nMy first date with Jenna was a while ago, but the impression it left on me is crystal clear. I had to meet with her again. I had to see that sparkle in her eyes when she sensed when she had control of the sinful things I wanted to enjoy and stimulated them so she could see how much I was enjoying being with her. nnWhen we first met she said she thought I was cute, and I am sure she meant that when we met. It made me relax immediately, we talked a bit and when she noticed my desires becoming stronger, she took my hand and escorted me to the bed. I felt like I could just exist in that moment , stop thinking and just enjoy , the sex was amazing, because I noticed the connection between our lust and enjoyment and stimulation between us both which enriched the entire experience. She could really notice the things that got me off, and I could sense her enjoyment in every date we had afterwards. nnWhen I got to know her better I noticed a really beautiful, sensual, and sweet girl who wants to explore your dark side , and make a connection between the lust in both of us , it felt really intimate in a natural way. nIt was so satisfying I felt the effect and her sexuality remain days after the dates. This is what I saw in her eyes, that sparkle of life and joy which makes her so beautiful, but the first time I looked into her eyes I couldn't exactly determine what I saw, just that it was beautiful to behold. nShe looks so innocent and sweet that you might underestimate her sexual desires. But she makes sure you can explore those desires with her in the best way and they are stronger then they might appear on the outside, which added to how much satisfaction I got out of every date. nIf you want to be pleased to a state of complete satisfaction, there is no better way from my point of view. She's simply amazing. nnFrom my perspective ; most complete GFE with the best G.n
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