She is just awesome! In every conceivable way. Go through the comments below or the first comment that I left for Eli and you'll realize that I don't really have anything more to add. When it comes to sex, you'll leave more than satisfied, she is great, absolutely great, triple all your expectations and she'll still surprise you! That's not what compelled me to write this comment, however. The reason I'm writing this is because of how she made me feel. She doesn't just satisfy your sexual needs, she genuinely does her best to connect with you emotionally. That unequivocally implies how distinguished she is; self-aware, educated, smart and profoundly kind. She is everything that you would, or rather can, seek in a companion. But be careful, it's gonna be hard to say goodbye and even harder to reset your expectations back to your baseline, i.e. you might not be able to embrace the company of anyone else after meeting Eli. She is just unparagoned!
Thank you darling, it was a wonderful date for me as well… 😇😘
Please don't be lazy and read everything. I'll also give you some tips at the end ;) I am giving a sincere review, here's why. At first I was a bit skeptical since all the reviews are 10/10/10, felt sketchy as if she personally asked everyone to give her a good review on this site. But this is absolutely not the case. Until the end, she didn't even mention anything about giving reviews. Then at the end, since everything was far better than advertised, I said to her "ok, I'm gonna give you a fat review on escortnews, anywhere else you have a profile?" and her response: "nah it's ok, escortnews is fine, thank you". Trust me, all the good reviews you see here are legitimate. She's the real deal. The title "BJQueen" is not worthy of her at all! She is rightfully "The Queen God of Blowjobs". Trust me on this, have you ever had so much pleasure that your brain couldn't handle? I got a headache after both of the blowjobs, I was lucky I was laying down cuz I got so dizzy I would have fainted had I've been standing :D She knows how to give you pleasure beyond your imagination. Don't miss out on her, you'll regret a life spent not experiencing her hypnotizing skills! Ok, now to a bit boring yet important notes: First of all, the pictures are real, but not nearly as good as her in person. She is mesmerizing with a smooth, soft and flawless skin, a face that will melt you away, and a body that looks heavenly. The pictures here don't tell the whole story. As soon as I heard her soothing voice, all my worries flow right out the window. She knows how to welcome you and make you feel cozy. I am very introverted but she made me feel so as ease that I would spend hours just talking to her. Between shots we had a great conversation. She was very engaging and interested. Well, as everyone else has mentioned here, her English is top notch. You'll really enjoy talking about your worries and life with her. It's like therapy, really! (hoping she won't charge extra :D ) So, here's the tip: She has clearly spent a lot of time perfecting her sexual skills, she is disciplined, educated, smart, kind and lively. This means you have to respect the effort she has put into it. She doesn't just offer services, she cares about your needs, both sexually and spiritually. Please do yourself a favor and give her all the respect and kindness you can muster. And you will see how she will make you feel wanted, respected and welcomed.
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