The meeting date is not the real one. She doesn't know perfect English, but she was very friendly and willing. She didn't rush at all, which is rare, and I had a great time. She is very positive and willing in contrast to those other girls that ask for the same money for that 15 minutes. I strongly recommend her.
She spoke very little English but that's not a problem. She is very friendly and simple girl, no like some other girls that think the world revolves around them. She is very approachable. Sex was really enjoyable. 10/10
Sisi, is what you need to relax. She greets you with a smile, talks to you to feel comfortable and in no case rushing. When we entered the room, she asked me if I wanted a massage, and I said yes. She started a really really nice relaxing massage (we both had clothes off) starting from neck to lower body. When she reaches the lower body, she massages the butt and near balls and penis really nice. She doesn't hold back to anything, if you have particular tastes she might go through with them if you ask nicely and before hand (hinting she fingering you and such). Although I can't say for sure because I didn't ask for anything in particular like anal, or any other out-of-the-ordinary requests. Now on to the blowjob. F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C. She really knows what do you actually need to like it really much. I had to stop her after a couple of minutes so I wouldn't finish. Then the pounding started, in many positions, Sisi, is really active and does all my favorite stances (doggy etc). I had no complain, she really is a BOSS at fucking no doubt about it. I suggest you try her. Without a doubt one of the best in Nicosia! PS: Only issue might be the lack of good English talking skills, I had no problem since we spoke in Greek.
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