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I don’t know weather it was the cool air or the fact that a whole group of people may have just seen my naked bottom but my nipples were now quite hard and noticeable under the thin material. Their slight wobble as I walked only added to the sensation and drew even more attention to the fact I didn’t have a bra on. Now I’m pretty ok with flashing my boobs. That’s seems fairly normal and even unavoidable in some outfits but its different when it comes to my bottom. I was really nervous when we walked into the shoe store and looked around. Jen picked out a pair heels and pointed to a sales man that was kneeling waiting on another customer. As tall as I am I was fearful that he could see right up my dress from where he was kneeling so I instinctively pressed my legs together as I asked him if he had these in size 8. The women he was working with looked over and gave me a dirty look, she stared at my legs only about 3 feet away. I wanted to back up but didn’t want to give him a free peak before I even sat down. He just knelt there for a couple of seconds staring at my legs that literally were completely available to his view. He finally looked away just long enough to finish with the first woman. I took the opportunity to back up a couple of steps and waited for him to finish. He helped the other lady check out glancing back at me a couple of times. Once she left I quickly sat down and crossed my legs. I could feel the cool vinyl seat under my butt but fought the desire to pull the dress under me. The salesman was a little older than me, perhaps in his late twenties or early thirties. He came back and proceeded to kneel right in front of me. My heart jumped as he did. The dress was pretty light so it fell across my legs preventing him from seeing up but he must have been wondering why he hadn’t a glimmer of panty with so much leg showing. There was this awkward nervousness in both our actions as I stretch my leg for him to measure. He took the measurement of my one foot and I assured him that both feet were the same. There was absolutely no way to uncross my legs without revealing myself to him. I really didn’t want to flash him but was coming to the reality that it was inevitable. He had to know already that I was braless from the twin points poking through my top, not to mention the dark outline of my areolas. I un-crossed and re-crossed my legs a couple of times while he was gone in nervous anticipation. When he came back I had my legs crossed the other way as he knelt once again directly in front of me. He proceeded to slip the shoe on my right foot which was held off the floor by my left. I was nervous but I could tell he was too as he tried to hide his glimpses up my dress. I was nervous myself as he finished since he would naturally want to do my left foot next. I almost wanted to stand up and try just the one shoe but that alone would be enough to give away my secret. I paused a second as I looked at the shoe before finally uncrossing my legs and sitting them flat on the floor. Oh My God! I thought the guys eyes were going to pop out as he obviously caught a glimpse of my bare pussy. I have to admit that the reaction sent more than a couple of waves of excitement through me. I didn’t say a thing nor did he as I tried to act natural as I presented my other foot. The shocked look didn’t escape Jen’s attention either as she continued to look at shoes, as she watched what was going on with me. He was double nervous as he did my left foot but did manage to get through it. Not a word was said. I think he was in shock. Well he finally finished and I walked around a little before telling him I’d take them. You see by then my sex was quite swollen and was getting wet from my excitement. Any more arousal and I’d be leaving a spot on the seat as well as my dress. I decided to take the shoes off myself, feeling a little embarrassment for the guy as he tried to act natural despite the tent in his pants. I paid for the shoes and all but ran out of the store. Once I calmed down it seemed rather funny and we laughed about it as we left to get something to eat.We walked over to this Fridays, which was across the parking lot from the mall after dropping our stuff at the car. I had just calmed myself down when the feeling of the wind playing with my dress started to get me excited all over again. By the time we got to the restaurant I was all worked up all over again. Luckily there wasn’t a wait because I didn’t need any more attention form any guys hanging around the bar. The hostess directed us to a booth which was just fine with me. I certainly didn’t want to be at a table in the middle of the floor. We had a glass of wine and a nice dinner. Nothing exciting happened until we were ready to leave.As we finished up I noticed that it was getting extra dark like a storm was coming in. We tried to hurry up and beat the rain and get to the theater before the rain moved in. We paid and walked to the exit just as it started to blow up. Now the wind was more than just caressing me through the dress. It was blowing it all over the place and if anyone had been looking I’m sure they would have had quite a view.The theater was back at the mall just across from us so Jen thought we could make it before the rain hit. It was about 3 or 4 hundred yards (don’t know what that is in metric) which seemed like quite a bit right now. Right then I was thinking we should have just stayed at the mall and eaten at the food court or something. Before I knew it Jen was off. I followed and must admit I was holding the dress down as we hurried along. About halfway there the rain started and I began to run. God were my breasts bouncing around but that wasn’t the real problem. As we ran the sky loose. This is where the second dare came in. I had been dared on several occasions to wear a light dress or T shirt and get caught out in the rain. Well it finally happened and quite unintentionally.It didn’t take but a couple of seconds before I was completely soaked and my dress turned virtually transparent. I was so intent on running that I didn’t have a chance to look down until I reached the entrance to the theater. That’s when I noticed. Oh my God. I was all but naked and about to run into a theater filled with people. I stopped short and that’s when I saw two security guards and a police officer standing behind the glass doors. I all but panicked and ran to the left of the entrance to the mall. I intercepted Jen and we both ran to the side entrance to the mall while she was asking what’s going on. Luckily there wasn’t anybody at the entrance so we ducked in out of the rain. That’s when she saw my dress. It was completely soaked and sticking to me like a second skin. Only this skin wasn’t hiding a thing. My breasts were clearly showing and a blind man could make out my nipples. The middle of the dress clung to my stomach with my belly button highlighting my abs. Below that the narrow strip that made up my pubic hair was slightly visible below the soaked material. In the back the dress clung to my ass as though I was wearing a thong.We stood there watching the rain come pouring down in front of us as we caught our breath. No one was coming in but it wasn’t long before people started to come to the door to leave. But because of the heavy rain everyone stopped and no one left. It didn’t take long before a small crowd had formed and it didn’t take them but a moment to spot me off to the side. By then I was starting to get excited all over again. I was looking away and they couldn’t see my naked front but from the back and side it had to look as though I was standing there naked. I could have perhaps gotten away with a severe case of embarrassment except how was I to explain why I had no underwear under the thin dress.The longer Jen and I stood there the more people collected. And I could hear the murmur of comments floating around directed at what I was wearing. My nipples were has hard as little sticks by them and my lower lips were quite swollen as a warm feeling descended all over me despite the coolness of my rain soaked outfit and the rain showed no sign of letting up. Finally some more brazen teenagers came over to get a closer look. I was literally hiding from them as best I could trying to ignore their rude comments. Finally I heard an older lady commenting, saying something to the extent. “oh my” or “well I’ve never.” The rate of comments where increasing and I was beginning to loose it. I told Jen I had to get out of there, but she wasn’t moving until the rain let up. I told her I couldn’t take it and needed to get out of there. The rain seemed to lighten up for a moment and a couple of people started to make a run for it. I turned to Jen to get her moving putting my hand up to cover my breasts as I presented more of a frontal view to the people gathered. I felt like I was standing there naked with all eyes riveted on me. I told her again that I had to get out of there and asked her for her keys, telling her I’d bring the car around and pick her up. Initially she hesitated but eventually handed me her keys. I was so excited that I barely heard Jen yelling to me not to get her car all wet as I opened the door and ran into the down pour. Just as I started my run a tremendous bolt of lightning lit up the sky followed by an equally impressive rumble of thunder. The combination of my overloaded senses and the sudden shock almost put my bodies senses over the top. I almost panicked as my bodies internal responses fought with my mind’s desire to maintain control. I raced towards the car hoping to hold off anything else from happening. In a full out sprint I reached the car and clicked on the opener. I was so excited that my heart was about to exploded out of my chest and I felt like I had run a marathon. I then opened the door and in a single spontaneous action whipped the dress over my head and tossed it into the car. For a moment I stood completely naked in the middle of the mall parking before I jumped in behind the wheel. I was still deliriously excited as I tried to wring some of the water off my dripping body. It was less than effective so I stopped quickly as the action only further excited my body as my mind fought to regain control in the safety of the car. I waited what seemed like seconds but was probably more than a minute before starting the car. By then I had calmed myself enough to act coherently. There I was completely naked and dripping wet driving Jens BMW through the parking lot of a major mall. Between the darkness and the pouring down rain it was virtually impossible to see in the window. I hadn’t done anything like this in several years.I made my way around to the entrance where Jen was held up and beeped the horn for her but still she stayed under cover. I expected this would be something quick since I didn’t want to just sit there naked parked in front of the entrance any longer than I had to. Eventually she opened the door and ran for it.She ran around to the driver side and opened the door. Her jaw dropped as she saw me siting there naked. I had expected her to just jump in the passenger side since it was closer but I guess she wanted to drive. I scooted across the console as she all but jumped on top of me. Once in we both started laughing hysterically. She said, “What are you doing?” to which I said, “You told me not to get your car wet.”It was still pouring down rain as we made our way out of the parking lot and back to Jen’s laughing the whole way. Once back in the privacy of Jen’s driveway we both jumped out and ran around in the rain for a couple of minutes before heading in and drying off.