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"We'll tell you all about it in the morning, darlings," Laurareplied, brushing her dark hair back from her face with her hand."Right now, Mommie and Don are tired from their trip!" She gave adelicate yawn as if to corroborate this, and whispered into Don'sear again. "I feel all hot and bothered, baby come on!" Don blushed a bright red and stood up. In spite of himself,he realized that he had an enormous erection, and he hoped thekids wouldn't notice. As soon as he could, he turned his back tothem and started toward the bedroom door. It was strange. Thiswas going to be his new home, with a ready-made family to boot.Once more he wondered if he'd thought the whole thing outcarefully enough before deciding to marry Laura ... but as usual,he abandoned it, because it was too late now. Laura jumped upfrom the sofa, and went to kiss the children goodnight.Absentmindedly, she rumpled their hair and patted their heads. "Goodnight, darlings ... see you in the morning!" "Goodnight mother!" Rick and MaryAnn echoed. "Night, Don!" Their faces reflected their curiosity and confusion caused bytheir mother's marriage, and as they watched the newlyweds walkarm in arm into their mother's bedroom, they looked at each othernervously. Rick was only thirteen and his sister a year older, but theyboth had the precocity of extra bright children that comes frombeing largely on their own. Growing up with no father, they hadlearned quickly how to get along by themselves when their youngand pretty mother was at work. But now, things were going to bequite different, and they knew it ... and judging from the way itwas starting out, neither one of them thought they were going tolike it much. MaryAnn went over to turn on the TV and then let her petitebody drop heavily into the big easy chair. Her brother sat on thesofa opposite her, depression making him frown slightly as hewatched the flickering screen. When Laura closed the door behind them she immediately threwher arms around Don's neck, pressing her voluptuous body as closeto his as she possibly could, letting the proud, firm peaks of herbreasts dig sensuously into his chest. She had stopped wearing abra altogether during their honeymoon, expressly for the purposeof inflaming her new husband. And she'd found that it alwaysworked. As his hands moved swiftly up from her waist she heardthe expected gasp that came from his lips as he slid up under herblouse and found her bare golden tanned breasts, just waiting forhis touch. "Oh, baby ..." he murmured. He had felt funny at first doing this while the children weresitting right out in the living room of the small California house.. but now, he rapidly forgot them, and began to concentrate allhis attention on Laura. He'd never known a woman as hungry forsex as she was, and it made him turn into a lust ridden madman,when she would tell him at the most unexpected times that shewanted him ... just had to have him. His ego was happily confusedat the craving his new wife had acquired for him ... but hecouldn't complain. Almost any man would give his eyeteeth to bein his position, he thought now, as he slid his tongue betweenLaura's invitingly parted lips. Her head was tilted back slightlyand her eyes were closed. The dark fringed eyelashes flutteredslightly as his hand dwelled lovingly upon the smooth flesh of hertaut breasts, twisting the nipples softly between thumb andforefinger and making them like hard little balls. Her slender body felt over-warm and moist against him and hewanted to rip his clothes off right then and there. He could feelthe sweat standing out on his forehead as their kiss continued,his tongue probing deeply into her mouth, searching out everyhidden crevice, sucking slowly, methodically, as his penis grew tomammoth proportions against her belly. "Come on ..." he said suddenly, breaking away from her."Come on over here!" Laura, flushed and out of breath, followed her husband. Herslacks and blouse were rumpled from being drenched withperspiration, and she could think of only one thing. Soon, shewould be writhing in naked passion beneath the body of thewonderful man she'd married. Her entire being seemed to long forhim, to belong utterly to him, and she wanted to prove it to himagain and again. It wasn't the way it had been before they weremarried, while they were dating, when Don would have to convinceher to make love with him. And somehow then, even when they didmake love, she had been unable to let herself go completely. Now,it was different. Now she wanted to please him so much, that shecould hardly control herself. Watching him with lust dulled eyes, Laura started to removeher blouse, noting that her new husband, and now, father of herchildren, too was rapidly taking off his clothes. She pulled itoff over her head, and then shook her dark curly hair so that itwouldn't hang in her face. She was naked to the waist and thoughproud of the shapely round, widely spaced, brown tipped breasts,she trembled a little nonetheless under Don's avid scrutiny.Before she had finished undoing her waistband of her slacks, he,completely nude by this time, stepped forward and pressed his facebetween the beautiful melon shaped swellings, running his tonguehungrily from one perfect, erect nipple to the next. Her pale blue slacks slid from her hips to the floor,revealing the round luscious curve of her thighs and hips. Asmooth, gently curving belly topped the inverted crown of thetremulous "vee" between her legs. A profusion of dark curly pubichair glistened through the transparency of bikini nylon pantiesthat started way below her deep set navel. Many people had toldher that she resembled Elizabeth Taylor, and this resemblance wasnot only facial, but physical, for Laura's body was reminiscent ofthe star's at her very best. Laura gasped and caught on to her husband's wagging head, toprevent falling backwards. He was muttering endearing terms intoher breasts, and she could feel a definite tingling around hernipples where his teeth had started to nibble. Her breasts felthot and swollen as though they might explode, and she wanteddesperately to lie down. Right there on the rug if necessary.She pulled backwards a little to make this message clear to herhusband, and as she did so, the smooth bulbous head of his erectpenis bumped against her upper thigh. It grazed sideways alongher leg and then skidded against her panties, right at the fullestpoint of her half hidden pussy. A shudder of desire went through her, and Don let himself bepulled over backwards, grabbing her around the waist to make theirlanding soft. Her back pressing into the rug beside the bed,Laura enjoyed the split second of waiting before Don's muscularbody crushed down upon her. Oh, God, she thought ... this was thebest part! Just the sheer weight of him on me. She feltabsolutely marvelous to be pinned down flat on her back, to havehim hard and lean over her, manipulating her, taking her! Don's hardened penis was excitingly red and stiff as itpressed against his new wife's luscious thigh, and he thought hewould go crazy if he didn't enter her soon. It was as though theyhadn't made love in ages, and yet they had just been at it foralmost an hour that very morning, before catching the plane home.He wanted her every bit as much now as he had then, and hehurriedly hooked his thumbs into the elastic of her flimsypanties, pulling down on them. Laura lifted the full pliant moonsof her lush buttocks up off the floor to assist him, and soon, shelay naked and quivering beneath him. The fabric of the rug feltwarm and prickly beneath the smooth flesh of her buttocks and downbetween her legs, her tender, gently throbbing pussy felt open andvulnerable, just waiting for his hardened cock to worm its wayinside of it. "Oh, Don," she cooed, "oh hurry, darling, hurry!" He was hovering over her now, on his knees, her legs betweenhis spread thighs ... and his long, thick cock pointed straightout from the base of his flat stomach. Looking down at her, hethought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, shelooked like some goddess who was just created for love and nothingelse. Nudging his knees between her long, graceful legs, hespread Laura's thighs as far as he could. She was moaning alittle now, and he enjoyed watching the expression of torment thattwisted her lovely features. His surging penis bobbed obscenelynow, anxious to get on with it, as Don let his fingers wander downalong the soft surface of his wife's flat and trembling belly.Every touch now he knew was sheer agony to her. He would let herwait just for a little while longer. His fingers approached thecurve of her lower belly, and she began to toss her head to andfro on the rug. He intertwined his fingers in the moist curlyhair of her silken pussy, and then spread the small pulsatingpillows of flesh apart. Looking curiously downward, he examinedthe delicate coral pink of Laura's open cunt. Her hips twisted asshe squirmed, pleading for mercy as Don's teasing middle fingerinserted itself among the soft pink lips of her moist, waitingpussy. The thick pad of his finger pressed downward on the tinyhead of Laura's clitoris, and he felt it jump like a frightenedanimal. It twitched, and grew steadily larger beneath therelentless pressure of his finger, until he felt it hardening andbeginning to throb like a little prick ready for love. "Oh, oh, oh!" she cried, as he began a steady flicking motionin the ever moistening opening of her pussy. It was gettingbetter by the second, and Laura was now completely lost in thethroes of mounting pleasure, her face a mask of lustful longing. Perspiration dripped from Don's chest and hair, and he sawthe drops falling upon the velvet peach of his wife's skin. Adrop fell directly between her firm full breasts, and then anotherupon her belly, right near her navel. "Christ, you're gorgeous," he said to her, breathing heavily. The feel of her seeping wet beneath his finger wasincredible. The smooth pink flesh of her pussy slipped andnibbled deliciously until he thought sure he'd have to stop andfuck her right then. But he wanted to continue the unbearableteasing that he knew would make Laura turn into a wild screamingbanshee of lust underneath him. "Kiss me, darling ... kiss me!" she pleaded finally and thewords were like hot coals searing right through him. Quickly hebent to do as she asked and as he did so, he took his swollen cockin one hand and guided it unerringly toward her wide-spread cuntalopening. Removing his fingers from her pussy, he slipped histongue far back in her mouth, and put his arm underneath her atthe waist, pulling upward. At the same time the blood-filled headof his prick touched the tight wet mouth of Laura's vagina, andDon pushed. At first it was too tight, and then it loosened up abit, just enough for the head of his cock to bury itself snuglyinside. "OOOOOOH" Laura cried, bucking her hips upward spasmodically."OH GOD!" Her legs spread still further out on either side of hisbody as her eyes rolled back up into her head. Don grunted and pushed again. He could feel her breasts,smashed against his chest, and her heart, or was it his, poundinghard between them. "AAAAAAAAArgh!" This time the full length of his thick cocksped like a roaring night train straight to the center of herbelly, crashing ahead, pushing the delicate flesh in tiny ripplesof pink before it, continuing onward, unstoppable until the veryend. With a dull thud it landed against the tip of her womb andstopped, pulsing hard and hungry against it. * * * MaryAnn looked over toward her brother when she heard hermother's scream. He didn't look up from the comic book he'drecently opened. Hadn't he heard, she wondered? But then sherealized that was silly. How could he possibly not have heardthat shattering cry? She adjusted her position in her chairuneasily, and for some reason, pulled her short miniskirt down alittle over her thighs. She had started to leave the room to go to bed a few momentsago, but now somehow, she couldn't move. She watched as Rickturned a page of his book and tried to decide whether or not hewas really reading or just pretending. Then suddenly there was avery loud bumping noise coming from the bedroom like somethingbeing pounded into the floor ... and then it stopped ... only tostart again. Rick jumped up from the sofa and stood, trembling in themiddle of the living room. MaryAnn could see that he was terriblyupset ... his face was bright red, and he seemed to have troublebreathing. She herself didn't feel terribly well either. She hadchills running all up and down her back, and she wished she couldthink of something to do or say. The bumping noise was now accompanied by grunts and moansthat drifted loudly through the flimsy plywood door of theirMother's bedroom. "Do ... do you suppose that Mother's all right?" MaryAnnasked, more to break the silence between them than anything else. She knew there was nothing the matter with Mother, althoughshe hadn't been quite so sure at first. She hadn't been to allthose sexy movies in town for nothing ... still and all, those hadbeen movies, and this, well, this was very real! How could Motherbe doing such a thing? She was unprepared for her brother's angry response. Heturned on her almost viciously and cried out, "Of course she's allright, you idiot ... don't you know what they're doing in there?"He stalked over to the TV set and turned it on loud. Still thelewd noises came from behind the door. They seemed to be gettinglouder every minute. Angry and hurt in her turn, MaryAnn replied, "Yes, you ninnie.. I know ... don't forget, I'm a year older than you ... I knowlots of things you don't know ... I know just what they're doing!" Rick was silent. Ears burning, he returned to the sofa,keeping his eyes averted from the bedroom door. "As a matter of fact," MaryAnn continued, warming to herspeech, "I've even done it myself!" At this she stood up, andafter glaring at her brother for a split second, turned and ranfrom the room. As she ran, she could hear her mother's voice. "Oh Don ... oh darling, oh, OH YES, DO IT! DO IT TOOO MEEEEE!Oh honey ... GOING TO CUM, I ... I ... IIIIEEEEEEEEEEE! OH, I'M!" The bumping and scraping and rubbing noises were almostdeafening, and yet, the words came out into the living room withcrystal clear accuracy. Rick sat still, hardly daring to breath. The combination ofwhat was going on between his mother and their new father and hissister's recent words had stunned him. His mind was racing, buthe couldn't even tell what he was thinking. Even as he heard thelast tremulous notes of his mother's climax, he could tell thatthey were starting up all over again. It wasn't over yet, and itmight not be over for a long time! He felt hot all over andlooking down, he was surprised to see a rising bulge in his ownpants. His shorts were tight as it was, but now, his youngthirteen-year-old penis, swollen and bothered, had managed tocreate a great feeling of discomfort down there. MaryAnn had said she'd done it herself! "MMMmMMMMMMMmmm" a steady droning sound now issued from thebedroom, and Rick tried desperately to visualize what washappening. Somehow though he couldn't. He just couldn't reallyimagine his mother doing what all the fellows at school werealways talking about. On the other hand, logically, he saw noreason for her not to ... it was just that he had never thought ofher in connection with ... with fucking! Now all alone in the living room he tried to prevent thecreeping of his hand toward the center of his crotch. But it wasimpossible. His young boy's cock was thick and throbbing and itscramped position in his pants was unbearable. He reached outsuddenly and turned out the lamp on the table beside him. Then,in total darkness, he unzipped his fly. His erect young penispopped out easily from his shorts, and before he had thought aboutit any further he was massaging it lovingly in his hands. It wasoddly soothing at a moment like this, when he didn't quite knowwhere to turn for solace. Everything seemed to be crumblingbeneath him as though someone had opened a trap door on which he'dbeen standing. He'd heard MaryAnn's bedroom door close, so hedidn't expect her to come out again, and as for his mother and hernew husband, well, they were clearly still very much occupied. Fervently his hand moved up and down on his stiffening prick,as Rick let his head fall back on the sofa. Lips slightly parted,eyes closed, he pulled up the encircling foreskin until it coveredthe smooth tip of his penis, then forcefully, he brought it backdown again. Again and again he continued this, something he'dbeen doing every night now anyway. But this time, it wasdifferent. Dull images of writhing naked bodies formed as hismother's cries grew again, rising to a feverish pitch. Hismother, oh mother ... he thought, and in his mind her cries wereuniquely combined with the surreptitious motions of his hand onhis own hardened young cock. The prickly electrical sensationsthat raced through him were heightened at each downstroke, andsomehow, on each downstroke his mother emitted sigh after throatysigh. He'd never really thought of masturbation as evil ...they'd been taught in school that it was not ... but now it seemedtotally illicit to him to be there in his own living room, exposedas he was and feeling feelings he'd never even dreamed of. Yet,could the connection with his mother be all wrong? As far as he'dbeen concerned ... up 'til now, she could do no wrong ... whateverwrong there was, therefore, had to do with Don. Anger welledwithin him, as the reality of the situation dawned on him oncemore ... shaken from his reverie, he nonetheless continuedslipping his fist over his heated penis. It fit so well there inthe palm of his hand, snug and warm, now moistened from theseeping of his excitement. "Oh Don ... don't ever stop fucking me ... don't ever stop.. uuuuuuungh!" Tears sprang to Rick's eyes as he heard the startling words.And enraged and almost at the point of complete breakdown, herammed his foreskin quickly down and then jiggled it up thecomplete length of his penis again, twisting slightly with smallteasing motions when he reached the top. "Oh, no mother ... no ..." something prompted him to say ..."I'll never stop ... I'll never stop!" * * * There was a stretching feeling in Laura's loins as the tightswollen head of her husband's penis pressed up into her. His longthick cock slithered once more up into the depths of her hungrilythrobbing cuntal passage, and the heavy weight of him continued topush down on her. He was taking her with such force that she hadtrouble breathing, but the fire inside her more than compensatedfor any discomfort she felt. She was skewered now to the hilt,her cunt walls aching at the thick round pole of lust-hardenedflesh they surrounded so tightly. Her entire vaginal passage wasconsumed with tormented lust. One orgasm had led to another andnow, she knew she was going to cum again. How was it possible forher to cum still one more time? But she knew she would. She feltit in her entire being with a profound certainty. She moanedslightly and tried to move a little beneath him. He was reallytoo heavy on her ... much too heavy this time. But she could seefrom his lust incited features that she could no longer reach him.. he would do with her what he wanted now. It felt as though hewas fucking her all the way up to the fullness of her breasts!His hands were cupped underneath her smooth undulating buttocks,and she could feel the pain as his knuckles kneaded hard into hertender flesh. She had attained the state of total submission thatshe had hoped for. Within her secret passage ... so carefullyguarded, all those long years of widowhood ... there were no moresecrets from Don's impaling cock. It was what she had wanted,what she needed ... to give herself up completely this way! Shethought that if she were to die at that very moment, she would becompletely happy. Her vaginal crevice grew moister still, and a loud suckingnoise filled the room every time Don slid out and then slammedbrutally back into her helplessly aroused genitals. She felt agigantic shudder race through her, starting curiously at the napeof her neck. It traced downward toward the base of her spine andthen traveled the length of her wide split rectal passage. Fromthere it spread to her vagina and seemed to pause a moment beforeexpanding incredibly within her squirming loins as though it wereabout to burst her into a zillion tiny pieces. She started to cryout, but the sound caught in her throat, as the orgasm increased,moving outward in all directions at once. Sometimes it seemed tobe in her breasts, other times it dwelt upon the bludgeoning headof her husband's cock where it increased and decreased as hecontinued his steady pounding in and out. She felt him growbigger still within her, as though he too, were going to splitapart, and this tiny addition of bulk within her shattering vaginawas enough to dislodge the sound of her voice, as she flailedoutwards with arms and legs, hips and buttocks skidding againstthe rug with each upsurging blow against her convulsing cervix.Wave after wave of dazzling relief, sparkling lights of hotincandescent fireflies, inundated her straining body. Moans ofincredulous wonder escaped her lips as every second she thought itwould end, but, impossibly the orgasm continued. She was fallingthrough the night, lost in space somewhere, totally weightless.Desperately, her satiny vaginal walls clasped tighter around herhusband's enormous penis. Warm liquid was spreading wetly inside her widely stretchedcunt and Don's voice joined hers as she felt his cock pumping ...oh God, what a delicious feeling ... pumping steady streams ofseminal fluid deep into the soft pink folks of her hungrilysucking pussy. When, a short while later, Laura and Don sunk into a mindlessbliss of darkness, drenched and satiated and still clingingtogether, Rick, their son, let loose a hot white stream of cum inthe living room, straight into the air. There was not much yet,but it in no way affected the quality of his climax, for on hislips almost unbeknownst to him, were two names ... his mother'sand then ... strangely, his own sister's. He had never known sucha bittersweet orgasm and although his passion- distorted mind hadknowingly been spurred on by his young mother's love cries, Rickwas still not sure what it all meant.