2nd time I write for this gorgeous woman. I will repeat that she succeeded what others can not !!! She is sweet, tender , real girlfriend and fire in bed !!! I believe I found her g spot , criticizing from her sincere reactions. She loved and enjoyed pussy lick as much as I did. So we both had a fabulous time. I love this girl. She knows how to do it !!! I'll visit her again and again with no hesitation!!!!! Thanks my love 💓 see you soon!!!!
I was not going to write second review for kseniya. But I found it irresistible!!! I will say only one word which will represents actually her whole attitude, character and services. "SHE WAS MY GIRLFRIEND FOR TWO HOURS". Nothing more nothing less. And above all , she was real. She liked it, she was enjoying it as much as I do!!! Her kisses where real. She is beautiful (...those eyes...) , intelligent, educated, (she can give you piano lessons.) And yes.she squirts if you treat her the way she likes! Kseniyaaa my love, thank you soooo much!!!! I will definitely see you again. Guys if you look for beauty, tenderness, politeness, reality, active and sex experience, kseniyaaa is the girl for you. Take care my love ???? !!!
Ksenia you were the right chemistry. The communication was not great but who cares! She enjoyed the 69 and finally her sex was amazing. I will definitely see you again sweetheart!!!! You are gorgeous!!!!
The girl is gorgeous!!! She is sweet!!! She is goddess! She enjoys what she is doing. She is so sensitive down there that she finished at least 2 times. I found her g Spot and we both had fantastic time. She obtained what others could not with me. I felt like I was with my girlfriend :love::love:!!!!!!!!!! Carry on Alex and I will see you again no matter what it costs!!!!!! Thanks a lot my sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!:love::❣️❣️
I felt like she was my girlfriend! As first timer I had the suitable treatment... Very clean and neat!!! I already miss her. I loved her natural look ????. I will definitely see you again my love love::love::love:
She is a real girlfriend! Πολύ όμορφη. Πολύ φυσική . Καταδεκτικη και πρόθυμη σε ότι βόλευε η περίσταση. Το 69 της και το φιλί της όλα τα λεφτά!!! Θα υπάρξει συνέχεια (δυστυχώς)...!!!!!!!❤️❤️:love:
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She was just what I wanted. Gorgeous , tall, natural look, very helpful and understanding, tender and sweet adorable creature!!! Iwill definitely meet her again and only her!!!!:love: