I am sorry to say that but I had a bad experience with this companion. She confirmed a meeting date but failed to send a cell phone number. This improved at the second booking, although she changed the meeting time on the day of the meeting. But most importantly, after the sex the condom was bloody. I first thought it was perhaps my blood on the inside, but after she left I found bloody tampoons in the waste bin. This was VERY unprofessional. She should have canceled the meeting if she was on her period. Vanesa is an atractive and inteligent youg lady, but all the above ruined the impression. I wouldn't write this interview had it not been for the for the last thing.
Just want to report FAKE photos. I sent the lady away immediately. (The REPORT FAKE button didn't seem to work hence I am using the review option even though I only want to report that it is not the lady on the pictures, other than that I can't say anything about her services.)
I did not spend any time with the girl, sent her away immediately because the fotos are 100% fake. The girl even admited it by saying "But I am prettier than the girl on the picture." :wink:
Angle is an absolutely perfect escort. She has a very positive, cheerful and caring personality, she fullfiled every wish I had, she looks great and provides an incredible GFE service. The sex and time with her was incredible and I hope I will be able to book her again.
Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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