I have no words to describe the meeting with this woman. Easy book, she welcomed me with a sexy red appearance and her beautiful sparkling smile. She is very cool and friendly, makes you feel comfortable. On bed is a real fire , is very active , participates every moment until gives you the ultimate pleasure!!! Thank you baby..i definitely see you again. Kisses!
It was a pleasure to receive your visit and enjoy the moment with you. See you soon, kisses! ❤️😍
Amazing girl with beautiful face tight body and velvet skin.I had one of my best experience with Bia. She knows what to do and she likes it. I recommend her unreservedly!!!
Το κορίτσι ειναι απαράδεκτο. Συχαινεται αυτο που κανει και το δείχνει. Δεν θα πω λεπτομέρειες γιατι δεν θελω καν να θυμάμαι αυτη τη συνάντηση.Η μόνη κουβέντα που είπε ηταν. " τα λεφτά".και ήταν πεταμένα λεφτά!!
There is nothing to remember...some times you regret for your decision because there is no chemistry , or girl's behaviour kills sensuality... My experience with this girls was not what
Honey thank you for your time and attention for my account. But First my pictures verified by administrator. And real 100% And think you just mustake account. I hope you are not this guy hu came last and offer work for your agency. Because for your woman you write only good world. Any way hava a good morning and good work!!! Αγαπη μου σε ευχαριστώ για τον χρόνο και την προσοχή σου για τον λογαριασμό μου. Αλλά πρώτα οι φωτογραφίες μου επαληθεύτηκαν από το διαχειριστή. Και νομίζεις ότι πρέπει να κάνεις λογαριασμό. Ελπίζω να μην είσαι αυτός ο τύπος που ήρθε τελευταίος και πρόσφερε δουλειά για το γραφείο σου. Γιατί για τη γυναίκα σου γράφεις μόνο καλό κόσμο. Όπως και να έχει καλημέρα και καλή δουλειά !!!
Sexy and hot lady, very good communication , super facking breast , deep throat and heavenly body!!! Very clean , and ready to please you. I m very happy i met her and i hope to do it again!!! Kisses baby thaks for beautiful moments...
that was amazing ! thanks for your company also ! mwah!!
The girl is amazing !!! I enjoyed every minute , perfect body , beautiful smile and all that she want is ...to make you happy!! Thank you baby ????, i will visit you each time you visit Thessaloniki.
Victoria is a beautiful girl with a warm smile and perfect body. Can make you feel comfortable from the first minute, she is very communicate. It was like I meet the girl from the next door. She has tight body and silky skin. She smells like a flower!! For me it was the best experience that I had with an escort girl. Thank you baby!!!
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