Gƶz doyurucu ve memnuniyetinizi saÄlamaya ƧalıÅan bir kız. VĆ¼cut ve yĆ¼z slim, kalƧalar vĆ¼cuduna gƶre dolgun ancak Ƨok Åekilli. Ä°letiÅim neredeyse full translate. Genel itibari ile tekrar gƶrĆ¼lmeye deÄebilecek bir kız. Bazı yaklaÅımları profesyonelce olmasına raÄmen elektriÄi ve yaklaÅımı gerƧekten iyi.
GeƧen geliÅinde gƶrĆ¼ÅtĆ¼m. Bir saatten bir saat otuz dakikaya uzattım. DoÄal bĆ¼yĆ¼k ve dik gƶgĆ¼sleri var ve temiz gĆ¼zel bir vĆ¼cudu var. Bunun yanında Ƨok hafif ayva gƶbek, hafif kalın kemikli ve yĆ¼zĆ¼ne dendiÄi gibi sivilce bozukları olan yapısı var. Ama temizliÄi, bakımlı oluÅu ve iletiÅimi gerƧekten bu birkaƧ kĆ¼Ć§Ć¼k ayrıntıyı rahatlıkla ƶrtĆ¼yor. TemizliÄe dikkat etmeyen, bu kadar paraya afralı tafralı davranan bazı kızlardan sonra iyi bir seƧim. Zaten ajansın gerƧekten kızları hep belli bir kalite Ć¼stĆ¼nde. Mutluluk garantili bir kız. I booked in previous visiting. I booked 1 hr but took half hour more. She has natural, big and sky looking boobs and clean nice body. With these, she has also very little extra fat on stomach area, little big boned look and some pimples on face. But she really overcome these small details, with her cleanliness, weel cared body and her communication. She really takes care and try to make you happy. There are lots of girls who are not clean and smell bad with having very bad mood; but she is a nice choice after these girls. I also need to mention the agency, this agency took girls in some upper level. She is nice and gives happy guaranteed service.
I guess we met at August 2014 but i have not time to write here, she was very kind and passionate. She tries to do what you want and have pleasure from the moment. Wish to see her again in Turkey.
Agency not seen in whatsapp, and not answered the messages. I think girls are not in izmir. Please give some information to us, and please give right info...
I wanted to share my view to those who will go/Gidecek arkadaÅlar iƧin yazmak istedim: Ćnce olumlular/First Pros: Ćok gĆ¼leryĆ¼zlĆ¼ ve eÄlenceli, rahat bir iletiÅim kurabiliyorsunuz, ingilizce Ƨok olmasa da bunu telafi edebiliyor/She is easy to talk and communicate with less english knowledge, she gauge it with her symphaty. Olumsuz yanlar/Cons:Ćncelikle fotograflardan ve bilgilerinden biraz daha uzun ve iri, photoshop.un hafif ayarı kaƧmıÅ. GƶgĆ¼sler de fotografla alakası yok dĆ¼mdĆ¼z, gene burada da photoshopcu arkadaÅ aÅırı kaƧırmıŠkantarın topuzunu. Genele gelince herÅey mĆ¼thiÅ olmasa da iletiÅimle ve uyumluluÄu ile gĆ¼nĆ¼ kurtarıyor diyelim/Firstly, she is bit more tall and thicker than photos. And she has very little nipples against again photos. Photographer makes more than average photoshop and it makes a different view. But overall, she is very hot-blooded and try to have harmony with you.
Very nice and perfect girl therefore fully recommended. She is so hot and has a nice looking. I liked to have second meeting but my schedule did not allow. Ćok gĆ¼zel ve hoÅ bir kız. Ä°ngiliz kızlara benziyor. Resimdekilerden biraz kilo almıŠama tam yakıÅmıŠbence ona. Hafif almıŠdediysem ÅiÅman olmuÅ deÄil tabi. Bence gayet hoÅ ve gƶrĆ¼lmesi gereken ve memnun ayrılacaÄınız bir kız. Bir de Åunu belirtmekte fayda var, oral kondomla yapıyor, servis puanı ondan kırdım.
She is the cutest and the most beatiful girl, I ever seen as an escort. Really you cannot believe that she is doing this job. She is like a barbie doll. As you see all previous reviews he has nice and perfect girlfriend and model looking. Only thing that she is little see this only a job but it is normal she saw many man in one day and earn money from this. I firtly book for half hour but then extend it. If you see this beauty you really be amazed. Valla herkes iƧin yorum yazmam ama bu kız gerƧekten hak ediyor. Ćok Ƨok gĆ¼zel sanki barbie bebek gibi, zaten bunu bu kadar kısa sĆ¼rede bu kadar yorum yapılmasından da gƶrebilirsiniz. Ki zaten hemen hepsinde bu kadar gĆ¼zel olmasından bahsediliyor. Biraz iÅ modunda ve mekanik tavrı var ama bu sonuƧta onun iƧin iÅ olarak yapılan ve bir ton insanın gƶrĆ¼ndĆ¼ÄĆ¼ bir Åey. Bunu da gayet normal karÅılıyorum. Kesinlikle ona uygun Åekilde hazırlanın ve eÄer gĆ¼zel bir kızla beraber olmak istiyorsanız mutlaka onu gƶrĆ¼n..
She is a very beatiful girl but a little mechanic in terms of sex and behaviors. This makes you not to concentrate on sex 100% but her fabolous body and face feels you that "you are being with a one of the most pretty girls in world". Also she does not do oral without condom even it is written on her services. As a total interpretation; you could be satify if you only look for beauty but something is very mechanic for her she tells it is a job for her while talk; so then I will not prefer her even she has aperfect body and face.
She is a very nice escort who makes anything for your pleasure. The exprience was very hot and nice. The only thing, she seems bit older than pics but her overall rating is very high for me, she is polite, tender and very very hot. You will exactly have satisfaction with her, highly recommended!!! Very nice legs, breast, face, lips and hands. Wish to see her again in my life...
Hope she will come to Izmir one day :) very hot
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