I had a great time. It's just unique in everything. Very good in the active part, with a lot of power, a lot of dirty words and a lot of milk in the end. I will definitely see her again :winked::winked:
Το ραντεβού κανονίστηκε πολύ απλά με ένα τηλέφωνο και μια επιβεβαίωση. Ήρθε κανονικά στην ώρα της. Ανοίγοντας τη πόρτα βλέπω μια γυναίκα πολύ γλυκιά και πρόσχαρη. Σίγουρα δεν είναι μοντέλο, αλλά έχει το δικό της στυλ. Όμορφα ντυμένη με μια μίνι φούστα (καθόλου ξέκωλο) που αν την έβλεπες στο δρόμο, δεν θα γυρνούσες, αλλά αν την έβλεπες σε club, σίγουρα θα ήθελες να περάσεις το βράδυ μαζί της. Ο πάγος έσπασε πολύ εύκολα. Νόμιζα πως την ήξερα χρόνια. Μετά από το σχετικό ντουζάκι, πιάνει αμέσως δουλειά και δεν σε αφήνει καθόλου. Εξαιρετικό oral με πολλά κόλπα και τα σχετικά, αλλά αυτό που είναι το δυνατό της σημείο, είναι το στήσιμο στα 4. Απλά δεν υπάρχει. Της αρέσει πολύ η όλη κατάσταση και στο δείχνει. Προσωπικά, πέρασα πάρα πολύ καλά και θα την ξανατιμήσω. Πολύ καλό VFM. ΥΓ Οι φωτογραφίες την αδικούν και της το είπα.
I will not say much except that I threw 350 e. This is just a nice girl with beautiful smile and pretty good body, the touch is not what you say velvet. He had a wildness in her skin. I shut down for 90 minutes, but luckily the error I sat for 1 hour. Maybe she were tired, she might not have woken up well, but it was a bad meeting. Pipe below par and I made a general boredom. In the main dish, as he put much oil did not feel anything. Only in the bun (and this lubricated) went to do something and there after some complained. After that, you think about it too much if it il call you back ct. There are other much better girls very best services at reasonable prices.
Well, what you see in the pictures, this is even better in person. Recommended for fans of the GFE. Excellent!! I do not know if it bears hard, because this is not looking for today. Very good and deep kiss with tongue and oral was good, but not DT. Hands are not putting though. Moistened relatively easily and is involved throughout. Back door is not asked. In phase I, and created a well-spent. That's what counts today. English is not her best.
The Hotel ***** central and good. I was normally on time. First impression, good enough for my tastes, beautiful face completely unpainted, petit, the ideal breast for me and a wonderful back system (double wishbones etc.) Communication is not the best, because of the language. The points are not very good, because the girl was sik today.
When I was with Chrystal, I saw Sorana and something happened to me. So I had to book her as soon as possible. She is really very beautiful girl. The pictures are not good for her. Very kind and clean. She knows everything about sex, but you have to respect her. She didn't say, no. I think that she is a dangerous girl, because you can fall in love with her. Thanks Sorana far all:winked:
I have meet Carolina many times and each time is better than previous.:wink: She is a very nice person, and she likes having sex, to please her partner. I will meet her again and again
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