I have traveled the world for a lifetime, enjoyed every indulgence in life. I have spend countless hours in the arms of amazing courtesans in every corner of this globe. Nowhere have I found better company than in Kyiv, Ukraine - a country now swept into a horrific war. There I found an angel, among the most gorgeous women one can imagine; sweet Marina. Over the past six years, I have come to return to her more times than I can remember. We have had the most elegant of dinners followed by nights of intense “vanilla”. We have gone to “parties” together, she caring only for me, making me feel like a King. We explored the kinkiest play one can imagine, often with additional company Marina supplied. Marina, quiet, elegant, intelligent, exceptionally well-groomed, helped me touch heaven. Last I saw her was in Copenhagen on 18 May, where she, after having stayed in Kyiv through the bombardment, visited on her tour through Europe. Once again, she blessed me with the warmest and most satisfying hours I could ever hope for. Every experience seems like we reach new heights. Marina is a goddess; I am forever thankful that she became part of my journey.
I have traveled the world for a lifetime, enjoyed every indulgence in life. I have spend countless hours in the arms of amazing courtesans in every corner of this globe. Nowhere have I found better company than in Kyiv, Ukraine - a country now swept into a horrific war. There I found an angel, among the most gorgeous women one can imagine; sweet Marina. Over the past six years, I have come to return to her more times than I can remember. We have had the most elegant of dinners followed by nights of intense “vanilla”. We have gone to “parties” together, she caring only for me, making me feel like a King. We explored the kinkiest play one can imagine, often with additional company Marina supplied. Marina, quiet, elegant, intelligent, exceptionally well-groomed, helped me touch heaven. Last I saw her was in Copenhagen on 18 May, where she, after having stayed in Kyiv through the bombardment, visited on her tour through Europe. Once again, she blessed me with the warmest and most satisfying hours I could ever hope for. Every experience seems like we reach new heights. Marina is a goddess; I am forever thankful that she became part of my journey.
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