Well for starters my name is Ashley and I've had these fantasies for as long as I can remember, being raped or watching someone else get raped. Not the porn movie rape either, full blown RAPE. I love the thought of it, someone get used and abused in every way possible.. Them doing any and everything you say because of the fear of losing their life. You can just see the terror in their eyes. Finally a few years ago I met someone, come to find out they shared the same interests as me. We had talked about it so many times, trying to find someone.. A stupid young helpless slut that we could fuck senseless. A girl we could play our sick twisted games with. Finally one night him and myself came up with a plan.. We decided that we would rent a cabin far out in the middle of no where. We even had the girl picked out as well. The girl was my best friends daughter, she is 18 years old and is a good girl by todays standards. I knew for sure that she was a virgin and very stuck up.. She had told me she wanted to wait until she was married to fuck a man, what a stupid cunt. What she didn't know was tonight was going to be her lucky night! She was going to experience what it felt like to be fucked by a man, by a big cock. She was going to have that pussy pumped full of cum.. She was supposed to come over around 3:00pm so we could go "shopping", whenever she arrived I told her we had to wait on Kevin to arrive before we could leave. While we were waiting I asked if she was thirsty.. She replied yes and she would have a glass of whatever was available. I asked if she wanted a glass of wine and it would be our little secret.
[This is my first time ever writing a story, comments are welcomed. If you like my story, please comment and I will begin part 2]
Tylko dla dorosłych!
Ta witryna zawiera nagość, treści o charakterze jednoznacznie seksualnym i język dla dorosłych. Powinny być dostępne tylko dla osób pełnoletnich w fizycznej lokalizacji, z której uzyskujesz dostęp do witryny. Wchodząc na tę stronę internetową, oświadczasz nam, że jesteś pełnoletni i zgadzasz się z naszymi Warunkami. Jakiekolwiek nieautoryzowane korzystanie z tej strony może naruszać prawo stanowe, federalne i/lub zagraniczne. Chociaż Zuzana nie tworzy ani nie produkuje żadnych treści wymienionych w naszych reklamach; wszystkie nasze reklamy muszą być zgodne z naszymi standardami wieku i treści.
Zuzana ma politykę zerowej tolerancji dla pornografii dziecięcej lub nieletnich reklamujących lub korzystających z naszej witryny. Wyrażam zgodę na zgłaszanie wszelkich nielegalnych usług lub działań, które naruszają Warunki użytkowania.
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