as a white dress shirt, and a old, wrinkled face with a wicked smile and long, dirty hair.Embarrassment crept over her at first, her fingers still buried between her legs before she realized what was happening.

“Don’t stop on my account,” the dirty old man chuckled.

Ariel screamed in fright, pulling her hands away from her sticky pussy, and tried to roll away from the man but found another pair of boots blocking her path.She looked up at the second man, dressed in similar, grubby fashion as the first and possibly even uglier.She screamed again and tried to crab walk down the large stone to the water but both men simply laughed and yanked her back up from the water.

“Don’t leave yet, little one,” the second man said as he and his partner threw the girl back down onto the ground.

“Came lookin’ for a horse and found ourselves a porn star,” a third voice called out from behind Ariel.

Ariel tried to scream but the breath was knocked out of her as the three men jumped on top of her.Their grungy hands crawled over her body, squeezing and pinching her skin, groping and kneading her flesh as she tried to call out.One of the men grabbed her arms and yanked them above her head, pulling her large, wobbling tits up high and tight on her chest.Another man crawled between her legs, spreading them wide as he began unfastening his jeans.And the third man sat up on his knees next to her head, his pants already undone and his rapidly hardening prick in his hands.She tried to scream again before the third man shoved his half-hard cock in her mouth, plugging her scream.

The man fucking the young girl’s mouth grinned wildly, a string of drool escaping from his mouth.“Fuuuuck she got a pretty mouth, Jeb,” he giggled as her lips slid back and forth across his shaft and her tongue wiggled back and forth along the side of him.He held her head up with one of his dirty hands while he began squeezing one of her large tits with the other.“And what a pair of udders she got,” he said as he viciously pinched her nipple.

The man between the girl’s thighs squeezed his cock into her tight hole, groaning in pleasure as her wet, hot pussy parted around him.“Damn, her pussy’s just about the best I ever had, Glen,” he said with a deep chuckle.He buried himself balls deep inside of her, his bloated sack resting on her compacted ass before he pulled himself out and back in again.He started fucking her roughly, her entire body jiggling beneath him, making her gag around Glen’s cock in her mouth with every thrust.“You doin’ alright up there, Dave?” he chuckled as he roughly fucked the helpless girl.

“Fuck you both and hurry up,” Dave growled, “I want my turn.”He held the girl’s wrists together with one hand while using his other one to undo his pants, his cock already hard and aching in his pants.

Glen’s swinging ball sack smacked wetly against the young girl’s cheek as he fucked her mouth.He held her head up by her dark hair, slipping his cock as deep inside of her throat as he could, choking her with his length.Her throat convulsed around his shaft as he continued plunging in and out of her, barely giving her anytime to breath as he raped her beautiful face.

With no other choice except to choke and die, Ariel sucked the man’s cock in her mouth, timing his thrusts so that she could grab a quick breathe every time he pulled back.She used her tongue on him to move his shaft around her mouth to keep it from blocking her air supply, angry that whatever she did to him so that she could breath was probably making it seem she was actually participating in her own rape.But she was trapped and all she could do was wait.

The man between her legs, Jeb she thought his name was, was banging against her to the point she thought he was going to pop her legs out of their sockets.She tried to roll her hips away from him, to get some relief from the pressure and pain but every time she moved he just moved with her, his prick trapping her against the rock with every thrust.Her masturbating had made her wet and slick for him, giving him easy access to her vulnerable body, making it easier for him to rape her, to use his body however he wanted.There was nothing she could do but wait.

“I’m gettin’ ‘bout tired of waiting,” Dave whined as his two friends enjoyed just about everything the young girl had to offer.His dick was already out of his pants, ready to go.All he had to do was wait for an open hole.

“You ever think maybe the sound of your voice ain’t exactly gonna help speed things along?” Jeb said with a wolfish grin.He grabbed the young girl by her ankles, holding her stubby legs wide open for him, allowing him to fuck her even deeper, her whole body writhing beneath him.Her pussy was tight, wet, and gushing juices.He could hear her panting around Glen’s cock in her mouth as she got ready to cum.He had no doubt it had nothing to do with him, it was all biology and the fact she had just about been cumming when she had first noticed him.But her cunt fluttering around him still felt about as good as heaven to him.

Ariel’s eyes flew open as her body betrayed her and she came.Her pussy clamped down on the cock penetrating her, rippling around it, trying to milk it of it's cum.She could feel her juices gushing out of her, spilling onto the ground, puddling around her ass.Her entire body shook and shuddered as she tried to scream out in forced pleasure around the cock in her mouth, gagging around it as it relentlessly continued plunging in and out of her.

“F,u,u,u,u,c,k,” Jeb stuttered as he came, filling the young teen girl’s tight cunt with about three months of his thick seed.It had been a long time between whorehouses and this little teenage girl was just about the hottest piece of ass he had slipped into in quite a good while.

“Sweet Jesus!” Glen gasped as he came, his cum shooting straight down the young girl’s throat.She began choking immediately around his cock, stimulating him even more as he drained his balls into her mouth.He pulled his prick out and rubbed it around her face, giggling like a schoolgirl as he made her sticky with his seed.He looked up at Dave and sneered.“Guess it’s your turn.You want heads or tails?” he said and laughed.

Jeb joined in as he pulled his soft cock out of the girl’s tight pussy.“Heh, sorry about that, Dave.Guess you’re just gonna have to make due,” he said with a chuckle.

Dave threw the girls hands down and she immediately curled up in a ball, coughing up Glen's cum.“That ain’t funny, guys,” he whined as he watched the semen dripping out of the girls mouth onto her tits as well as out of her pussy and over her asshole, “Where am I gonna stick it now?”


Dave's head lifted off of his shoulders and arced through the air leaving a trail of scarlet droplets falling behind him, twinkling in the failing sunlight like fireworks.

“The fuck...!” Jeb managed to blurt out before a sound like thunder echoed through the desert and his eye exploded though the back of his head.

Before Dave’s head had a chance to land, Glen rolled back, feeling a bullet slide right past his cheek before he had fallen on his bare ass.His pants were around his thighs so it was easy to pull his gun but before he could raise it a sword pierced his chest, pinning him to the stone.As his vision started to blur and darkness crept in around him, he looked up at the man who had killed him.“The fuck are you...?” he gasped before dying.

“Don’t reckon it matters much now,” Dirk said as he stood up protectively over Ariel’s gasping body.“You okay?” he asked the flushed girl with something like real concern in his voice.

Ariel looked up at Dirk, a sheen of sweat covering his muscular arms as his eyes peered out around them. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him, every inch the hero.Even despite everything that had happened to her over the last few minutes she found herself drawn to him.How could she not love him?“I’m... I’m fine,” she muttered.

Dirk took one last look over the naked girl before sheathing his sword and holstering his gun.“Get cleaned up, get your clothes back on and get your shit packed up,” he said as he walked to his horse, “This spring is known so there must be a settlement nearby, we can’t stay here.”

Standing up Ariel glared angrily at Dirk’s horse.“And a fat lotta good you were,” she growled a the beast.

“Don’t be like that,” Dirk said, “Who do you think brought me back here?”

Ariel glared at the beast before huffing and shrugging in surrender sending a ripple through her abundant breasts.She turned around and began gathering her things as she muttered, “Still don’t like ‘em.”


The sun glaring in her eyes woke Ariel up.She sat up in her sleeping bag and looked around the campsite.She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and saw that Dirk was already up and ready for the day.He'd used the last of the jerky to make sandwiches with the last of the bread and had set one aside for her along with a cold cup of coffee."Can't we at least make a small fire to warm the coffee?" she whined.

"Nope," Dirk said simply as he sat on her haunches and stared off into the distance, "Those corpses we left have attracted buzzards and from a distance, folks looking at them will notice the smoke from a campfire.Wouldn't be to hard to put together who left the bodies and if folks go looking for the bodies they're gonna find us."

Ariel rolled her eyes."You are the light and rainbow of California, Dirk," she mumbled as she scooted out of her bag."Is there at least a little water left?I still feel icky where those guys tried to rape me," she wondered as she began straightening up he area.

"Nope," Dirk said without inflection, still on his hunches and still staring off into the distance, "Last of it went into the coffee."

"Rather have the water," Ariel mumbled as she finished rolling up her gear into her bag.She looked around at their pitiful campsite and sighed in despair."Suppose that's the last of the food," she grumbled as she sat down and poked pitifully at her small sandwich and cold coffee.

"Yep," Dirk answered plainly.

Ariel sighed again but when Dirk didn't respond she began trying to chew the jerky sandwich making loud smacking noises before trying the coffee.Technically it was her fault they hadn't had time to fill up all the water skins before playing water nymph and then getting attacked before Dirk had dragged her away from the spring but he had the good graces not to bring it up.The coffee was terrible and she made exaggerated gagging noises as she drank.When Dirk still didn't respond she slapped her ample thighs dramatically."You could at least pretend to be worried!" she growled at him, "We'll probably starve to death around lunch time."

Dirk grunted with a small shrug of his shoulders."Figured I'd just order a steak," he said matter of factly.

Ariel threw her hands up and groaned in frustration."Good idea, we'll just order ourselves a couple of steaks, maybe a side salad to go with 'em.'Excuse me Mister Scrawny Desert Jack-Rabbit, may we see a wine menu please?'" she mocked.

"I'd settle for a beer," Dirk said impassively.

Eyeing her travel companion, Ariel kept trying to chew her food."And where are you going to get a beer at in the middle of the desert?" she mumbled around her food before trying to wash it down with her coffee.

Without answering, Dirk stood up and walked over to the sour young girl.He grabbed her pack and threw it over his horse before mounting up.The horse grunted, never making much noise whenever Dirk was in the saddle, as he nodded off into the distance."Figure a town with it's own spring would probably have a bar with beer," he said before clicking the horse forward.

Ariel managed to swallow her last bite with help from the last sip of the cold coffee before grabbing her staff and standing up."What town?" she asked incredulously as she looked off into the horizon.Off in the distance, maybe an two hour walk, there were several billows of smoke rising up into the air."Oh my God, civilization," she gasped in awe.

"I don't know about all that," Dirk said.

With a straight march it took Dirk and Ariel nearly two hours to reach the edge of the town.Ariel was dragging her feet from exhaustion while Dirk scanned the surrounding area, his eyes taking in everything, his keen mind cataloging everything his eyes saw and his ears heard.Even Ariel's groaning.

"I died," Ariel panted, "I died three hours ago, killed by the jerky sandwich and now I'm in hell.A long, hot, endless desert hell."Sweat ran down her voluptuous body, her shoulders were slumped and her dark hair was plastered to her head and hanging in her eyes.

"Could be worse," Dirk said out of nowhere.He had been quiet, as usual, since they had left their little, pathetic camp and these were the first words Ariel had heard from him all morning."You haven't been to Detroit lately," he finished.

"When were you in Detroit?" Ariel asked, astonished that Dirk had even said that much.

"Oh, awhile back," he answered before sliding off of the horse.He grabbed Ariel's arm and brought her beside the horse with him, parallel to the town so they wouldn't be seen or over heard to easily."Remember, we never saw those men tried to rape you, never saw the spring.We just camped at that shitty, little nook and made it here," he warned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ariel said with a roll of her eyes as she drew her fingers over her lips like a zipper, "Mums the word.I know the drill, Dirk."

Dirk nodded at her before grabbing the horse's reins and leading them into the town.The dusty town had a main entrance with two large buildings on either side and he made sure to make a note of their position in case it came in handy later.The building on the right side was a tack and feed store for the farmers trying to get something to grow in the hard dirt of the California desert while the building on the right was the animal stable.Leading the horse to the stable Dirk made them wait at the entrance to the barn where everybody could get a nice, calm look at him and his companion.

"Can I help you, stranger?" an older man said as he stepped from the shadows of the horse barn into the harsh daylight.The man was probably in his fifties wearing overalls with no shirt, a balding head and a graying beard.

"That depends on if you do much in the way of trading," Dirk said.He waited patiently for the old man to give him and Ariel the once over before he spoke again.

"Pretty much all we can do around here," the man said with a toothy grin."No real city or towns around here when the world Went White so no money or anything left laying around.Hell, only reason this town is here at all is that it was a ranch for all the rich and famous to keep their horses.What ya interested in?" he asked with a nod towards the horse.

"Room and board for the horse," Dirk said easily, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible, "And I don't suppose you do much with the supply store there."

"Ha!They're both mine," the man said, "I used to be the head ranch hand before everything went to shit.Wasn't but a couple of days after It happened that folks started showing up looking for safety outta the cities so pretty much nothing changed for me here."

"Sounds like you got lucky," Ariel said and immediately regretted it.The old guy's eyes crawled over her mostly bare body, lingering on her leather skirt and fur top.He licked his lips hungrily as he stared at her chest and she had to suppress a shudder of revulsion.

The old man's eyes stayed locked in the young girl's body as he spoke to her companion."Now what was that you were saying about trade?" he asked.

Dirk glared at Ariel for interrupting and drawing the guys attention.Now he was going to have to barter for the horse and supplies and for the old guy to not to fuck Ariel.He casually took a step between the girl and horny old coot and while he didn't reach for his gun he made sure the ranch hand could see it."I got some supplies, ain't doing me much good," he said keeping a nice, warm smile on his face.

The old man kept an eye on the young girl.It was obvious the man was protective of her but men could get desperate out in the desert."What say the two of you follow me into my office and we can talk prices?" he said, nodding at the girl.

"Good idea," Dirk said before turning to Ariel."Why don't you head over to the store and see if they have anything you need, sweetie," he said through gritted teeth, "Maybe some candy or a toy or something."

Ariel immediately got the message, she had fucked up."Sure thing, uh, pops," she said as girlishly as she could before trotting over to the other side of the street.

Dirk let the old man watch Ariel's plentiful ass as she walked away before turning to him."After you," he said, holding his arm out towards the entrance to the barn.

There was, of course, no candy in the store but Ariel really didn't expect to find any.Not that she wouldn't fuck the brains out of the first person to offer her a stick of gum since she hadn't even heard of a spare piece of chocolate since the world went to hell.She hid behind the corner of the shop waiting for Dirk to step back out, completely oblivious to the stares her up-turned ass was getting from behind her.The wait seemed to take forever since she was hot, dirty, sweaty and had been on her feet for, like, ever."Stupid horse," she muttered to herself, "Like to see it travel through the desert walking the whole way."

Walking out of the barn carrying the saddlebags, Dirk didn't turn his head until he was at least thirty yards from the horny old man before looking back.He spotted Ariel and nodded her over, waiting impatiently for her to catch up.

"So, boss, how's it go?" she asked hopefully.

"You may have to fuck him later," Dirk dead-panned before continuing down the main street of the town.

Ariel's jaw hung open in shock as Dirk just continued walking."No way!Eww!I'm not fucking that old coot just to get that horse some oats and a shady spot to sleep at night," she whined.

Dirk looked at the young girl as she pouted defiantly next to him and struggled to keep up."Then maybe next time you should keep your damn mouth shut," he scolded her.

Ariel rolled her eyes."So I'm to be seen but not heard?I don't think so," she grumbled, "I got just as much right to talk as some horny old goat without having to fuck him for the privilege."

"That may be but it's the thinking part you fucked up," he said sternly, "Think about it."

Glaring at Dirk, Ariel thought about what he could be talking about.She sighed heavily when she finally got it."Keep him looking at the gold in your right hand while you slip him the bronze from your left hand."When she first met Dirk he had tried to teach her how to play cards.She had traveled around with more than a few people since the world Went White, mostly men, and mostly they just wanted to fuck her but Dirk, Dirk had immediately tried to teach her something.The first thing she had learned about cards was that she sucked at it, the second was always to bet on Dirk.

They had been in some shitty town just north of the boarder, Mexico trying to take back land after the United States had fallen, with no horse, no money, and three crates of stolen food when the authorities had caught them.Dirk had laid down the biggest trail of bullshit for the Mexican police to follow that she had ever heard and it had all come down to a couple of hands of Texas Hold 'Em.Dirk was actually betting with the food they had stolen until it had gotten down to the last crate and then he had upped the ante.Strip Poker, featuring her of course.

All of the sudden Dirk was playing better, winning some, losing others, gaining back the food, and always keeping her on the verge of nudity.Dirk wasn't playing cards he was playing the authorities, dangling her body out in front of them with one hand while taking back the food with the other.Eventually she was standing naked in the middle of a room full of horny Mexican soldiers while Dirk loaded the crates in a cart the Mexicans had been using for transport and that he had wonThe men had started for her until Dirk had intervened, they had played Strip Poker, not Fuck A Teenage Girl Poker after all.The Mexican Captain, or whatever, had looked around at them furiously.And then started laughing hysterically, talking to his men who started laughing with him at how well they had been swindled.And just like that, out of nothing but personal honor, they had let her and Dirk leave.

The Mexican authorities had kept her cloths just so they could watch her walk away naked but that wasn't the moral of the story.

Ariel looked back up at Dirk and said, "Sorry.If I hadn't butted in you could have kept him on your hook to haggle the money down, making him think he could have gotten a shot at me later by agreeing on less now."

Dirk grunted in agreement."But know since he thinks your my daughter..."

"What kind of father would pimp out his daughter," Ariel finished for him.

Once again Dirk grunted in agreement.

Ariel walked next to Dirk silently thinking about how lucky she had been to find him and wondering why he bothered to keep her around anyway.She couldn't cook, he was still teaching her how to make up a camp site, she slowed him down since she had to walk everywhere but she blamed the horse for being an asshole for that part, she couldn't fight no matter how much she practiced with her staff, and she sucked at living rough.Suddenly the smell of charred meat cleared the depressing thoughts from her mind."Soooo goooood," she moaned with almost sexual pleasure.

Dirk grunted again."Steak."

It was every restaurant, salon, bar, and hotel she had ever seen in every western movie she had ever watched.They walked through the swinging doors, (that squealed when they swung!), and found an empty table.Ariel hadn't seen a watch since It had happened but she guessed it must have been almost eleven.She thought about asking Dirk what time it was since he just seemed to know what time it was regardless of it being day or night but thought better of it.She had admitted being wrong once today already, better not let him get used to it.

Dirk walked up to the bar, talked to the youngish man behind the counter, and then walked back to a table with a beer and a water in his hands."I'll take a beer," Ariel chirped happily.

"You'll see a beer when I see an ID," Dirk said.

Ariel pouted at Dirk as he took a long draw from his bottle."Show you an ID when you get me some clothes with pockets," she mumbled.

"Buy your own or make your own, it's up to you," Dirk said flatly before finishing the beer.

Which was another thing that infuriated the young, former celebrity, he'd die to keep her alive, give her enough food so as not to starve but if she wanted any more than just the bare essentials it was up to her.Like it would kill him to stitch her some pants that covered her ass completely."You are buying me lunch, right?" she asked hopefully.

Dirk smirked, just a little, but Ariel would swear she saw it."You had a rough couple of days, think you earned a meal and a bed," he said.

"Might be cheaper if we, you know, shared a bed," Ariel said coyly with her own smirk as she slid her hand over to Dirk's.

Dirk moved his hand to grab his empty bottle to hold it up to the bartender."Be cheaper if you paid for your bed as well," he grunted.

"Dammit," Ariel mumbled as she pouted, her arms crossed stiffly below her amazing chest, "Shoulda just fucked the old guy."

"May still have to," Dirk said offhandedly as the waitress walked up to the table.

"What can I get you two?" the waitress asked merrily.She stood at maybe just over five feet tall with iron gray hair and motherly hips.She wore a stained apron but her blouse and jeans underneath were clean and well mended.Dirk guessed that later on tonight, when the bar would be seeing more business than just the stove, she'd head back behind the bar to be replaced by a younger, fitter waitress.Probably a few of them

"Food and rooms," Dirk said with a polite nod of greeting.

"We can do that," the waitress said with a warm smile, "What can I get you on the food?"

"Steaks.Beer.Water," Dirk answered.

"And the rooms?" the waitress asked less warmly, more suspiciously.

From his saddlebags, Dirk pulled out two rolls an laid them flat on the table."Ted in the horse barn is holding our gear as collateral 'til we leave but I got a one foot wide roll of bear hide taken from up near Old Seattle and two foot wide rolls of denim," he said with an almost bored expression like he and Ariel hadn't been almost killed smuggling the denim from Las Vegas.He looked around suspiciously before motioning the waitress in closer."And since I was raised to always tip a beautiful woman," he said with a toothy grin while pulling a small ring out of his pocket.It wasn't a diamond but it glittered almost as brightly as the waitress's eyes when she saw it, "Pure cubic zirconia."

The waitress blushed and actually held her hand to her chest as she looked at the ring."Honey, three feet of denim and that ring'll get you the weekend on the rooms of your choice and room services," she cooed.

Dirk smiled wickedly at the waitress as he slid the ring on her finger and Ariel could see the older woman's eyes flutter as he did."Deal," he said with a manly chuckle.

"Will you be wanting a male or female room?" the waitress asked staring at her new ring.

"I'll take a female room," Dirk said with a leachous grin at the older woman which made Ariel cock her eyebrow at him.

"And your whatever?" the waitress asked waving her hand at Ariel while never breaking eye contact with her new ring.

"Girl, obviously," Ariel said with a note of anger along with her confusion.Not since she was twelve did she think it was possible for anyone to confuse her with a boy.She looked down at her abundant cleavage and then back at the waitress.

"I'll go put your orders in," the waitress said, almost singing as she stumbled back towards the bar.

Dirk dropped his false pretense and simply stared out of the window of the saloon.

"A girl's room?" Ariel asked suspiciously.

Dirk shrugged his shoulders."Been a long trip."

When the food arrived Ariel practically inhaled it, barely touching her silverware."Sooo goooood," she mumbled through her last mouthful.She reclined in her flimsy seat and belched loud enough to cause a couple of queer looks from some of the other customers."Sorry," she mumbled weakly as she blushed.

Dirk hid his smile as he finished his meal much slower than his companion had.He laid his silverware down and wiped his mouth before stretching out and allowing himself to relax in his seat.

"Don't suppose they have any dessert here, do they?" Ariel asked hopefully.

Frowning at Ariel, Dirk thought it over for a minute while the girl smiled sheepishly at him."Suppose they might," he grumbled.

"Yea!" Ariel cheered girlishly as she clapped her hands.When the waitress came to take their plates Ariel asked her what was on the menu.

"Just about the best blueberry pie in California," the waitress said with pride.

Ariel looked over at Dirk who shook his head and she looked back at the waitress."Great!Just send it to my room," she said happily.

"Will do," the waitress said before starting to write down the order, "One slice of pie, coming up."

"Not a slice," Ariel interrupted, "The whole pie.Just send up the whole pie."

The waitress cocked an eyebrow at the girl and then looked over at her strapping companion who just shrugged his shoulders non-committally.Turning back to the young girl she repeated the order, "So you want a whole pie, just for yourself, sent to your room?"

Ariel nodded her head in agreement. "And a fork please," she added cheerfully.

Shrugging her shoulders the waitress wrote down the order."Your rooms are ready and I'll send the pie up when it's ready too,” she said.

"Yea!" Ariel cheered again as she practically jumped to her feet, her young, voluptuous body jiggling as she scurried to the stairs leading up to the rooms.

Dirk slowly followed Ariel upstairs and found her waiting for him in the hall."I forgot to get my key," she said sheepishly.

Handing her the key he had gotten from the waitress, Dirk showed Ariel to her room before stepping in to his room next door to her own.He wasn't surprised to see that he already had a visitor waiting for him.She was shorter than him with midnight black hair and a slender, willowy figure.She had large, sparkling eyes and a generous mouth with a sly smirk as she waited patiently for him to check around the room to see what was what, where it was, and where it might come and go.

The room was simple with just a bed, dressers, and a metal tub already filled with steaming water.The frame of the bed wasn't high enough to hide a person underneath it and the window was locked from the inside.The only other piece of furniture was a wooden chair with an actual cushion and it was currently filled with several towels and washcloths.

"Is everything to your liking?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

"About as good as it's gonna get," Dirk said tersely as he began unbuckling his gun belt.

The woman's simple, white dress flowed out behind her as she stepped forward and gripped Dirk's wrists."No, no.Let me," she said with a twinkle in her eyes."So what's your name, stranger?" she asked with a musical tilt to her voice.

"Don't suppose you need it," Dirk replied as the woman slipped his belt off of his pants and placed it next to him on the bed within easy reach if he wanted it.He took a second notice of the woman as she started removing the clips holding his sword to his pants.

"Ha!" the woman chuckled as she removed the man's sword and laid it next to his gun, "I see that look in your eye.You think you're the first gunman I've had through here, stranger."

"Guess not," Dirk grunted as she removed his shirt and folded it before putting it next to his weapons.She got down on her knees in front of him an began removing his boots and socks.

The woman stood up slowly, running her hands up the man's legs until they reached the top of his pants."They name's Krysten by the way," she said as she unfastened his pants, "Krysten Ritter.You'll be needing it later."

"That a fact?" Dirk said with a smirk, impressed with the woman's confidence.She peeled his dusty pants down his legs and helped him step out of them leaving him completely naked.

Krysten once again stood up slowly, running her hands up the man's muscular legs."That is indeed a fact," she said with a smirk as she looked deep into his eyes."Let's get you clean," she said breathlessly as she wrapped her hands around his soft shaft and used it to lead him to the other side of the room and the tub.

When Ariel had entered her room she found that it was already occupied."Oh, sorry.I thought this was my room," she said with an embarrassed smile before backing up.

"No, no.This is your room," the girl said with a British accent.

"Oh.Who are you then?" Ariel asked as she stepped in the room and closed the door behind her.The other girl was a little bit taller than her but most people were.The girl had chestnut colored hair and eyes and was wearing a simple, sleeveless white dress.She had a slim, willowy build with just a hint of her curves beneath the dress and was wearing a metal choker around her neck.

"I'm Emma," she said as she walked towards the other girl, "Emma Watson.And you are?"

"You're shitting me," Ariel said with wide, shocked eyes."I fuckin' loved the Harry Potter movies!" she squealed.

"Thanks," Emma said with an embarrassed blush, "It seems like a lifetime ago."

"Tell me about it," Ariel agreed, "I used to have a TV show."

"Really?What a strange coincidence," Emma said, "Was it anything I might have see?"

"I doubt it," Ariel said with a second thought, "I don't know if it ever made it to England.Hey, what are you doing here anyways?"

Emma sighed and sat down on the bed."I was reading for a movie when... y'know, 'It' happened.I wasn't even going to take the part.I was just doing it to have an excuse to visit L.A. for the weekend and now..." she let the sentence trail off.

"I understand," Ariel murmured as she sat down next to Emma and wrapped her arms around the other girl's shoulders."Have you tried to make it home yet?" she asked sweetly.

Emma sniffed, trying to hold back her tears."Haven't been able to get out of California.Hell, I only got out of L.A. just last year before... well, before working here," she said solemnly.

"Tell me about it," Ariel said with a roll of her eyes, "You wouldn't believe half the places I've wound up in."She gave Emma a light hug before patting the British girl affectionately on the knee."I've got an idea about what would cheer you up," she said with a dazzling smile.

Emma had heard this line before and steadied herself."And what's that?" she asked blankly.


Krysten ran her hands over the scars on the strangers chest as she slowly washed him, the steam from the bath making her dark hair frizz as she stared at his body with languid eyes."You have quite the collection," she said in a husky, bedroom voice.

"I've seen worse," Dirk said as he relaxed as much as he figured was safe.He kept an eye on the woman's hand, both because of where it could touch him in some very pleasurable places and because it would always dip below the water and come back up with a knife.

"Not nearly as many on your back, though," Krysten said as she ran the washcloth over her client's broad shoulders."You don't run from much, do you?"

"Bum knee," Dirk said in his version of a joke.

"Ohhh, you poor old man," Krysten mocked as she ran the washcloth down the man's scarred chest.When her hand reached below the warm water she let go of the cloth and gingerly gripped his cock and heard him give a quick inhale of breath.Smiling to herself in pride at getting a reaction out of the stoic man she gave his hardening prick a short twist."This doesn't feel too old yet," she said with a sarcastic chuckle, "This feels rather spry for such an obviously disabled man,' she continued as he came to full hardness in her hand, "But then again, I wouldn't want to accidentally break your hip."

Dirk smirked and accepted the woman's dare.In a flash he gripped her under her arms and flipped her into the tub with him.She shrieked in surprise and then began laughing as her white dress became transparent, her small breasts and hard nipples clearly visible.He thrust himself between her legs, nudging her exposed pussy with his prick as he yanked her dress off and threw it across the room.He took a moment to stare at her petite tits before roughly nuzzling her cleavage, scrapping her sensitive skin with the stubble of his beard as she rocked herself against his shaft between her legs.

Krysten groaned as Dirk's strong hands gripped her slender waist, holding her still as he thrust up between her thighs, spearing her with his prick.She was already wet for him, and tight, as he slid into her.He relaxed his hold on her body and let her slide down the length of him as his hands slid up to her chest and squeezed her small tits roughly.She groaned from deep in her slender chest, shoving herself down his shaft, pulling a grunt from him as he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.She thrust herself back and forth on his cock hard, making the water in the tub splash out as she rode him with enough force to push the tub across the floor.

With every grunt, moan and groan the stranger drew out of her, Krysten worked to draw twice as many from him.It was always like this with the men coming into town.Months could pass without them seeing another person, much less a female, and even though they might start softly or tentatively, the need would soon turn them into rutting animals.Except for this man below her.She had somehow known that he was starting out slow just to be polite, letting her take the lead at first until she could give a signal that she was ready.She threw her head back as he nursed hungrily at her tits, thrusting himself between her slender thighs driving her on to ride him hard and fast.His face stayed between her breasts as he hands slid down her back and gripped her taunt ass forcibly, possessively and she gasped out in animalistic need.

Dirk ran his hands between Krysten's tight ass-cheeks, probing the puckered entrance to her ass to see how she might respond later.There's no time to be gentle now, there is only the primal need to fuck, to cum.She shuddered against him as he probed her and he became hopeful for later as he sucked in as much of one of her breasts as he could, coming short of just biting her, leaving the print of his teeth on her pale flesh, marking her body as his property.Nearly all the water in the tub has splashed out now, the metal wash tub still scooting across the floor as they rutted.Suddenly his body seized as he came, his cock exploding inside of her, filling her with his hot seed.

As Krysten felt the stranger erupt inside of her she came with him, her cunt clamping down on his thick, veiny shaft, milking him dry as she growled and held him to her chest.Her body twitched and shuddered with the strength of her orgasm, rocking the metal tub until it fell over, dumping them onto the wet floor.Their bodies stayed locked together, her legs around his thighs, his hands holding onto her ass, her arms locked around his head as they ride out their orgasms like bucking broncos.

As their bodies begin to relax, Dirk slowly released Krysten's body as he rolled onto his back."That was... That was really something, Krysten," he mumbled as he stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Getting comfortable on her stomach, Krysten folded her arms beneath her chin and looked over at the stranger with a wide, knowing smile on her lips."Told ya you were going to need my name," she smirked.

"What was that?" Emma asked, her voice filled with worry.

Ariel cocked an ear before turning her attention back to the washcloth."Sounds like Dirk found a girlfriend," she said off-handedly before lifting one of her legs out of the water and rubbing her washcloth up from her thigh to her ankle.

Emma was kneeling beside the metal tub holding a wet cloth that was dripping onto her dress."Is he... Do you think... He wouldn't hurt her...?"

"Dirk?No way," Ariel said simply as she continued washing herself.Despite her voluptuous figure she was still quite small and the tub left her completely submerged up to her chin except for the occasional breast floating up, breaking the surface, and then submerging, slipping back under the water."I've seen him blow all his money on entire weekends spent in a bordello before but he's never forced a woman to do anything," she said.

Sighing sadly, Emma turned back to Ariel."Stop that," she snapped before slapping Ariel's hand and taking the washcloth from her, "That's my job."She ran the cloth up the plump girls legs slowly until she reached her feet.She began trying to wash the girl's feet by Ariel kept giggling and wiggling her foot and toes."Stop that," Emma giggled, "I'm trying to work here."

Ariel tried to keep still as she kept laughing."I can't help it, Mary Poppins, you're tickling me!" she giggled.

"Mary Poppins!" Emma squealed with a mock angry face as she dropped the washcloth, "I'll show you tickling."She began running her fingers up Ariel's side causing the American girl to shriek with laughter, the water splashing out of the tub and quickly turning her dress transparent.She tickled the younger actress across her soft stomach, Ariel's body thrashing around and her laughter joining with Emma's, echoing off the walls as the water splashed to the floor.The more voluptuous girl's breasts sloshed wildly in the bath as her legs kick out and she struggled to tickle Emma back but the British former actress hid behind the thin, metal of the tub as her questing hands continued crawling over the other girl's jiggling body.

Squealing with glee, Ariel struggled to reach over the sides of the tub to tickle Emma back but her thick, wet ass kept sliding across the wet bottom of the wash tub."No fair!No fair!" she laughed as she continued to struggle and thrash around, her large chest throwing out the water and splashing the British girl in the face, swinging out in wide arcs.

Emma quickly pulled her face back before one of Ariel's wet, gleaming breasts could slap her."No fair!" Emma squealed back.

"Ha, ha, ha!" Ariel laughed, "Sorry."

"I'll show you sorry," Emma laughed and began tickling Ariel around and under her swaying breasts.Her hands crept up and down the American girl's from her side to up under her flaying arms and back again making her laugh hard enough to lose her breath.She slipped her hands across Ariel's wet flesh, tickling her everywhere as they laughed hysterically.Her fingertips crawled across the other girl's large, wobbling tits and caused her to huff for breath and then squeak with surprise as Emma playfully pinched one of her nipples.

"Oh no you didn't," Ariel huffed in mock anger.

"Oh yes I did," Emma huffed back in pride before pinching Ariel's nipples again.Both girls started squealing again as Emma playfully began pinching Ariel's large, fleshy breasts and the American girl struggled against her while sliding deeper into the tub.

As Ariel continued to struggle and laugh, she began panting with exertion, her chest heaving as she fought to get a deep breathe.Emma's hands continued to wander over her body, pinching her chest as her nipples hardened.As the British girl's hands continued to slip and slide over her naked body, Ariel's giggles slowly grew quieter as her breathing became louder, more ragged.A blush slowly crept over her wet, naked body, her thick thighs rubbing together as she managed to get a hold of the sides of the tub.She didn't try to move herself out of the tub as she straightened up, planting her knees against the far side of the tub, she only opened her thighs slightly and let Emma's hands continue running across her body.

Emma couldn't tell exactly when the situation changed but she recognized it as Ariel held herself up on the sides of the tub, relaxed her body, opened her legs as she braced her feet against the sides of the tub and started looking up at her expectantly.Both of them were panting for breath, their gasps filling the room as one of her hands crawled slowly up to Ariel's large chest.As her hand reached one of the girl's heaving breasts Emma bent over the side of the tub as Ariel leaned up.They kissed deeply, their tongues frantically wrestling in their mouths as she lovingly stroked the American girl's tit, running her thumb over the hard nipple as they both moaned passionately.

Ariel tried to move her hand up to cup Emma's beautiful face but she slipped and had to hold back on.She was afraid that she may have broken whatever spell was working through them but the former actresses continued kissing as the older one continued stroking her breast.She mewled in need and felt Emma smirk through the kiss before squeezing her a bit more roughly and pressing down on her nipple harder with her thumb.Her eyes flutter as Emma's tongue explored her mouth and as the British girl slowly released her tit and began moving her hand down her shivering body.

There was just enough water in the tub to hide Ariel's groin as Emma slipped her hand below the water line.Her middle finger lightly explored the American girl's plump pussy, parting her slit and rubbing up and down between her labia.Ariel moaned lustfully into her mouth and tried to move again, slipping down in the tub almost farther than Emma could reach."Just relax," she whispered sweetly, "Let me make you feel good."The other former actress just nodded dumbly up at her with wide eyes as Emma toyed lightly with her clit.She patted her moist pussy-lips again, just nudging against the pink entrance to her pussy as her fingers danced across her skin.

Unconsciously rolling her hips up to meet Emma's questing finger, Ariel whispered a plea to the British girl, "Please."Emma just smiled warmly at her and she melted with the smile as Emma slowly penetrated her needy pussy.Of course Emma would take care of her, it was ridiculous of her to think otherwise and her whole body seemed to melt against Emma's lovely finger.She groaned out and wished she could kiss the British girl some more but she had sank too far into the tub and didn't want to risk moving again, it seemed she was in the perfect position for what Emma was doing to her.All she could do was stare down the length of her naked, panting body as Emma's finger disappeared between her trembling thighs.

Emma slowly slid her finger as deep into Ariel's plump body as she could and let it rest there as her other fingers stroked the burning flesh around the American girl's pussy.The other girl made an odd sound somewhere between the needy mewl of a kitten and the lustful groan of a grown woman.She slid her ring finger into Ariel's pussy to join her middle finger, leaving them both still as she slowly circled the girl's clit with her thumb.She slowly began pumping her fingers in and out of the dark haired girl's body, Ariel rolling her hips up to meet her fingers as she slowly slid farther down into the tub.

As Ariel slid lower, Emma had to stretch her arms out longer until she couldn't penetrate the American girl as deeply as they both wanted."Why don't we move to the bed," the British former actress said with a knowing smirk.

"Oh yes please," Ariel agreed with an enthusiastic nod of her head.She let Emma help her out of the tub and then they both held hands as they walked to the bed.They didn't speak as they reached the foot of the bed, Ariel just lifted Emma's dress up over her head and then threw it haphazardly over her shoulder.Both girls embraced the other, their lips meeting and their pink tongues caressing the other.

Both former actresses laid down on the bed, their arms holding one another tight as they continued to kiss, moaning into each others' mouths.Their hands roamed over their bodies, lightly caressing their naked, heated flesh.They writhed together, rubbing themselves against the other as they held themselves tightly.Emma broke the kiss first, licking and nibbling down to Ariel's large chest, her moist tongue sliding over the firm, wobbling orbs.The British girl sucked one of the American girl's hard little nipples into her mouth, massaging it with her tongue as she fondled the other large tit.

Ariel positioned them around until they were both on their sides, their faces buried between each other's thighs.She used her fingers to hold open Emma's dewy pussy-lips, licking the other girl's tart juices as she stroked her plump labia.She licked from the British girl's sensitive taint to her already hard clit, circling the nub with her tongue before using it to circle the entrance to Emma's tight, wet pussy.

In the next room, Dirk sat on his bare ass on the floor at the foot of the bed with Krysten just as naked in his arms.His arms were wrapped around her shoulders, one hand lightly toying with one of her small breasts.She looked over her shoulder at him with her usual smirk."Guess you made me something of a mess to clean up," she said with mock anger.

Dirk looked from her face to the giant puddle of soapy water and then back at Krysten."'Fraid so," he grunted.

Krysten could feel the man's semi-erect cock pressed against her lower back and wiggled against it."I suppose I should get to work," she said slyly before pulling out of the stranger's arms and crawled on her hands and knees towards the puddle.She remembered the feel of his fingers playing across her ass when they were having sex and knew what he wanted from her next.And with what he was paying for the room he could pretty much have whatever he wanted.

Dirk watched Krysten's ass sway back and forth as she slinked away, her pink pussy peeking out from the gap in her thighs and her wrinkled asshole practically winking at him.She looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a different wink as she wiggled her back-side and began crawling away again.With a low grunt he got to his feet and walked over to Krysten's up-turned, shapely ass, his hardening cock swinging between his legs as it grew to full mast.

Squeaking in mock surprise, Krysten pretended to try and pull away as he gripped her hips.He shuffled around as he got on his knees behind her and she giggled as he yanked her against his groin, his hard prick resting between her ass-cheeks.He rubbed against her as his hands slid to her chest and squeezed her petite tits.He practically growled as his hands returned to her ass, his thumbs probing against her wrinkled hole and she groaned in appreciation, arching her back and stretching like a cat.One of his thumbs probed her before he pulled it away and probed her with his other thumb.He switched thumbs again, working her tightest hole like a piston using the water and her own juices to push deeper and deeper into her ass.

Slipping his throbbing prick down below Krysten's tight ass, Dirk slid his cock back and forth over her plump, slick pussy and over her hard, little clit as he continued plumbing her tight ass.When he managed to fit both thumbs inside of her heart shaped rear he rested them inside, stretching her wider to fit his prick.Keeping his thumbs inside of her ass he slid his cock up to the entrance he had created and with just a small shove he slipped the head of his cock inside of her as he pulled his thumbs out.He grunted in satisfaction as she mewled in desire for him and he rested himself just barely inside of her.

"Mmm... do it," Krysten grunted, "Fuck me.Fuck my ass."She looked over her shoulder at him, her usual smirk replaced with intensity."You know you want it.You’ve wanted it since you got in that tub," she growled.She was amazed at the masterful way he had opened her up to him, most of her customer simply shoving themselves against her until they got gold or came.

"F- f- f- fuck," Dirk groaned.He had never been the most verbose of men, especially after the world Went White but something about this woman was inspiring him.He'd never be a poet but the feel for Krysten wrapped around his cock made h