This review is for other potential customers. PROBLEM 1 - Contacted the number associated with this advert, in order to get some time with the girl of the photo MAYA. Yet, the same agency again didn't deliver. Although the girls that received me was hot, she still wasn't MAYA. Very probably MAYA doesn't exist at all, or she isn't an escort and these are stolen photos... PROBLEM 2 - The girl that received me, doesnt have a profile or ad at all. At least not currently. PROBLEM 3 - the experience was average. Again, as I wrote in my review of "Teresa" (real girl, from the same agency, with real photos and real profile), these latinas girls DON'T allow customers to dictate the position. They only allow missionary, and they position themselves in such a way to prevent enjoyment for the customer. Even when I asked for doggy style, she didn't comply, and put her body in such a position to make me give up. She also didn't allow me to try my favorite position, which is standing missionary. Again they dont let you have what you paid for... I didnt ask for anal or soemthing unclean... just a different sex position. Yet she didnt allow it. This review is for other potential customers.
This girl was actually my first escort (relevant for later), believe it or not. It was a cold day, but I still went to her apartment. She had just taken a shower, because her hair was still wet. She greeted me and invited me in, and then showed me the room. It was an old apartment with old furniture. It had a "smell" of old. As I said it was my first time paying for an escort, so I was nervous about my personal privacy... She was not very friendly and it seemed to me she didnt want me there, probably because she just had sex just before I arrived,... and immediately started wasting time on her phone We did nothing... after a few minutes on her phone she she told me to leave. I asked if she was sure, and she said yes...
I contacted the number (which at the time I didnt know it was an agency) and was expecting to meet another girl. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Tereza opening the door of the apartment. Two negative things: 1. For brief moments she exited the room, and went and talked to someone else in the other room. Dont know if it was another escort or her tutor, but she comunicated in another language, which left a bad taste and made me worry for my privacy for a moment. 2. She was a bit bossy at times and wasn't willing to let me fully dictate the positions. So I will deduct this behavior from the communication vote/score.
Please let us know when you are coming back in Tirana. I want to have some fun with you. :)
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