Very hot Girl TOP TOP TOP Thank you love for great time,stay in cyprus for more time i will come for sure on this weak) Everything very professional we had a great time together. Until next time thank you so much honey!!:am::love:
Katapliktiko koritsaki. Exei oreksi gia party kai gamisia ! Av eisai kurios mazi tis tha se trelani. Very deep Blowjop and good communication in everything. Recomended for lovers of skiny girls*)))
Katapliktiko koritsaki. Exei oreksi gia party kai gamisia ! Av eisai kurios mazi tis tha se trelani. Very deep Blowjop and good communication in everything. Recomended for lovers of skiny girls*)))
THE PERFECT 10 OF 10 Keli is really sex Mashine !this my 2nd time with she ) Really Hot 1 of the best i take ever from safari and respect your money! Absolutely Amazing Girl:am: Thank you babe )))
Hello Everybody I meet today with lady LILI. She is the best, perfect comunication very nice bj, Now in sex she is very very good she like what she do and she care about her partner. I Look forwart for the next meeting with her. safari you are the best agency with the best girl everytime Thanks :wink:
WHAT A WOMMAN!:love: I was her 1st client today . She was in 5star hotel with very nice room . Maria alsow 5star girl and is even better than this photos you see here. Better look her From Video :wink: Very deep and super blowjop ! Her pussy is sow sweat Like honey. Her skin soft and color like chocolata... This Girl is on my Top 3 from Safari
I took Rafaela and Kristin for Duo. And all was so perfect ... The extra payment for Lesvian show 60€ make this 2 girls to be even more Hot and passionate:wink: Linking pussy of eash ather ... Blow my dick. And all kissing eash ather .Even from video you can see how crazy are on bed this girls. In life beleve me are much better. I Rebeat again and again with this Angels My Diamonds thank you for this great moments
I took Rafaela and Kristin for Duo. And all was so perfect ... The extra payment for Lesvian show 60€ make this 2 girls to be even more Hot and passionate:wink: Linking pussy of eash ather ... Blow my dick. And all kissing eash ather .Even from video you can see how crazy are on bed this girls. In life beleve me are much better. I Rebeat again and again with this Angels My Diamonds thank you for this great moments
Top to All This babe is Special! Photos are 100% like you see here I like Tall Girls sow i chouse Sasha))) Services on top level Alsow. Real GIRL FRAIND and a lot of Passion. Its 1 of the Top 3 of safari for sure! Thank you Safari for bring such great Girls PEDES TO KORITSI EINAI KOUKLA KAI TO KANI TA PANTA NA MINIS HAPPY. Sasha babe Thank you for the great moments:love:
This was my first meeting with Bonya. The meeting was excellent in all aspects (behavior, attitude, performance, participation) and being with her was indeed a real pleasure and an unforgettable experience! She is offering escort services of a very high standard, giving her best in order to satisfy you in every possible way! Highly recommended! An escort not to be missed! She is like an angel! She ia an amazing girl! She is the best! She is a sex bomb! My dear ,Bonya, baby ,thank you so much for the lovely time and sex we had together! Take care!
Bonya like a lot your review about her) You are so sweat dear
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