Amazing girl and amazing service. her beauty, in reality, is much better than her photos. Very friendly person. I will visit her again for sure
Thank you bby, see u next Time!
I visited this girl after calling her and I was told that in the price BJ without was included and when I got there she wanted extra for that service. She was good so I can't complain I probably would visit her again.
I apologize for the inconvenience and misunderstanding over the phone. I'm waiting for you next time.
I have visited this lady once before and you can imagine for me to go back she must be good. Wrong she was not good, She was AMAZING that's why i went back. My personal opinion is that you should not waste your time on other girls on this site when you can have the chance ti visit this lady. Everything from when she opens the door till you leave is just great. In bed, well tha'ts another story. She really knows what us men really want. She is very active and knows how to move. This lady deserves every cent she is asking for. :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:
I visited this girl and i have to say her blow job is amazing, she really knows how to handle a cock in her mouth. the photos are not real and she looks nothing like the photos either but her servile iv very good ind i would visit her again for sure.
She is a great girl i was welcomed with a nice and friendly smile which made me very comfortable walking into her place. she is very friendly and very active. Her place is very clean and tidy. I would go to meet her again for sure. Thank you for a great time
great girl. very friendly and great personality. the apartment was very clean and tidy. I would definitely visit her again, how could i not. This girl i just so amazing. i recommend anyone who wants to have a great time to visit her
The best I've ever had. This babe is worth all the money. Hopefully i will see her soon again. I got the full girlfriend expiriance. And that pussy, i can eact it all day .
When you feel hungry, my pussy will be waiting to temp you for desert ;)nnxx
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