Elizabeth is the best on planet earth. Pictures give a good idea how she looks and in particular the videos show how she is. However Elizabeth is more beautiful in real life with an unforgettable smile and kindness. Classy lady on high level for an unforgettable evening, only for real gentleman who have the revenue to afford her but she is worth every eurocent of her honorary. After four meetings and starting deserving her trust and friendship, there is nothing so beautiful in life as the time passed in her company
You could not spend a better time with Aphrodite in person. Pure happiness with a very beautiful classy lady. No details for reasons of discretion but all perfect in this third meeting. Money is irrelevant when meeting a girl lile Elizabeth
The best of the best for after hours entertainment. Fine pleasure for real gentlemen with a very beautiful and classy lady. A man doesn't need more in life. Details i keep to the discretion of our encounter.
Unique GFE experience in life with a very classy lady in all aspects. To never forget in life. Only for real gentlemen. Big risk to get addicted to Elizabeth 😜
Waauwwww!! Santa Madonna!! What a superwoman. Very kind and very beautiful woman. Best moment in years with an escortgirl. As there was reciprocal sympathy this was GFE on its best. Sweet, tender and very active in all aspects of the love game. First time but not the last time.
Very beautiful woman with wonderful body and magic eyes. Classy lady with a big L that you could take easily with you to any high level event. Making love was a wonderful 2 hours full with romance, sweetness and intensive action. English is OK with some goodwill from both sides.
Super girl. Very beautiful girl more impressive as on pictures. Very sweet kind girl with very passionate sex when there is a match. Very punctual and all promises kept. She is like a dream.
Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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Just to add to my review that Lisa is much more beautiful than the beautiful pictures let already appear. When she arrives at your place, you will get completely lost and impressed by her beauty