Young,clean and beautiful like flower ..From the first step into the apartment, the feeling was incredible. I was greeted by the girl from the picture with a beautiful smile and incredibly cheerful. She fulfilled all my expectations, wishes and even more. She participates in everything and most importantly she enjoys it. 10/10 I'll be back for sure.
I am very happy with the expiriance with you.Great time,nice girl,real photos.Thank you for your time i hope to see you agane and if you come to Nicosia i will come evry day to you
Really thank you for the confidence I will return regularly very friendly respectful with good benefits The most awesome girl you'll ever meet. Worth every seconds. Hope you'll keep your beautiful smile that melts all the sadness that's happening. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman who really enjoys what she does. . WOW is all I can say.
A real fiery lady from Belarus, attractive and experienced she knows how to keep a man's interest high, if you understand me :am::smile: The experience was great and we had a lot of mutual pleasure Kiss you baby :fellow:
Η συνάντησή μου με αυτήν την κούκλα έγινε γρήγορα και εύκολα .Η κοπέλα είναι ίδια στις φωτογραφίες,είναι πολύ ευγενική και χαμογελαστή.Όταν μου άνοιξε την πόρτα, φορούσε σέξι φόρεμα και τα στήθη της φαινόταν προκλητικά.. με προσκάλεσε στο διαμέρισμα και μου πρόσφερε ποτό.Μου εξήγησε λεπτομερώς τι μπορεί να μου προσφέρει,εγώ ήμουν τόσο καυλωμένος που αυτή την στιγμή τα ήθελα όλα μαζί της. Φοβερό σεξ και πολύ ωραίο στοματικό.. η κοπέλα είναι καθαρή και πολύ όμορφη Τα Ελληνικα της είναι σε πολύ υψηλό επίπεδο και πράγματι αγαπάη τη δουλα που κάνη. Έφυγα ικανοπημένος και με την σκέψη ότι τα ξανά βρετο με την κοπέλα αυτή :love:Ευχαριστώ Κατερινάκη μου γλυκιά:smile: Very nice beautiful girl :love:
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From the first step into the apartment, the feeling was incredible. I was greeted by the girl from the picture with a beautiful smile and incredibly cheerful. She fulfilled all my expectations, wishes and even more. She participates in everything and most importantly she enjoys it. 10/10 I'll be back for sure.