Kam is wonderful and highly recommended. Her photos are completely accurate and true. She’s a very beautiful young girl with great personality and humour. She greeted me in red lingerie and heels and after a short conversation she started seducing me with kisses and touching my body. She was vocal and active during sex, covering many positions. It seems she enjoy what she does. We had a great conversation afterwards too. She’s a special lady and I will definitely see her again!
thank you very much my dear, I was very pleased to meet you, and I want to see you again.kiiiisssss
Kristina is nice person but I expected more given her rate and reviews. She was on her phone a couple times during meeting and also was vaping. I don’t appreciate this. She is cute girl and fotos are real. But she is older than her profile says. More like 30 and not 22. She has some lip implants too I think. She take initiative to do blow job and kissed my body. It was very nice. She can do all many positions in sex. Her body is very tight and she can take hard sex. I came twice and she seem to enjoy it. I think she had orgasm as well. We also had nice conversation and she is very social. I liked this.
I messaged and asked her a couple if questions to see if would be a good fit. When I said I was not interested in meeting she went crazy and sent me 10 messages with all sorts of accusations. I was polite the whole time and don’t understand why she was so aggressive. Beware, I got a bad feeling.
This user never came , never enjoy my services, how can u place me 5 rate?? Well , all guys who are were polite came and satisfied. You change appointment5 times , made other waiting, it is a fake booking of course !! Now I dont understanda meaningof this comment .. probably you like attention or something.. i dont understand . Fake review fake booking , what u trying to do I'm not sure .. very weard guy .. with no meaning.. thank you
Did not have a good experience. She seemed like she didn't want to be there. Was very passive throughout the whole appointment and kept talking about personal things (e.g. asking me how much money I make). Sex was very passive. She just lay there the whole time. Will not repeat. This agency is hit or miss. Some are good and some are not.
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