10 out of 10, guys this girl is the ONE. do not miss out for she has a great body and an even better service. She is a dream come true worth the money and the time. Stop looking for the best escort in town, you found her. nice apartment, modern and confy, Young fresh girl, with an appetite to please, knows what to do, clean, excellent service, v good bj, and a body to die for. Thank you babe I hope to see you soon.
Thank you !!
nice girl, clean apartment in a hotel, nice body, pleasant and friendly girl. She is very good in pleasing and active in bed. I had a nice time. thax
As with my previous meeting with Adel, she is a beautiful escort, offering high quality services. I enjoyed my time spent and will be visiting soon again. Clean and luxury apartment, in the city center. Thank you Adel.
Thank you so much. Hugs .Kisss!
Very nice apartment, clean convenient. The girl is the same (i think) but a bit over weight. pleasant girl straight to the point, she fucks very nice, and her legs can do a 270 degrees angle for max insertion!
very pretty girl, with model like body, got horny as soon as I entered the room. She is even prettier than photos and is willing to please any man. will see her soon.
nice girl, 2 in apartment, easy access, tried to charge over the listed amount, she was ok following my guide in bed. She is low on personal hygiene but other than that it was ok. avoid if not necessary
very clean and welcoming, fantastic bj and very good in bed. Nice discreet apartment down town, clean and cool. A definite re-visit. thank you MAria,
Thank you for the nice time and hope to see you soon!! Kissesn
very beautiful girl, welcoming and clean. Exactly like in Photos. She took real good care of me and made me feel great. She knows what to do and how. we had good time and active sex. she is very good at pleasing. Thank you babe, see you soon.
very nice girl, in a very nice apartment i the center of Nicosia, clean and private. She is pleasant, sexy, active in bed and very easy going. knows how to please a man and uses all available talents to do so. thank you for a nice sexy time
Thank you to baby!!!see you next time.kisses
very pretty girl, polite greeted me with a smile and lead me to her bedroom. She is very good in bed and active in sex. She has a nice figure and knows how to please a man. She took her time and gave no attension to the clock. Thank you for a nice time
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