Me and my boyfriend went on a dirty holiday to a cottage in the counrtyside. It was unbeliveable. The best sex we have ever had as a couple and the best sex i have ever had in my life. We basically got there, had sex, went for dinner on the night, came back had sex for 3 days.
But unfortunely it came to an end and by Monday morning. We were both dressed for our jobs in an office. That Monday lunch time, i got off early. I was feeling very horny so i decided to go to my boyfriends work. He was at his desk so i went over and kissed him, and grabbed his cock. "i fucking horny" i whispered in his ear. "lets go" he said. He went into the toilets. I was so wet. He locked the door behind him. We undressed each other. He was rocked solid. He then turned me around and took me from behind. It was crazy but i loved it. It only took a couple of minutes for me to climax. I screamed and it echoed around the toilets. We kissed and then there was a knock on the door. "any one in there" the voice said. they then walked away. i was frozen with fear . i grabbed my bra and began to put it on, then my boyfriend said "we arent finished".
he put our clothes in a toilet cubical and went in. he sat on the toilet and i sat on top. he fucked me again. i was seconds way from climax again, then 2 people came it the toilets. i tried to hold it in as we both froze again. I but on his shoulder butit wasnt enough. I came there and then letting out a muffled high pitch groan. the conversation they were having stopped. they finished up and left quickly. I am a self confessed cum lover so my boyfriend finished off by coming in my mouth. we got dressed. we exited the toilets and got one or two funny looks. i said goodbye and went back to work.
Tylko dla dorosłych!
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