I have met Sandra 2 times in a week. Sandra is super professional (this is typically not the case with Brazilian shemales). First of all she understand and speaks fluently English, which is a major and helps a lot make a good connection, essential part of good sex. She is hot latin with a great body, big and curvy ass and super boobs which feel very soft when you touch and kiss. Her cock is not very big, but (oh my) it was strong like rock all the time of our meeting. The girl is super horny all the time. Now, in terms of services (I was only active both times), I won't get into much details, but...she made me cum twice in an hour in both meetings we had! 100% success! She is more GFE but she like also soft spanking on her ass when fucking and loves watching you penetrate her in missionary style. One important thing to me is that she was very responsive to my moves and seemed to enjoy as much as I did. While I was fucking her ass she moaned and her breath was heavy. I must say that she is very clean, her room and space are very tidy and clean (apartment is in a very nice location at city center and convenient parking), her lingerie were hot and sexy. She also put a nice make up and parfume which I tasted while I was licking her neck☺️ I loved her face and hair...Sandra for sure looks like an exotic and "special" woman which you need to enjoy guys. So highly recommended from my end! Although, I was active, I think she would easily manage passive guys as well. She loves what she does, she is 1000% pro and she has a passion for meeting men and provide them pleasure.
I do not understand why you don't write your prices as other girls? And why you have different prices in Thessaloniki compared to Athens? Why are prices cheaper in Athens? You think we are victims?
I don’t understand why you think I’m in Athens? The last time I was there a month ago, the prices in Thessaloniki and Athens are the same and I don’t change the prices.
please don't waste my time with empty talk
don't manipulate me and bother me anymore
Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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No answer, is still an answer! Ο νοων νοειτω.
I don't answer in two cases, either you are blacklisted or I had a bad experience before, I’m so popular in commend😁