I go also this one woman who has many comments and I thought she is good but I was wrote .. when she open door i think it's a Michael Jackson in his 30 th ... (( anyhow it's not my style , too skinny nothing to grun on .. I stayed because of comments only and I'm not happy. She try to chat nicely and she is like gfe but I felt is very fake . Her services average, nothing about... just a sex which a can have anywhere for free... rating are too high for her ... cold inside fake meaning .. empty .. sorry babe its true. I dont know why soo many reviews like ,,best , and so on ??? Nothing really .. just spended money for nothing . Her place is dirty too and condoms were under bed used . Kind of disquusting . I left earlier. :no::no::no:
I hope to remain a legend for you as Michael Jackson :))))) as far as I can see, I will remain safe in your memory :), the funny phase is that this review is very well assimilated by the media :)))) ) little truth and the rest ... a spontaneous improvisation followed by a rich imagination. First of all I dare to contradict you unfortunately :( I don't have "under the bed" because it doesn't exist :)) but I have "next to the bed" where you may have seen the condom, it certainly belonged to you, but the funny part :))))) ))) How the hell did you see it being used? :)))) how dark it was in the room, you couldn't even see my face :)))) Come on, you caressed yourself enough you know very well that I work clean: P And yes, that's why I have many good reviews, for that most visitors know how to taste what is offered to them: P I'm sorry you became a victim of mine. BUT MY DEAR, I CAN PLAY THE ROLE AS A GIRLFRIEND IN BED, BUT FEELINGS NOT.
I'm very satisfied and pleased with a meeting with this girl .i went 2 times ..already . Young fresh , nice manners , she has a light hair not brown .. services very good very good . I RECOMMEND IT . First time I came she looks tired or something but anyhow I like her , she is very very sexy my dick goes up , second time she were amazing I stayed longer :wink:very funny also and sweet. Her face beautiful. :love:
Thank you , games is my pleasure to you ! And erotism
Great woman , all I like and massage very very nice and shower i choose , i sit and she comes on my face ! was everything very sexy I stay 15 min more she dont ask extra money I was surprised Services super , bj out of world best sex show Thank you darling:wink::wink::wink: good expirience Btw her pussy like vergin girl great . I dont see like this long time girls
Thank you))
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