I was her first client of her tour. She is a fresh girl first time in Athens like she said and looking MUCH MORE BETTER than photos! MOUNARA pragmatiki!! She stay at 5star hotel. You cant look deep into her eyes without fall in love. She is exaclty 22 years old and around 1.75 on her nice high heels. Adorable in maximum. I dont think she can provide hard pse sex but i didnt try because her way of talking and moving makes you to feel more that is your girlfriend and need a good care like i did to all her babyscin body. Elafro xnoudaki xanthopo. Opoios xerei apo rosiko derm katalavenei ti enoo! She was a bit tired from the trip but she did not "brake" any favor but unfortunately i went earlier because of bussines calls. I ll get back to her for sure because is the type i like. P.S very friendly and professional agency... They told me to sms if the meeting was how i was excpecting or not. Probably they knew how the girl is looking. I apreciate that even is not my type to comunicate too much with agencies but with girls personaly :smile:
Meeting with Sasa in her place. When she opened the door i had a short shock cause didnt expect that will be so beautiful. The woman you see in pic you take. She has curvy body without celulite at all and the weight is shared normaly where must be. Breast natural and ass curvy and sexy. Is not so serious like photos shows and her voice is very low like a baby. She is just 22 years old sweet girl smily and with behaviour to fall in love. We had nice social time talking about everything. Now in sex. If you want porn star and hard fck i suggest to stay away from her. She could accept hard but not for a long. Her speciality is the perfect hispanic and blowjob but also doggy position let you a perfect view. Cow girl with her tits to going up and down it would be nice to try too. The main idea i had from this meeting was like i was with the next doors girl and not with a real prostitute. Too many gfe ingredients and sure not ideal girl for anallovers cause she not do it at all.
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