Ότι και να γράψω για αυτήν την κοπέλα θα είναι λίγο. Μόνο θετικά έχω να πω. Πανέμορφη κοπέλα, πραγματικά πολύ όμορφο κορίτσι,εμφανισιακά το απόλυτο δεκάρι. Καταπληκτικός χαρακτήρας, ευγενική, ευδιάθετη,και ακομπλεξαριστη κοπέλα. Στις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει, φοβερή σε όλα. Εξαιρετική επαγγελματίας. Το ραντεβού μαζί της ήταν μια τέλεια εμπειρία, πέρασα υπέροχα. Σίγουρα θα επαναληφθεί συνάντηση μαζί της. Καταπληκτική επαγγελματίας
I met Dhakiya today in her apartment. The space was very clean and the towel that offered me clean as well. Although it wasn't the first time I met a dark skin girl, it was the best meeting I had with ebony girl. Dhakiya is a beautiful girl with nice lips (her oral is on another level), incredible body and soft chocolate skin that smelled beautifully. The photos are 100% real , her body exactly the same, and even better I can say, but what I can say confidently is that her face is very beautiful and sweet, and she seems to be young. From what she told me she does not want her face to appear on the site because she does not want her own people to recognize her. Respected and understandable. But she is really very beautiful and I wonder with the negative comment that someone wrote about her face, he probably wanted to do harm to her job. Fortunately I didn't believe him as I saw that she had a lot of positive comments that are true. The meeting I had with Dhakiya was a nice and unforgettable experience, and it will surely be repeated.
I visited Rafaelle today and I am very happy about this meeting The photos are 100% real It's even more beautiful up close Nice body with beautiful natural breasts Definitely worth every euro Very good experience I had a great time I will visit her again without a second thought
Love Kisses ❤️
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