Hello! Guys this is the second story that I have wrote. This story contains incest so If you are not comfortable you could leave. Firstly I have given and instruction and the built up the scene. But If you only want to read the part describe sex you can jump to para 5. But I would recommend you to read from story as It will really arose you. Happy reading!!!!!
Hey guys! I am a 20 year old guy. My name is Mike. I live with my family. I live with my mother, father and a very hot young sister Alice. Actually for few past days I am going crazy. My sister is making me go mad. She is so sexy that I fantasize about her every day. I have masturbated a lot imaging her. As young we used to play together and we were like good friends. Now she has grown and her female body is becoming beautiful day by day. She has a good figure and looks very cute.
I definitely always wanted to fuck her. But we had a good relationship. We share our lot of secrets and give advices to each other and help each other in every problem. Hence, I never had courage to tell her what I feel about her as I don’t want to destroy our relationship. I don’t want her hating me for whole life. Last year she caught her boyfriend cheating her, I advised her to breakup with him. And she did so. Ever after she did not make any boyfriend as she now doesn’t have a belief in boys. So, she used to spend time with me more. This made my feeling for her more strong. Now, I could not think about any girl. I have even broken up with my girl friend. She is all over my mind.
Last week something unusual happened, something that I was wishing for. Our grandmother was seriously ill and mom dad had to go to see her.
She said, “Can you comb my hair. Since mom is not there can you do it? Please”.
She added, “Whatever It is you love me and I love you. Let’s just be together tonight”. After listening all this I was going crazy with happiness.
Now, neither she have any boyfriend nor I have any girlfriend. We love each other very much. Our relationship is more strong. And of course we never miss out any chance to have sex. Or I should say that we always find place and time to fuck. Happy fucking!!! Bye!!!
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