Real nice girl with great service and sex. One of the best blowjobs and deep throats I had. I would definitely see her again and again. Kiz cok tatli ve cok guzel sevisiyor. Tekrar tekrar gidilebilir hatunun nazi mazi yok. Deep throat baya baya iyi!
Ashley deserves 10 in every scale I can think of, very good English speaker, fun, active and seductive at bed! Long story short a must see woman, I will see her again for sure...
Hello folks, I have gone to Nicol, after so many good reviews. And I must say I am dissapointed . Physical: she got fat and has belly now. She should update her pics, I am guessing these pictures are a few years back. Service: BJ is average, she makes eye contact sometimes which is good, not that good as other reviews claim! The most bothering part for me is, she is like a money factory now, she is more focused on the next customer instead of the current one! and can say 'i need to prepare for the next customer" even you have paid for her time! So in summary, she thinks she is too good Bir de turkce ozet yazarsak arkadaslar: Hatun sizinle birlikteyken diger musteriyi dusunen biri, bu kadar sik gorusme yapmasin o zaman, biraz daha az kazansin ama musteri memnun ayrilsin dimi. Parasini vermissin hatun 15 dakika kala bana bir sonraki musteri icin hazirlancam diyor, bu dupeduz karakoy karisi muhabbeti, bu kadar yourum var, ooo super diye, belli ki kari bozmus, arkadaslarin durustlugunden suphem yok, diyecegim o ki, Nicol eski Nicol degil malesef, belli ki isin falafosu olmus, Iyi yonleri: hatun temiz, havlunuz yerinde, kibar hatun, gogusleri guzel dendigi gibi, ama son kalemde, ben duzgun servis almadigim vakit koy rahvan gitsin.
The room was clean, she didn't wear what I ask of her, but I can live that. BJ is average, she tries deep throat, but can't go all the way. English is beginner level. Warm personality, cheerful girl, you will be comfortable with her. As friends say here "bikere gidilebilir"
She does deep throat, nice blowjob not the best I had, room was clean, but she could be cleaner. Agency kind of rude, I suggest them to be more polite when they respond, looks like they have so many customers, and can lose some...
First of all. Aleksa is real(So does Vera by the way), She is real nice, sexy, active in sex, not a PSE but a GFE, in specific best GFE I had with an escort. We had a misunderstanding with extraball, but when I said, I have asked earlier and they said "yes" about extraball, she didn't insist on "1 time for 30 min" argument of hers. I wish we never had this argument, but I can live with that. Anyway, Aleksa is a must see girl, nice personality, a fit body and good service. Kiss, programmist :P
First of all, you will have no problem communicating and with services. They both are beautiful, since I am into doggy style, I like the Kiti better. Bony knows how to give a massage :winked: Note that only 2 times allowed. Overall, these girls are really welcoming, nice and easy going. I recommend the duo with Kiti and Bony.
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