most of her photos are old from a young age. there is one photo and a video which shows her as she is now. she is mature lady,40+. she is tall and big for a woman. active sex gfe style. very positive attitude and nice person.very good services. had a good experience. her age is the minus issue
She looks exactly like the story videos she posts.some of the other videos and pics are old or photoshoped. she has a nice body. the big problem is her attitude. she has a specific program that you must follow to the letter. she will do things her way and doesnt allow anything else. she must have told me like 15-20 times no this and no that. she was pushing my hands stopping me. dont kiss here dont do this dont do that. no preliminary things.she just does bj and a couple of positions to finish you off fast. she doesnt like to be body kissed/licked because it tickles... even the positions must be exactly how she likes it. after so much negativity i lost interest and couldnt even get it hard. waste of money
She says too many no, no kissing, dont touch the face, no to specific positions, not to hard , no this no that. in 30 mins she must have said like 10 times no for things that are very normal and that you would do with an average girlfriend. bj was without condom but average in performance and very quick in duration. generally her services are very low quality. she was charging 80euros now raised to 100 for 30 mins. also the pictures are a bit old, now she gained some kilos. this isnt a problem had she put some effort .δεν αξιζει αδερφια
Hi there! Take in mind that you can't decide what is normal or not for my body! I invite you to become an escort and after you will think different! Say thanks that my prices are resonable compared to my other collegues with 150euro/200 for 30 minutes :) I hope to see you again, spend maybe a little more money with me, like 2-3 hours, come with a Bottle of Champagne and some flowers and maybe you will get a Wifey Attitude :) With 80 euros and Pubian Hair you cant expect an escort to treat you like her King! Good luck xx
great experience, very beautiful girl with absolutely great attitude, funny smiling. good looking thin tall great body. very good sex totally girlfriend style experience. clean girl in a clean apartment. πολυ καλο το μωρο, ψηλη ,λεπτη κουκλα δηλωνει και φαινεται ρωσιδα, χαμογελαστη κεφατη αντεχει δυνατο πηδημα δεν λεει οχι.πολλα γλωσσοφυλα λες και εισαι με γκομενα
She is absolutely great looking,perfect body,friendly character smiling.made me feel comfortable.she made suggestions in positions and also followed me.nice clean apartment,perfect atmosfere.κοπελια ειναι φοβερο κοριτσι αξιζε τα 200 και με το παραπανω.
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