I have met that girl. I can say that she has a thin nice body, but almos without breast and not as the photoes are. First of all when I say that she is a little bit different at the photoes she answered that at the photoes has make up. The photoes are not 100% real. about blowjob, she started with yer hands for sometime, and when i asked about mouth she told me to wait. She tried to pass the time showing me things at her phone, and 20 miutes before the time ends, she said come on sex now because we don't have time. At the sex, the first time we did it only at the way she wanted, and generally at sex she was as a statue and just wait for me to finish. Αnd when I get into the room, I saw towels at the floor, a towels and sheets mixed as one ball and a very messy room.:recourse: Finally she knows English that you can communicate somehow but no good enough.
I have met that girl. first of all the girg at the photoes is beautiful, but not the real one. the real one is someone i could even not to look at the at the street if she's passing by. At the photoes has a nice body but the real one is slightly fat. Also when she opened the door and I said that she is not as the photoes, and she was very rude and slap the door at my face, before I didn't even finish my sentence, :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:
Thanks dear for nice reviews!!????????but who are you , you sure you know me, anyway thanks, I know I beautiful sexy and sporty girl! Look another review, dear!! Manny kisse
i've been with Kimberly. she has not so white skin, she has as nice body as it is at the fotos but not so beautiful face. she can do many things but when you say something for make her laughing she only does haha and you can understand that it is fake as the sounds on the time of sex. she try to make a talk and i was talking for many things it wasn't so comfortable. but she gives enough things as it concernes sex. :sad:
Ehe girl isn't even 1.70. good oral but she is a little bit tight with customers. she likes to discuss, and she did that job nice. the pictures are real but she looks a little bit more nice in the pictures.Ii don't thingf iwill meet her again. REPLY: "First of all sir i have to tell you that the girl has for sure 175cm,she is a model and the rule of this job is to have atleast 170cm tall,second the girl is very beautifull and none of the clients ever said something bad about her cuse the best part of her is that she know how to be a good professional in bed,and the third part is that u didnt have any meet with the girl i know all the meeting she have and that time as u said she have no meeting,so next time pls write review to the girl you meet,thank you!"
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