There are not enough words to describe how gorgeous and sweet this girl is! Beautiful and sexy with a wonderful smile. There was no rush felt at any moment and she was present in every moment trying the best to please me. She also seemed to enjoy sex a lot and not in a fake way. Treat her well guys, she deserves it! The fire 🔥 😘
Sonia is a very sweet girl with an angelic face and she also has a wonderful natural petite toned body. She is quite young but she was trying to give pleasure in every possible way and she was very engaged in everything that she was doing. Unfortunately she doesn't speak much English but we communicated using a translator app. Treat her nicely as she is a little sweet flower and she will show back her appreciation! Thank you Sonia! Xx
This is the first time I am writing a review because this girl doesn't have any and she is totally worth it. It was very easy to plan an appointment and she even accept me last minute. So I went and when the door opened I saw this gorgeous, sweet, exotic girl smiling at me. After a quick shower, Mirella started kissing me everywhere very softly and sensually and I returned the soft touching and kissing which was well received. (Guys please remember to respect women and be gentle to them as she commented how men sometimes bite and squeeze them right away and they don't like it, so take it easy and enjoy it 😉). After the kissing things went on very smoothly and the sex was incredible! Mirella smelled beautifully and she had a very soft delicate skin besides her exotic eyes and beauty. Um grande abraço a minha gatinha! O seu Brazileiro 😘
Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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