Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet even if you met her before she simply try to gain your trust and the second time you will meet her she will deceive you by asking you to send her money before you meet her or using different way to deceive you and please try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet even if you met her before she simply try to gain your trust and the second time you will meet her she will deceive you by asking you to send her money before you meet her or using different way to deceive you and please try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet even if you met her before she simply try to gain your trust and the second time you will meet her she will deceive you by asking you to send her money before you meet her or using different way to deceive you and please try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet even if you met her before she simply try to gain your trust and the second time you will meet her she will deceive you by asking you to send her money before you meet her or using different way to deceive you and please try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet even if you met her before she simply try to gain your trust and the second time you will meet her she will deceive you by asking you to send her money before you meet her or using different way to deceive you and please try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet even if you met her before she simply try to gain your trust and the second time you will meet her she will deceive you by asking you to send her money before you meet her or using different way to deceive you and please try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet and try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet and try to warn other people if you can.
Be very careful guys. This girl is a big lair and cheater. She is totally fake and she has a lot of different profiles in different websites with different pictures. She asks reservation money (500rmb) through wechat QR code then she sent a wrong address and never meet. She has a lot of different wechat accounts and WhatsApp accounts too. Just don’t send money to anyone before you meet and try to warn other people if you can. We are trying to catch these people and they will be departed back to their home.
She is a scammer, don’t deal with her . She is very good lair, not trusted person at all. Be careful. She has deceived a lot of guys. She has different wechat accounts and different profile with different names
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She is fake , and cheater