Perfect! In all respects. Pretty elegant, sexy, clean and very nice flat, I felt totally comfortable and had laughs, great sex, serious conversation as if we knew each other for years.
I went to Maria because the reviews were excellent and they are true! Great lady, sexy, receives you in a pleasant way dressed in sexy lingerie, immediately you are in a girlfriend relationship, great company absolutely perfect. Place perfectly clean and very comfortable. Great meeting. Thank you dear.
Perfect meeting. Beautiful, intelligent, charming, kind and very sexy. One in a million. A real person a real lady a real girlfriend. Unfortunately she will be soon leaving for a couple of months but we shall wait!
Simply perfect. This is an angel on planet Earth. Beautiful, sexy, polite, charming a totally great girl in all respects. Unfortunately I found her late. She is leaving end of the week. Very sad. I will meet her one more time before she goes. What an experience today!!!!! I am grateful to God I met such a person. Thank you Dafne. Million thanks.
Perfect girl, very pleasant, charming even though we could not communicate in English we used the translator. Where there is a wish there is a way and it was a great time. Special girl.
Same as photo, very nice girl very pretty, very pleasant and good to talk to. And has a great pussy you want to lick for ever and she enjoys that a lot.
Excellent girl. She enjoys the meeting and she wants to please you with honest pleasure. Although the photo is a little fixed she is very nice and sexy girl.
There is no match people! Simply no match. A beautiful heart a beautiful person very kind very charming highly intellectual great company. Miracle really.
I have written reviews for Nina quite a few times and it is not necessary to write again. However I feel that as I see no reviews being written by others, perhaps I should "remind" the network that if one can find a more beautiful, more smart, more sexy, more intelligent, more gentle and polite escort PLEASE let me know. You don't know what you are missing until you visit this extraordinary girl. Moments of bliss! Thank you Nina.
It seems that Philip is right and some guy wrote a bad review just to "compete" against Nina and in favour of his girls. No reasonably thinking man would ever give Nina a bad review, so this theory may hold. It is impossible to give bad review to a perfect person. She is absolutely a grear pleasure to be with. I am visiting her again very soon for perfect moments. As Philip says Nina is an Angel on this planet.
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