The following stories are translated by me from a Japanese website.These are represented as actual incidents, but whether that is true orsomebody's fantasies will be left to you to decide.
I'm a 43 year old housewife who is married to a 46 year old companyworker. My son is in 11th grade and is 18 It is just the three of us inour household. My son doesn't really converse much with my husband atall, but he and I can talk to each other about anything and he's reallycute. He had three girlfriends in junior high and messed around withthem as junior high kids do. I know he had sex with at least one ofthem.
This past July, he broke up with his latest girlfriend and couldn't findhimself another one by the time summer vacation (in Japan) rolledaround. It also didn't help that he had a part time job and his chancesof meeting anyone were limited by his working even through his school'ssummer break.
Last Saturday, it was just he and I alone. My husband was at work. Forthe purpose of this confession, I'll call my son Ryo. At a little after10 a.m., he finally got up and was on his way to go take a bath. He sawme in the living room watching tv and, totally naked, he walked into theliving room. I hadn't seen him naked since he was little. My eyesreflexively drifted down to his cock and I couldn't take my eyes off ofit until he was right in front of me. As he walked toward me, his penisslowly swung back and forth. It was a big one!
"At least put on some underwear!" I scolded him.
"Mom, what do you think of my cock? I need a woman's opinion."
I was speechless. "Mom, why are you being so quiet," he wondered. "Issomething wrong?" "Is there something wrong? I'm your mother! This isembarrassing!"
It was obvious that he had spent the money he earned at his job ongetting circumcised and I remarked on it. "Yeah, I had it done lastmonth. Yesterday was when the doctor said I could start having sex againbut I don't have anyone to do it with." "Why are you saying this to me?You're freaking me out!" I blurted to him. "Okay, having said that,what do you think?"
"Okay, I won't give you my opinion as your mother, but as a regulargirl. You have a nice big cock. As your mother, I'm surprised you havesuch a big one." "Yeah, the doctor said that as long as I was beingcircumcised that I might as well have my girth enhanced, too. He gave mean injection into the head for free." "Didn't it hurt? Are you okay?There aren't any abnormalities, are there?" I fretted. "No, it didn'thurt, but the head is a lot more sensitive. The doctor said I would getused to it.
"Where did he cut it? Are there any scars?" He explained to me where thedoctor made the incision. But while he was doing that, I wanted to seehow big it would get now. "Ryo, I want to see what will happen if Itouch it." "Touch it as much as you want, mom," he permitted. I reachedout and touched the tip of it. It was soft, but I knew that as soon as Iwould hold it it it would become stiff. "Are you okay? It's so hard.Does it feel good?" "If you handle it anymore than that I'll lose it.because I probably have a lot of cum stored up right now." "If that'strue then do you want me do get you off?" Oh my God, mom, that wouldrock! Please do me!" "Okay, sweety. I'll make it feel all better." Istarted to stroke it and it got big and hard. In fact, a lot bigger thanmy husband's. Precum began to drip out of it and I licked it up. "Godmom, that feels amazing." I put his cock in my mouth. I was giving myson a blowjob! I could feel it growing in my mouth and he warned me thathe was about to cum. I kept sucking him and his cockhead swelled andthen he expelled a large, warm load of his semen into my mouth. Ithought it would overflow my mouth's ability to contain it, he came somuch. But I held it in and finished him off. I then swallowed it all inone gulp.
"Mom, that's the first time anyone has swallowed my cum. Usually, theyspit it out." "You're definitely not a virgin anymore because you cameso much. It was delicious, honey." "It felt so good mom. Thanks." "What,do you think I would be fine with just that?" I asked. "You can put itin here, too," I explained, pointing to the area between my legs. "Youwant me to put it in your pussy?" "Yes. I want to see what it would feellike. But let's keep this a secret." "God, I want to do that so much Ican't stand it!" "No problem. I'm super wet right now."
"But at the moment, I want to see your pussy, mom, and eat it." "I'mglad you want to lick me, but please don't be disappointed by it. It's been well used and won't be as nice as that of the young girls you'reused to." "Stop being so modest, mom, and let me see it." "What about mytits?" "I want to see those, too." "It will be so embarrassing exposingmyself to you like this." With that, I removed all of my clothes andstood in front of him naked.
Tylko dla dorosłych!
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