I tried few girls before, some of which were on top 10 in this website, but no girl was ever like her. She is very beautiful, intelligent, welling to pleasure, and horny. She is taller than how she looks in photos and even more beautiful without makeup (I priorly asked her to not use as I like natural beauty). Every single inch of her body is perfect and hot; her lips are silky, her boobs are firm, her pussy was wet, and her butt is soft. As soon as you enter her room, she literary eats you with kisses and touches. Along the whole meeting, she was more active than a tiger and hotter than sun. She kept asking me to show her my eyes and to talk to her. She came at least 3 times making me feel so sexy for the first time in my life! The other details about what she did to me are secret :P It was awesome sensual experience to say the least. I am meeting her again for sure :)
Greetings fellow seekers of joy and happiness in a virtual world, I have been following this site for some time nowand waiting for Denize quate long time. Her physical appereance and performance in bed are detailed in this forum. All of them and more to those are true. She is amazing. What matters to me most is the intimacy. Does she really loves her job, loves to satisfy men and herself too, does she cares for the needs and acts accordingly?. Those are more important than her age, eye color, boob size, and how long she can take in her throat. In those aspects, she seems not just like a beautiful woman but almost like a genetically designed entity to serve the needs of people, to bring happiness, satisfaction and joy everywhere. She is the most caring and attentive woman I have ever met. The way she touches, hugs and the attention she gives you from the first moment is very different. Its very rare that you can find a woman that loves to be touched, caressed, teased, kissed, and licked so much and reacts so strongly and gets aroused from them. She is like a gift from heaven, and her mission is to provide satisfaction.. She is phenomenal and she will respond to every need with unseen care elsewhere. Meet her if you can, you will have one of the best experiences in your life.
I heard that she was good but didn't expected that good. Sweety, you re amazing.! Angelika isvery polite and fun to be with and I'm overall satisfied with my choice. She is there to please men every way she can. I don't think it's useful to get into particular details about ''services'', I can only say that she does everything with passion and dedication so it's highly unlikely that somebody won't enjoy a meeting with her. Something very important : her hygiene is remarkable, she smells wonderful ! Dear ,Angelika! Thank you for a fantastic meeting, I really enjoyed being with you, both in terms of sex and company! Kisses!!
Vlada is absolutely flawless girl! She is very beautiful. Perfect eyes, legs and ass. I like her company and communication was really good. She understood everything I asked and she is so good in doing it. Being with her is indeed a real pleasure and an unforgettable experience! 100% recommended! A fantastic lady not to be missed!
Very warm greeting, excellent service, great personality, perfect communication, perfect body, spotless hygiene, very warm farewell. Active and energetic, makes you feel good. I came across this beauty by coincidence, it was my lucky day.
If you want to meet ,angels on each take the opportunity to spend time with this beautifl girl !:smile: You wan't be dissapointed! Espesially Berry's service is incredible ! I have the highest regards !
כשראיתי אותה היה לי התקף לב כי היא באמת יפה. היא נישקה אותי מלכתחילה עד הסוף. שלי firends, העצה שלי לך להיות ג 'נטלמן ונדיב לה. אחרי זה היא תהיה כמו חברה שלך. שלא תשכח, בחיים החברתיים שלך קשה להיפגש עם בחורה כמוה. האם אני נפגש איתה שוב? בטח, אני מבלה את כל מה שלי לה!
תודה רבה לך!
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