a perfect 10 . Beautiful body full in the right places, great butt .. will do anything to please, and seemed to enjoy the encounter herself. Great time, will see her again anytime: :smile::winked::wink:
Fantastic girl. Beautiful curvy body with bulges right where they are supposed to be. Encounter was in my hotel room. She knows what she is doing. She came to the hotel and crossed the outside gate walking not to attract attention! She is very pretty. She may not be exactly the one in the pictures because you do not see her face, but her body is nearly the same, just as beautiful. I loved every moment we spent together. My only complaint, I tried to call her again for a second meeting, she was not the one answering, and may be there are two ALINAS? I did not want to spoil the previous image I had of her so i decided to try sometime with someone else, BUT i will certainly call again next time I am in Limassol
Don't take my note on looks too negative, her body is fantastic . her face may not be very beautiful, but she is very nice. On first contact, you might think if you have made the right choice, but once the action starts, it's absolutely perfect. She kisses with tongue, but more important, with PASSION as if she's in love with you. She responds to every move, willing to do anything for you without being artificial. All you have to do is ask. So go ahead and indulge yourself, she is willing without acting as if she enjoys it. Thank you for the good time
thank you!
Very nice girl, but seems to have gained some weight. I would not say I was not satisfied , but not the slim girl in the pictures. Would call again, probably not :no:
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