If you ever plan to go to an escort Valentina is a must. Not only is she better than the pictures show, but she helps you mentally as well. I got there and i felt like i got home from work and my wife was waiting for me. She is so loving and endearing. Her figure is magical and she is bubbly, cute and just an absolute joy. Even though we did not speak the same language i connected with her and i left feeling lighter and incredibly happier. Her sex is out of this world and she does everything to please you. She loves her job and she deserves everything good that comes her way, so if you do end up visiting her please treat her with respect and you will have the beat experience. Honestly, she is science-fictional because she is the woman you see in your dreams.
Arrived at the meeting point and had me waiting 10 mins outside before she responded to my msgs. Initially i asked in messages if she does cim/cif and she responded that it was possible when i asked how much she said 150 for 1 hour. I go there and then she changes everything. Firstly she doesn't speak any English so communication was not that great. She says that bj is only with condom and that she doesn't do cim. She starts giving me bj and after a while i cum quite early. After that she tells me that if i want to go again that i had to pay 20 more euro. She charges 1 hour 150 for 1 time. And lastly she spends alot of her time on her phone. she was giving me bj and she stopped to send a msg. I would not recommend this girl even though she is extremely attractive and has an amazing ass
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