I liked what I saw, and her playful personality that you expect from her profile is on display. I had quick freshen up in the shower then down to action. Started off with some light kissing that got more hot and heavy as the meet progressed. Moved onto the bed where more french kissing with tongues, then she treated me to a thoroughly enjoyable BJ, varied technique, went deep, good use of tongue - was heavenly. On with the condom then she lay back and obviously wanted to start with missionary - not my normal preference but I went with the flow. Enjoyable sex interspersed with kissing, then moved to doggy where after a while I started to flag so she suggested I lie down and offered more blowy, that I gratefully accepted. Finished off with her lying next to me kissing while she wanked my man muck over me. Clean up, nice chat, didn't get the impression she was in any hurry to kick me out, I got dressed and I was on my merry way a happy man.
Interesting, you can talk to her about anything. Sexy, she can make any dream come true. Sunshine, you're the best. I'm grateful for the time we spent together. I've never had such a good time with anyone. I hope this was not our last meeting. I can't wait to taste your lips again.
Warm welcome after hiding behind the door entrance and straight into kissing after leading me into the bedroom and then DFK after followed by decent oral on me taking instructions well before moving on to sex. She has a lot of energy and we were able to get in to some great variations on the missionary position with her encouraging me to go harder. Wasn't able to last long doing what I was doing and after I had finished, we had a chat whilst I recovered. Another shower and more chat as I dressed. Would I return? Yes.
Τα χαρακτηριστικά της πολύ κοντά στις φωτογραφίες της με ανεπαίσθητες διαφορές αλλα είναι κοντα στα 35. Τσιμπούκι με μεγάλη προσήλωση , σεξ πολύ αυθόρμητη .. οτι εχουν πει οι προηγούμενοι ισχύει και αν συμπεριφερθείς σωστά θα ανταμειφθείς καταλλήλως. Γενικά καλό ραντεβού . Ευχαριστώ κούκλα.
Absolutely incredible! Yes, a session like this is expensive, but this was easily the very best duo experience of my life. Both are charming ladies, but in a duo setting they are pure dynamite. Mind you, not just the perfunctory pseudo-duo where one lady watches while the other goes down on you. No! They did it at the same time and their tongues and lips were clashing and mingling too... First, one lady was sucking me and the other DFK-ing or I licking their generous breasts, then they switched. I got so horny, I had to have sex proper. First I slid into Kate with Kitty kissing and caressing me all over. Then we put on a new condom and I had Kitty while Kate went to the "support role". When I came, it was an explosion of epic proportions. If you have had disappointing duos in the past, try this to find out how it's really meant to be.
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