My Queen, my Goddess there is not enough good things to say about the time we had together. Vivi is so amazing with first timers she made me feel so comfortable even though i was soooo nervous. Her looks intimidated me because she was hotter than all of my girlfriends. Tall, suuch smooooth skin, smells amazing, beautiful green eyes on her chocolate skin made me feel butterflies in my stomach :love::love: she is the PERFECT girl and when she forced me onto my knees I could see she also had the PERFECT huuuge surprise between her legs. Vivi I hope you remember me and I hope you know i am dying to see you again <3
this girl is an absolute sweetheart... she struggled with my size so i felt bad but she did her best... gorgeous, sweet, hope ur well xx at first she didn't wan to kiss but one moment.. she put on music and while she was on top of me we were so in the moment she was riding me exactly how she wanted and we were making out hardcore.. we even laughed about it afterwards.. fuck shes amazing :O
***mistake*** CIM but never swallow ;) i didn't realize bcos my eyes were in the back of my head LOL ;) thank u baby - your 'crazy boy'
Met Jhoana a while ago but never gave her a review.. Must have seen her about 10 times. She is absolutely perfect in every way. mind, body, spirit. thank you baby hope i see u soon
Thanks babe!just you need to clear the CIM is without swallow though:) kissesss
I met Kira about 4 years ago she was AMAZING. This was the 4th time i met her. so much eye contact throughout she is an angel! does she still work?? thank u)
Ana Maria... she is a real natural beauty. amazing tits.. her description say tight pussy and i will tel everyone here.. IT'S TRUE. the tightest pussy i've ever found in an escort. she's a really sweet girl too she will always do her best to please you. thank you baby hope to see u soon again xx
thanks baby kisess, hope to see you again
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