ÂI still remember the day I lost my virginity to that sexy man I loved, Carlos. It was a sunny afternoon in mid-April, and I was coming home for the month from college. When I was ten blocks away from my house, a good-looking man, he looked to be about twenty-three, came striding up to me. He looked me up and down. "Hello. What's your name?" he asked politely. "I'm Jennifer. What's your name?" "Carlos Cabrera. How old are you?" I looked into his deep brown eyes. Goddamn he was so sexy. "I'm eighteen." He gave me a devilish grin. I liked that grin. It makes me horny as hell. "Want to come to my house for a visit?" He winked at me. "Sure." It wasn't as if my parents were expecting me anyway.
 ÂWhen we got to his home, he took off his jacket and led me to the living room.
I looked around and thought to myself, Wouldn't this be a nice place to fuck? And the next thing I know, Carlos grabs me and French kisses me. He then starts pulling down my miniskirt and unbuttoning my shirt. I undress him too. Then, still, kissing me, he brings me upstairs to his bedroom and pulls down my panties. He gave me a shock when he put his fingers between my legs. It felt good. I pulled his boxers off, feeling his pleasure pole. It was hard as hell. All of a sudden, I feel his hands unhooking my bra. When my bra fell off, he squeezed my tits. My nipples got hard like a rock. He pushed me on the bed and put his dick in my pussy. Immediately, I felt pain like I never felt before. But as soon as it started, it stopped. Then, slowly, he pushed up and down in a rhythmic motion.
Soon after, I copied his movements. Then he got faster and faster. I started to scream with pleasure. "You're sexy when you fuck." He said. He licked my nipples and fucked me harder and harder. Soon, we both came on the bed. I never knew what an orgasm felt like. Now that I knew, I liked it and I wanted more. So we fucked for five hours with no break. By the time we were finished, I had had five orgasms. For the finale, I sucked his cock, deep-throat. He came in my mouth. It tasted so good.
 ÂSo here is the end of the story. After that, I fucked him for up to nine hours a day. By the time I was twenty, I had three kids. But hell, I am sure not gonna wear a condom. I want the real thing. Now, I'm a pornstar and I'm making thousands a year. Everybody loves to see me fuck on cam. Wouldn't you?
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