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When I was 12 I got a job delivering milk to households in an area nottoo far from my home in the small west coast town that I grew up in. I’ddone this job for four years, delivering the milk in plastic sachetssix mornings a week, on one evening a week I would go round all thehouses on my route and collect the money for the cost of the milk plusdelivery. Being the mid-seventies the pay wasn't that great but therewas always the chance of a few tips from customers when collecting themoney, that plus the annual xmas tips added up and I was pretty well offfor a boy of my age. I also had a little side business, the owner ofthe dairy always left more pint sachets than I needed every morning, tomake allowance for spillages and the odd morning I would be stopped by ahouseholder who wanted their milk delivered. I'd add them to my route,delivering theirs from the extra pints I was provided with and pocketingthe cash they'd pay me when I went to collect, it added up if you hadhalf a dozen such customers, each was only £3 - 4.00 a week but since Iwas only paid £6.00 by my boss it was worth the risk.
Like every teenage boy I had fantasies about scantily clad ladiesopening their door early in the morning just as I was delivering theirmilk, no such luck, the best I’d get would be the man of the house inhis vest and work jeans complaining that I was late and should havedelivered his milk earlier so he could have his breakfast before leavingfor work, how they thought a 18 yr. old could be bothered to get up at6am so they could have their cereal before catching the bus to theirworkplace at 7am was beyond me ? All my classmates were still in bed at8am, catching the 8.30am bus to school, I thought getting up at 7am wasearly enough.
I'd spent the several years on my route without seeing so much as a bitof thigh and only had a month or two left on the job as the summer andmy 16th birthday approached, I had considered keeping the job if I wasgoing back to school after the summer but circumstances dictated that Inever returned to school and left there and the job to enter theworkf***e before the summer ended. It was the week before my 16thbirthday or "LEGAL" as we used to say, using all our male bravado whenreferring to a girl we found particularly attractive, boasts about howwe would "shag the arse off her" once she was legal, empty boasts everyone, but you had to at least play the part, besides, I wasn't interestedin girls my age, hard to believe I thought them immature when it wasquite the reverse, we were the immature ones, sexually, intellectually,everyway ! But they held no fascination for me, the ones with big girltits were just that, big girls, fat, I was barely 9st soaking wetmyself. Others who were physically developed were not the most pleasingon the eye; "growlers" was one endearing term we used. No, I was moreattracted to older women and by older I didn't mean in their twenties orthirties, I was attracted to ladies in their forties and older, thoughto be honest I would have been grateful for any age "from nae hair togrey hair" as we used to say, and we were not referring to their heads.There was a few in particular on my route that had caught my eye overthe years, I rarely saw them early in the morning but they were the onewho would always answer the door and pay their weekly bill when I wentto their door, but as this was always in the early evening they werealways fully dressed. It didn’t stop me ogling their backside as theyretreated back into the house to get their purse after answering myknock on the door, or trying to get a look at their tits as theyrummaged in the purse for the correct money.
Chitchat was almost always kept to a minimum during such transactions, Iwas only the milk boy, grownup weren’t prone to becoming involved incasual conversation with someone my age and besides their favouriteprogram was probably on TV or they were in the middle of their eveningmeal when I arrived on the doorstep. There was however a group of housesinhabited by families which for one reason or another always seemed tohave male "visitors". There was an airf***e base a few miles out of townand at this time it was also used by American airf***e and Navy Seals,they used the surrounding area for training, it was always rumoured thatthe first stealth fighters had used the base due to our remotelocation, geographical surroundings and long runway. From time to timeone or more of the doors I knocked in this stretch of homes would beanswered by a young American serviceman, I always looked forward to suchoccasions as they were great tippers, from time to time the tip wouldvastly exceed the bill for the milk, it was not unusual to be handed aten pound note for a four pound bill and be told to keep the change.
It was rumoured that at least two of the females of these houses werelittle more than prostitutes, not strictly true, yes they had sex withthe Americans and yes the Americans were very generous to them but itwasn't a cash for sex transaction for these ladies. There was ahard-core locally of a few dozen, were girlfriends of these guys, therelationships only lasted as long as they were stationed at the base butover the years dozens did marry and move to the states, more than a feware still married to this day some thirty years or more later, somemarried, left, divorced, came home, married again, then repeated theprocess, a few stayed stateside, a few, now in their fifties havereturned home over the years after at least two failed marriages toservicemen. The girlfriends in question on my route did not interest me,for a start they were in their early twenties, some even older andsecondly and more importantly they were not particularly attractive,some downright plain. No, it was the mothers who caught my eye.
One in particular was to my young eyes simply stunning, thinking backnow, she was more than pleasing on the eye, not plain but nottraditionally beautiful either, what fascinated me was the way shelooked and dressed. She was like a throwback to the 1950's, jet blackbeehive hairdo, tight pencil skirt with plain white blouse and shealways seemed to wear a fake leopard skin coat, long black lashes andbright red lipstick, to my young eyes she looked like a cross betweenElizabeth Taylor and Isabella Rossellini, as they looked in cat on a hottin roof or blue velvet, to my 16yr old eyes she was hot and sexylooking.
One night she came to the door instead of her daughter or her daughter'sAmerican "friend" .On this night she made Smalltalk, I put it down tothe alcohol I could smell on her breath. She asked me my name, said sheknew my f****y, it’s a small town, everyone knows everyone, I’d havebeen more surprised if she hadn't known my f****y. She asked what age Iwas and I told her I would be 18 in a few weeks, this being thebeginning of June 1978. “ I’llneed to give you an extra special tipnext week for yourbirthday” she replied, I had to stop myself laughingas she'd never ever given me a tip, neither had her daughter, variousservicemen had tipped me but never the woman or her daughter, I’d neverseen her husband, I didn't even know if there was one ? It turned outthat there wasn’t, he had died when the boat he was on sank in 1965,leaving her to bring up two small girls on her own. I didn't hold outmuch hope for a tip the following week.
I put the whole incident out of my head that night as I finished therounds collecting payments from the remaining homes on my route, I’dforgotten all about it by the time I delivered her milk the followingmorning, and on subsequent mornings for the next week. A week passed andI was out on my evening rounds collecting payments once again, I wasn’tuntil I was about to knock on the door that the promised tip once againentered my head.I wondered if she’d even remember the shortconversation of the previous week. Quickly deciding that she wouldn’tand that in all likelihood she wouldn’t even answer the door herself, Iknocked.I say knocked but I had only raised my fist to give the door arap when it was opened from within. It was the daughter, dressed by thelook of things for a night on the town.
“I’m in a bit of a hurry” she said before I could even open my mouth,“could you come back next week, I’m just on the way out” It was more astatement of fact rather than a request, she wasn’t asking, she wastelling, again, before I could answer, the mother’s voice came fromwithin the house. “Is that the milk-boy?” I could hear her call frominside the house, “tell him to come back once he’s finished hiscollections and I’ll pay him myself. “Rather than wait for the daughterto repeat her mother’s request I just told her I’d heard and I’d be backin an hour for the money, then I left. The home was in a three storeyblock and I had two other customers on the floors above so I took thestairs to the next floor, the daughter’s voice echoing from the landingbelow, telling her mother that I’d be back later, I heard the door slamand the sound of the daughter’s heels disappearing into the distance as Ireached my next customer’s door. I almost forgot to go back, it wasonly the fact that I had to pass close to the building on my way homethat reminded me that I’d said I would return, “a lot of bother for whatwill probably be a pretty small tip” I thought to myself as I enteredthe building and headed for the door, I was already pretty fed up withthe trek through several neighbourhoods that evening and was ready forhome, I still had some last minute schoolwork to catch up on which hadto be handed in before the end of the week. I knocked at the door.

“Come in, the door is open, close it behind you” came a female voice inreply to my knock. Unusual I thought, I’d never been invited into acustomer’s home before? Even if they had to go and look out a payment Iwould always be left standing on the doorstep, regardless of the weatherconditions. Unsure of why I was being invited in, I entered the house,closing the door behind me. It was pretty dark in the house; the hallwaywas practically in complete darkness, the only light coming from a roomon the left which I took to be the living room. “In here” came thevoice from the same room, the door, half open gave no clue as to whatlay inside. “Too d***k to get out of her chair” I thought to myself as Iapproached the door, by now sure there would be no tip, probably nopayment at all, just an excuse about why she couldn’t pay me that night.I pushed the door open as I entered the room, my eyes adjusting to thelight after the darkness of the hallway; I wasn’t seeing the usualtrappings of a f****y room. What I saw was a bed, a large double bed;the light was coming from a lamp on the far side of the room, on adresser against the opposite wall. I couldn’t make out much detail otherthan the bed, the dresser and the light, then I noticed a slightmovement from the direction of the bed.
“Good, you came back , you didn’t think I had forgotten your birthdaytip did you ?” came a voice from the bed, several thoughts raced throughmy head, all accompanied with a large gulp of air, my mind went from“She’s d***k” to “She wants me” back to “she’s d***k” in quicksuccession.The d***k option winning easily, wishful thinking on themiddle option was the stuff of pipedreams or more likely wet dreams for aboy my age.I had no idea what age the lady of the house might be buthad previously surmised that as the daughter was at least ten yearsolder than me; she would have to be in her early to mid-forties atleast? By now my eyes were growing more accustomed to the light and Icould now make out the shape of her as she lay on top of the bed,propped up on a couple of pillows, I could make out the trail of smokefrom the lit cigarette which she was holding in her right hand, herleft, gesturing me to come closer. I shuffled a few short steps closer,stopping at the foot of the bed, trying to look but equally not looking.“Put your bag on the chair and come closer, sit down” her right handwaving in the direction of a chair at the foot of the bed, her leftpatting the bed beside her. I took the moneybag off my shoulder, set itdown on the chair and took another couple of steps closer to where shelay on the bed. “Come on, don’t be shy, I won’t bite you, not unless youwant me to?”
Even from within the haze I’d been in since entering the room I stillremember thinking how corny that had sounded. Two more steps took me tothe head of the bed, where I stopped, still staring at the hand that waspatting the empty space on the bed, desperate not to make eye contact,even more so trying not to let my eyes wander towards her prone figure, Istill hadn’t noticed what she was wearing. “Good boy, now sit downbeside me, you do want your birthday tip, don’t you?”Now I looked upand got my first glimpse of what she was wearing, for a boy of fifteenthe sight was breath-taking, she was wearing a flimsy nightie, almostcompletely see through, short, reaching barely the top of her thighs,even then I could just make out in the dim light that she was wearing nounderwear, no knickers, no panties, no bra! I’d never paid muchattention to her breastsbefore, he hairstyle being her commandingfeature when clothed, although I must have noticed her breasts, theywere impossible to miss, they were big, not too big, just big, insubsequent encounters when she was clothed I often wondered how I couldhave missed them ? They were magnificent, firm, perfectly formed; Icould make out her nipples as they poked at the thin material, pushingit out an extra half inch at least. “She leant away from me to put thecigarette in the ashtray on a bedside table on the other side of thebed, allowing me to watch as her breasts swung away from me, her leftbuttock lifting from the bed, taking the flimsy nightie with it, hernaked thigh and buttock exposed to my view.
I guess I must have let out a small gasp, hopefully an appreciative oneas I heard her chuckle, “Take your coat off, and your shoes and makeyourself comfortable” she said as she turned back towards me, I did, butcomfortable I was not, I sat on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor,my back turned away from her, not daring to look at her magnificentbody again lest I turn to stone. Using my adult knowledge of the femaleform I’d say she was something like a 38, 26, 40, and curved in all theright places, big beautiful titties, not too slim in the waist but with aflat belly for her age which I later found to be 46 at our time ofmeeting and a great big tight beautiful ass, bootylicious I think they’dcall it these days.
At this point all I was studying was my feet, wondering if my socks wereclean. Then I felt her hand on my shoulder, both hands, rubbing my slimboyish shoulders, I still hadn’t grown to anywhere near my adultheight, standing only five foot nine and weighing no more than nine and ahalf stone, she was bigger than me, no doubt about that.
The feel of her touch on my shoulders was like the best feeling I’d everfelt, can’t get better than this I thought, how wrong I was, I can’thonestly say that I was even aroused at this point, stunned would bemore accurate, my mind was racing, wondering if she’d let me touch herbig titties, if I’d get a glimpse of her pussy, infantile juvenilethoughts of your average fifteen year old virgin. As these thoughtscompeted for space in my head I felt her hands move from my shouldersdown over my chest, at the same time I could now feel her nipples pokinginto my back as I felt he shuffle closer to me as I sat stone like onthe edge of the bed. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck,smelling the faint whiff of whisky, “I told you I had a birthday tip foryou, and I’ve made sure we have plenty time for you to enjoy it” shewhispered as I now felt her tongue flicking against the back of my neck,working its way round to my right earlobe which she took between herlips, sucking lightly on it, her hands having now found my nipples,fingers doing little circles round them, I was surprised to feel themharden, and an exquisite sensation run between my earlobe and nipples,the hairs on the back of my neck on end, it was only now I realised thatI was getting hard, harder than I’d ever been before, I’d beenmasturbating since I was twelve and my cock had grown over the years to arespectable seven inches, like most boys my age I’d measured it ! Butnow? now it was much harder than any porn mag or my ragged copy of thehappy hooker had ever managed to make it.
I didn’t dare breathe in case I broke the spell or ruined the moment, Ididn’t know what she intended, would she change her mood if I daredmove, or tried to touch her? Would she come to her senses and throw meout? I was afraid to tempt fate, I need not have worried. I couldn’thelp but arch my neck backwards, so amazing was the feel of her lips andtongue on my neck and earlobe, her right hand slid further down mychest puling my T-shirt from the waistband of my jeans, before returningto join the left attending to my now bared chest and hardened nipples,then down, tracing a line with her finger towards the top of my jeans,as far as she could reach until her hand touched the denim covered headof my hard cock, straining against the buttons and confines of myboxers. I felt her hot breath as she found my hard cock with her hand;she murmured a little “mmmmm” in my ear as she ran her fingers over theoutline of my shaft. Her lips returned to sucking greedily on my lobe asher fingers found the top button of my jeans, popping it open withease, I still had not moved, I still had not spoken a word sinceentering the flat. Another button popped, freeing some of the strain mycock had been feeling, I sighed with relief, arching my back even more,allowing my ass to raise slightly from the bed. She took control,undoing the remaining buttons and worked the jeans down over my thighswhere they fell to the floor.
She eased me backwards so I lay flat across the bed, her big titsswinging above me, blocking out what little light there was in the room.She sat back upright and I heard her slip the short nightie over herhead, heard it land with a whisper on the bedroom floor. I could feelthat my cock had escaped the confines of my boxers and was now plainlyin her sights.“Right now young Scott, you just lie back and let yourauntie Linda give you a delicious birthday blowjob” Of course she wasn’treally my aunt but it didn’t half sound dirtier and made me harder ifthat was possible. Leaning forward over my head she took my cock in herright hand, giving it a few slow strokes before I felt her spit trickledown onto the mushroom head, her hand drawing the foreskin back beforejoy of joys, I felt her lips enclose around it for my first everblowjob. The slurping noises she was making as she sucked my shaft deepinto her throat sounded so loud in the confines of the room that I wassure the whole building would be able to hear, a gagging gurgling noiseas her mouth reached the base of my cock, then the slurp as she suckedher way back up the shaft, all the while her tongue flicking andlicking, an act my teenage brain could hardly take in.
How did she manage to do that? obviously she’d sucked a lot of cocks inher time and even to my untrained mind I realised that I was luckyenough to not only be getting my first ever blowjob, but to be receivingit from a master or should that be mistress in the art ?

By now my fear of being discovered by a member of her f****y had beenreplaced in my brain by the desire to not only enjoys it but to make themost of it, I now had an overwhelming urge to watch! I wanted to seewhat she was doing, I couldn’t believe my brain, now I wanted to watchwith my own eyes, not just imagine what it looked like? It already feltso good, my best ever wank had never come anywhere close, I wanted towatch her suck me, I needed to watch, in hindsight I think it was thedesire to see, to witness this amazing experience that was preventing mefrom shooting my load down her throat. I’d masturbated often enoughthat I knew how to prolong the experience, when to ease off and slow thepace to make it last longer, to know the signs that told me I was closeto Cumming, right now I was completely under her spell, she was incontrol, while I didn’t want to cum to quickly I was reluctant to speakand break the spell, fearful that if I did speak she might come to hersenses and realise what she was doing and throw me out unsatisfied. Icould feel the muscles in my thighs involuntarily contract as thesensation became more intense.
Linda was quick to pick up on this and eased off on the deep throat jobshe was performing on my dick. Letting my cock slip from her mouth shestarted to slowly lick my shaft, then my balls and inside of my thighs.After a few minutes of this she raised her head from the depths of mygroin and kissing the tip of my cock whispered “Don’t want my milk boyto make an early delivery of his cream now, do we?” Then it was as ifsomething occurred to her, she sat up, shuffled round on the bed untilshe could look me in the eye and said “When do you need to be home?” “About half nine I suppose” I answered, trying to think what time itwould be at this point, not wanting to give her too early a time. “Mmmm,it’s just gone eight now, that gives us a good hour, I reckon a hornyyoung man like you can manage at least two nice big loads in that time,can’t you?” It was more a statement than a question and although Iwanted to say yes, I was too busy trying to guess what she had in storefor me in that hour to reply. I didn’t need to, she’d already made thedecision for me, “This is your first ever blowjob is it not, my littlevirgin milk boy?” She asked. “Yes” I replied, quickly deciding thathonesty was the best policy. “In that case I bet you’ve never eaten apussy either, so that’s what you are going to do, just as soon as Itaste your fresh young load of cum. “She leant across me and arrangedthe pillows in a heap at the head of the bed, taking one in her hand shetold me to move up onto the bed proper and make myself morecomfortable. “Stick this one under your cute bum for me Scott, then youcan watch as Auntie Linda takes your big load of hot cum in her mouth”She said in the sexiest voice I’d ever heard, not hard considering myage and the fact nobody had ever sucked my cock before, far less told methey intended to swallow my load, but to this day I’ve never had anyonetalk to me in such a manner to such effect, I very nearly came on thespot at the sound of her voice and the implications of what she intendedto do.
Once I’d made myself comfortable Linda got to work, she could have hadme shooting my load in seconds if she’d wanted to but she was soconfident that she had time for her plan to be successful that insteadof wanking me with her hands or returning to the blowjob she’dinterrupted a few moments earlier, she crawled up between my legs andleaning forward she engulfed my throbbing cock between her beautifultits. A tit-wank, the stuff of every schoolboys dreams, “All that’smissing is the soap” I thought to myself, a favourite comment among boysmy age when spying a girl or woman with big tits was “I’d love a soapytit-wank from that pair of puppies”
Youthful bravado, none of my friends had ever experienced such adelight, that I knew for a fact despite the odd boast, it wascommonplace at the time especially among older teens and guys I knew whowere even into their twenties who used to tease us younger lads withquestions about our virginity and boasts about their own conquests. Afew I knew who worked in the same job as my father would even try toembarrass me by saying this about my own motherwho was six yearyounger than Linda, they’d say the same about the girl who lived nextdoor to one of my grans who was 21 and had been babysitting for me andmy b*****rs since she was f******n, she was a really beautiful blondeand wouldn’t have given them a second glance, it was her that I had beenpicturing during my first experiments with wanking as a twelve yearold. She was still my favourite fantasy fuck for years after that too,even now in her mid-fifties she is still my fantasy “older woman” stillas beautiful as ever.

These abstract thoughts racing through my head were enabling me to delaymy climax such was the pleasure I was experiencing as she wanked mewith her titties, or rather, I gave her a titty-fuck, raising andlowering my hips to fuck those creamy globes. Linda would stick out hertongue to lick the tip of my cock as it drove its way up between hertits before sucking on the head as if it was a lollypop.
I was growing braver by now and reached out to touch her tits for thefirst time, taking a nipple in each hand and rolling it between fingerand thumb. Linda manuevered so that I could continue to play with hernipples as she again took my cock into her mouth. This was a bit hard todo the way I was lying so I sat up a bit bending my knees and leaningforward to get better purchase on those big hard nipples, I wasdesperate to suck them. Now at last I had a great view of Linda suckingmy hard cock.I managed to rest my upper body weight on my elbows sothat I could watch her titty-fuck my cock and play with her nipples atthe same time, an experience that was short lived when she moved againto suck me, taking those fabulous globes out of reach of my outstretchedarms, and in the process blocking my view with her hair. All I couldsee was the top of her head and I noticed that the roots of her hairwere actually grey! I tried to move her hair out of the way so I couldget a better view but without success. Linda must have realised that herhair was in the way because she stopped for a second to move herposition so she was kneeling at 90 deg to my prone body, giving me amuch better view.
What happened next was one of the sexiest sights I’ve ever had, even tothis day. As she started to lick her way up and down my shaft she turnedher head to look at me, giving me a great big smile, then she kissedthe head of my cock and looking me straight in the eye, mouthed “Thankyou” before planting yet another kiss and licking from one side of mycockhead to the other, muttered “Sweet young pre-cum” to herself andswallowed my whole cock in one go. The sensation was almost too much tobare, I was still desperately trying to prevent myself from cumming,wanting this to last as long as possible, until that was I rememberedthat I didn’t have the luxury of time and had still to be initiated intothe world of pussy eating and maybe even, if I was lucky, a full blownfuck, a chance to lose my virginity, have my cherry plucked, my night tobecome a man, in the words of local parlance “give her a good seeingto”. To use a line from the film“a****l House” released that sameyear, which I’d yet to see but which to this day is still a favourite,“Fuck her brains out, suck her tits” I wanted to do both, all three infact, but first I wanted to eat that pussy.
Linda was really going to town on my cock, the sensation of her tonguelicking the underside of the shaft as her lips created suction, I couldfeel the head of my cock rubbing against the roof of her mouth as shetook the whole length into her throat, then a completely new sensation,she was licking my balls when my cock was deep in her throat, how shemanaged this feat still puzzles me to this day, never mind the fact shewas deep throating me with ease, I gag when I brush my teeth, mine wasobviously not the only cock she’d ever sucked, probably not even thefirst cock she’d sucked that week !. I dare say that if I’d been anAmerican serviceman I would have been paying for the privilege.
Linda seemed to be really enjoying herself, if not she was making a veryconvincing job of pretending to enjoy it. I would happily have spentthe rest of the night in this position but after about five minutesLinda stopped and asked me what the time was? That brought me back toearth without the bump, I looked at my watch and told her it was aquarter past eight, “Better get a move on” she replied before once againburying her face in my crotch and proceeded to suck one of my ballswhile pumping my cock with her left hand. I haven’t been blessed withthe biggest balls in the world and when I was sixteen they were not yetfully developed, so it was no surprise when she took both into her mouthat the same time and started to suck on them like they weregobstoppers.It was actually quite painful, I didn’t want to cry outbut she felt me flinch and eased off on the ball sucking, rolling themaround in her mouth with her tongue, now this I loved, I ceased allattempts to delay my climax any longer and relaxed myself for what layahead.

I could feel my balls tighten in Linda’s mouth, she felt it too and letthem plop out of her mouth with a final slurp. “Time for you to giveyour Auntie Linda to get your cream” she said, winking at me and takingmy cock in both hands she started to up the tempo. My neck was gettingquite sore as I strained to watch her wank me, licking the head of mycock as it started to get even bigger, throbbing, the pulse from my cockwas travelling up my body, I could even feel it in the back of my neck!. My whole body tensed as I could feel the moment of climax approach,“Would you like to see me take you’re cum in my mouth, or do you want tocum all over my face”? she asked. I’d read about women who liked a manto cum on their face in my well-worn copy of Xavaria Hollander’s bookThe Happy Hooker, never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever meet awoman who offered to let me do it. “Yes please” I answered, forgettingthat it was an either or question.“Both, you are a dirty boy” Lindalaughed “I’m sure a horny young boy like you has plenty of spunk tosatisfy both our wishes” she continued, increasing the pace of herwanking as she lowered her mouth back onto my cock. I couldn’t hold backany longer, I could feel that my load was about to blow at any momentand tried to relax my whole lower body to allow nature to take itscourse. My head was spinning with the sensations that were runningthrough my body, “Here it comes” I cried as I felt my balls practicallyexplode.
Linda positioned her face above my cock, awaiting the first blast ofcum, I didn’t disappoint as the first spurt blasted her between theeyes, Linda flinched, which meant the second spurt shot straight intothe air, it must have been three foot in the air before it dropped with asplash on the back of Linda’s neck, it would have landed on her beehiveif she hadn’t already recovered and engulfed my cock with her mouth totake the third, then fourth, fifth and sixth spurts of my hot cum. I’dnever cum so much in my life, nor seen my load shoot high into the airbefore. I was still Cumming, smaller spurts as my arse cheeks tensedwhile I tried my best to keep Cumming, my head was spinning, I feltquite faint, my whole body was twitching and shaking as I had my firstreal orgasm.
Only now could I feel that my climax was easing off, my body relaxed,until Linda’s tongue rolled around the head of my cock, dipping the tipinside my japs eye. It was like electric shocks running throughout mybody, the touch of her left hand as she caressed my stomach and chesteventually finding my right nipple, my nipples have always been verysensitive, no more so than on that very first night. I could feel mycock begin to soften in Linda’s mouth as she eventually gave it one lastsuck and let it slip from her mouth to land with a thud on my lowerbelly.Linda sat up and moved closer to me, hovering over my body, shesmiled at me and opened her mouth to let me see it full of my cum, thenshe let it dribble from between her lips, running down her chin to droponto my belly and chest . “Thank you darling that was the biggest loadof cum I’ve ever taken and such a lovely taste too” She lowered her faceand kissed me, her tongue probing my mouth, I could taste my own cum,can’t say I shared her obvious love for it. Linda broke away from thekiss and proceeded to lap up all the cum from my body, I swear she waspurring like a cat as she did it. Before too long she’d completed hertask, smacking her lips she looked up at me and said “Now it’s your turnto taste Auntie Linda.
Linda instructed to get up from the bed, something I had a littletrouble doing for a few seconds seeing as the experience I’d just gonethrough had left me quite weak at the knees. I was bathed in sweat, myhead still spinning from that first ever orgasm, quite out of breath. Mynormally shy demeanour had returned and I was suddenly aware of mynakedness as I stood at the side of the bed, Linda had no reservations,as she passed me a pillow, saying “Here, kneel on this; it will savethose skinny little knees of yours.” I must have looked very awkward,standing there naked with a pillow in my hands, feeling suddenlyself-conscious I was holding the pillow in front of myself, hiding mynow deflated hard-on. This didn’t stop me taking the opportunity tofinally get a really good look at Linda’s naked body. To my sixteen yearold eyes she looked magnificent, a vision of perfection, she wasn’twhat you would call slim, full figured would describe her body better,those big beautiful breasts, which had seen better days I suppose andwere beginning to sag slightly, her waist, a bit too thick if you werebeing ultra-critical, not fat, but showing the merest signs of a paunch,or “grunt” as we call it in this country (gut hanging over the cunt),but definitely not fat, just an inch or two thicker than would be calledperfect. Her hips and ass? mmmmmm, I think that’s where my lifelonglove of a nice big ass came from, the Beyoncé or J-Lo bootylicious butt.Nice wide hips, beautiful round ass, still high and firm, not headingsouth that’s for sure.
I hadn’t realised that I was still standing there staring until Linda’svoice broke the spell her naked body had cast over me, “Are you goingto stand there staring or are you going to lick my cunt “? This broughtme back to the present, my line of vision switched to Linda’s face as mybrain took in what she was saying.
Linda swung her body round so that she was lying across the bed with herknees on the edge, feet dangling, legs spread wide enough for me tokneel in between them. “Get on your knees and lick my pussy, there’s agood boy, I sopping fucking wet down there and really need to cum beforemy head blows off” Never one to decline to do as and elder told me Idropped the pillow on the bedroom carpet and kneeled on it, resting ahand on each of her thighs. Just touching her naked legs was enough formy young cock to start twitching, I’d never experienced consecutive hardon's before but then I’d never been with a naked woman before either,this moment alone was beyond anything I’d ever dreamed of, here I waskneeling between the naked thighs of a woman, staring at her obviouslywet pussy. Linda’s pussy hair was neatly trimmed, shaved around herpussy lips with what would now be called a “landing strip” of pubic hairabove.
I thought all pussies looked like this and would find out in laterconquests and relationships that this was not the case, it was theseventies after all, still the era of the natural bush, by the time theshaven pussy became more fashionable I would be fucking women who’dgrown up during a different kind of bush era and still sported a fullblown jungle covering their cunts. Younger men don’t know how lucky theyare these days, not having to hack their way through a forest of hair,or experience a hairball stuck in the back of their throat after eatingout their lady, even worse the pubes stuck between the teeth or what weused to call “fanny rash” a redness of the lower face which was a signthat someone had been having themselves a “prawn sandwich” named afterthat lingering aroma of pussy juice which resembled the smell of acertain brand of prawn flavoured potato crisps.
Linda reached between her legs and used her fingers to spread her pussylips, giving me a close up view of the wet pinkness within. I was still abit apprehensive, unsure what was expected of me, she’d told me to lickher pussy so that’s what I did. I bent my head close to that elusiveprize, getting my first whiff of the smell of pussy, not too bad Ithought, I could get used to it, I nervously poked my tongue out to havemy first tentative taste of pussy, that treasure, the dream of nearlyevery young boy who’s ever wanked reading a dirty book or jizz mag. I’dseen my first pussy in a damp copy of Penthouse found under a bush nearmy home when out playing with mates when I was about eleven, it wasamazing, the stuff of dreams and boyhood bragging. It wasn’t until acopy of a Dutch mag came into my possession by similar means, found inan abandoned house we used to play in, that I realised that thePenthouse was pretty tame, this mag had cocks, women sucking them, beingfucked by them, big hard cocks shooting what looked like gallons of cumall over their faces, from that day on I always preferred to look atcumshots, fuck pics didn’t really arouse me but show me a pic of a womantaking a load on her face and it was an instant boner. The first sightof a man taking a load on his face didn't happen until for many yearsuntil the advent of the internet, that gave me a boner too! I just lovelooking at and watching cumshots, I hadn’t realised as I knelt betweenLinda’s legs that she still had my cum all over her face.
I gave her pussy a few tentative licks before looking up at her faceseeking approval, only then did I notice the long streak of cum whichwas zig zagging across Linda’s face, Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust entered myhead, her eyes were closed and she was playing with her nipples, sherealised I’d stopped and opened her eyes, lifting her head to see what Iwas doing. “Am I doing it right ?” I asked. “You are doing just finebaby” she replied, “Just you go for it, get your tongue and lips inthere, lick and suck like your life depended on it”. She lowered herright handed and placed a finger on a hard looking little lump hiddenunder the top of her pussy lips, I say little but it must have been overhalf an inch long. “This is my clit, honey, suck and lick this andAuntie Linda will soon be Cumming buckets” That’s all I needed, a bit ofinstruction, no sooner had she lifted her finger from her clit than Iwas straight in there. I took the hard clit between my lips and gave it asuck, Linda moaned, a series of Oooh's and Aaaahs and deep growls that Ifound a real turn on, and gave me another idea, I’d nibbled her nipplesand she’d liked it, why not try nibbling on her clit ?. As soon as Itook her clit between my teeth and flicked my tongue across it, adding alittle pressure to the bite the effect was immediate. “That’s it baby,that’s it, nibble on my clit, suck it, lick it, bite it, make me cumbaby”.
FUCK! I thought, this is amazing, I thought I was an instant expert, ittook a while to realise that all women were not the same, not all clitswere the same, some were harder to get off the starting block and on theroad to a climax. This clit was a perfect starter’s practice object;Linda was getting really into giving me a master class in making a womancum.
“Stick a couple of fingers in my cunny baby, fuck me with your fingerswhile you eat my clitty” I was a good boy, always did what an adult toldme, it wasn’t easy to do without dislocating my wrist but I managed tostick two fingers into her pussy, she was sopping wet, I thought she’dpeed on my hand, I had a lot to learn. I lifted my fingers to my noseand sniffed, it didn’t smell like pee so I figured I was just mistaken,Linda’s plea “Don’t stop baby, don’t stop, auntie is really close”settled it for me so I went back to work finding her clit with my tongueso I could get it between my teeth again. My fingers also went back towork, I’d managed two in her wet pussy so I tried to get a thirdinvolved in the action, they slipped right in, even though they weregetting in the way of my attempt to nibble and lick Linda’s clit.
I couldn’t figure out how to avoid poking myself in the nose with mythumb so changed my method of attack, swapping a finger for my thumbwhich had two effects. Firstly my thumb was now rubbing the underside ofher clit with each stroke and secondly the finger it had replaced wasnow prodding at her arsehole as I frigged her. By now I was beginning tothrow caution to the wind and decided to be a bit adventurous, I’d seenthe odd picture of women being fucked in their arse and wondered ifLinda had ever given this a try ?. My finger was well coated with herpussy juices which appeared to be flooding from her gaping cunt, so Itried prodding the free finger into Linda’s waiting arse hole. I wassurprised that it slipped in as easily as it did; now I had two fingersand my thumb in her pussy and a finger in her arse. “Oh my God, Scott,that feels fucking amazing, don’t stop, don’t stop, finger that pussy,fuck my arse hole with that finger, oh my God, my clit is on fire, biteit, suck it, suck it harder Scott, I’m going to cum, make me cum baby,make me cum” If I wasn’t already hard then Linda’s pleading and moaningwould have given a dead man a hard on. With my free hand I grabbed holdof my cock and started to wank it furiously, it needed some lubricationso I wiped my palm across my face and chin which were wet with herjuices and returned the hand to my hard cock, slowing down the pace abit, I didn’t want to cum before she did.
Linda must have been close to Cumming, she lifted her leg and dug herheels into my back, crossing her legs at the ankles to try and f***e myface even deeper into her pussy, her thighs were squeezing my head and Iwas finding it increasingly difficult to breath. I tried breathingthrough my nose and practically inhaled her short pubic hair, if shedidn’t cum soon I was going to pass out or hyperventilate. I could tellthe moment was close as her legs were beginning to shake, her whole bodywas beginning to tremble, her heels dug even further into my back,“Don’t stop now, faster, faster” she cried out. I stopped nibbling onher clit and taking it between my lips I sucked for all I was worth,flicking my tongue from side to side as I sucked.What happened nextnearly frightened the life out of me, she came, and came hard, her wholebody shaking, her thighs squashing my head holding it in place, Icouldn’t move, then she started to squirt, hot fluid pumping in shortbursts, once, twice, three times, each one longer than the last,squirting all over my face and chest, I thought for sure that she waspeeing on me this time. It was many years before I discovered that a lotof men would have been extremely jealous that the very first pussy Iever ate belonged to a squirter, can’t say I’ve been disappointed thatI’ve never found another, it’s an acquired taste in some respects andI’ve never been fully convinced that she wasn’t actually peeing on mewhen it happened, that night or on many of the subsequent nights when Iate that otherwise delicious cunt. Every other pussy I’ve eaten hasfailed to live up to Linda, might simply be down to the fact she was myfirst, might even be down to the fact she would squirt at least seventimes out of every ten that I sucked on that beautiful clitty ?.
She seemed to hold me in that vicelike grip for what felt like forever,probably lasted no more than a minute or two as her body continued toshake and quiver, I’d stopped sucking on her clit but was still fingerfucking her furiously, giving her clit an occasional lick. Linda wassoftly moaning, her teeth seemed to be chattering as if she wassuffering from hypothermia, every time I’d lick her clit she’d cry out,“Oh my god, Oh my God, Oh my God” I didn’t know what else to do ?
I’d no idea what was expected of me but she seemed to be liking what Iwas doing, I figured if I was doing something wrong she would havereleased me from her grip by now. I’d stopped stroking my cock andbrought the hand up to run my fingers across her trembling belly, sheseemed to like this as well, I was trying to play with one of her titsbut they were tantalisingly out of reach, it was immaterial some secondslater when Linda relaxed her grip on me and grabbed me by the hair,pulling me up from the floor.
Linda released my hair and sat up to face me, “That was the mostincredible orgasm I’ve ever had in my whole fucking life you sweet boy,you are fucking, fucking amazing. God boy, that can’t be the first timeyou’ve ever eaten a pussy, it just can’t be?” She kissed me, nearlyeating my face in the process, her tongue entering my mouth, working itsway round my teeth before finding my own. I was still a bit out ofbreath but did my best to reciprocate, she sucked on my tongue, then mybottom lip giving it soft nibbles, she was still shaking and our teethkept banging together. Her hands were all over me, rubbing up and downmy back, grabbing my arse cheeks, squeezing them then grabbing my headto pull my mouth closer. I tried to return her urges though I was a bitlimited, just a touch on her back had her shivering, an attempt to playwith her tits had her meowing like a cat, shaking and pulling away fromme, only to pull me even closer, squashing her breasts against my chestso I couldn’t reach her nipples. After a few minutes she drew back,looked me in the eyes and said “I don’t care what the time is, you haveto fuck me, fuck me now Scott, I want you inside me”
“Oh my God” I thought to myself, “It was one thing lying back andgetting my first blowjob, another experiencing my first ever taste ofpussy, but my first fuck? face to face, looking each other in the eyes,with a woman thirty years older than me? not far short of being oldenough to be my grandmother? If all that had gone before had not beendaunting enough, the prospect of my first ever fuck? a word I would inlater life hate when used in this context, seeing it as a bitdisrespectful to the partner in the act, ok, I’m a bit old fashioned inthat respect, wouldn’t go too far though, suffice to say I find it farsexier and much more of a turn on when someone says “Make love to me”,on the West coast of Scotland “Fuck me” is more often used as anexclamation of disbelief, usually when something unexpected happens, buthere I was, a few days shy of my sixteenth birthday and a forty sixyear old woman who despite her age I found attractive in an experienced,very well preserved, sexually alluring way, was telling me to fuck her.Which brings me to my next problem, not the time constraint, not mywillingness to perform the act, and definitely not the physical abilityto perform? That husky voice, those big brown eyes, those hot full lips,think Angelina if she was really as beautiful as popular media havetried to convince us she actually is. Linda was way better looking,Isabella Rossellini in her prime, to my eyes she was beautiful, evennow, in here late seventies Linda still looks twenty five years younger,not that I’d be having sex with a seventy six year old woman, would I ?We did have the odd “birthday” encounter until she was into hersixties, she ended these trysts, not me, though I’d reached the sameconclusion myself the previous year but couldn’t bring myself to broachthe subject.
Linda took control, “I want you to fuck me from behind” this confused mefor a second, I thought she wanted me to fuck her in the arse, ok soI’d fingered her butt briefly but sticking my cock in there ? for myfirst ever fuck? Well I wasn’t sure about that. Linda rolled over ontoher front, tucking her knees up under herself, her big shapely bumsticking up in the air, I was still unsure. She reached back with bothhands and spread her pussy-lips, now I caught on; she wanted me to fuckher pussy from behind. I’d seen the pictures, I’d read the stories, nowit was time to do the business and experience it for real. It took a bitof fumbling on my part and the assistance of Linda’s hand to guide mein the right direction; I wasn’t prepared for the feeling once I hit theright spot. The heat from the inside of Linda’s pussy was prettyintense, I thought my cock was going to burn, hot and wet and whenLinda’s pussy muscles gripped my cock? I thought I’d died and gone toheaven.
When Linda pushed back on my cock I nearly fell over, I wasn’t preparedfor it, I wasn’t prepared for the sensation either, she’d released thegrasp of her muscles as she pushed back and tightened them as she movedforward again, I thought she was going to either pull my cock off by theroots or pull me onto the bed on top of her. I put my hands on her hipsto brace myself and realised this might just be what I was supposed todo.
It was up to me to make sure she didn’t pull all the way off my cock;likewise it was my job at this point to brace myself when she pushedback onto me again. It was my first time after-all, I wasn’t yet versedin the niceties of fucking “doggy style”, after about thirty seconds ofthis I’d had a eureka moment and realised this must be what doggy stylewas, I’d often heard the term when listening to the youthful boasts ofmy mates, might even have used it myself ?. I recalled one boy relating atale of his “latest” conquest, when describing how he “rode her doggystyle” his display of gyrations made me think he had actually been on ahorse. Reminded me of youngsters coming out the cinema after watching awestern, and riding their imaginary horse all the way home. So this wasriding doggy style was it? I liked it, mainly because I didn’t need tolook Linda in the face, due to my own embarrassment more than anything,under normal circumstances I wouldn’t mind looking, to tell the truth Ialways hoped she would answer the door when I was on my weeklycollection route, even daydreamed early in the morning that she wouldopen the door as I delivered her milk, dressed in something flimsy. Thatdream came true quite often after that night, even if it was just for aquick kiss, it wasn’t long before those early morning kisses lost thetaste of alcohol from her breath, I only had to remark on it once andthat was that, she’d drank because she was lonely, from then on shedidn’t, the odd glass now and again, but that was all.
I couldn’t help it, I was fucking, and fucking hell, it felt good, I hada grin like a Cheshire cat and even punched the air at one point untilLinda looked back at me over her shoulder and said “If you are punchingthe air like you just scored the winning goal in the cup final I’ll biteyour cock off with my cunt muscles” She punctuated this by giving it atighter than up to now, normal, squeeze. Hands quickly returned to herhips, though I did give an extra firm thrust as she drove her arse backonto my cock, “cocky little bastard aren’t you” she said, “Enough of thefunny stuff, I need fucked and you are going to fuck me, now let me up,my knees are cramping” I stopped and withdrew, not sure what wouldhappen next, Linda simply rolled onto her back and beckoned me with afinger, I approached the bed and stopped, awaiting instruction. Shepatted her pussy and said “ok big boy, climb on board, auntie Lindaneeds some more of that cock before I send you home with your ballsdrained.” I climbed onto the bed as Linda spread her legs to accommodateme, giving me instructions as to how to support my weight on my elbowsbefore and after I entered her. She then bent her knees and spread herlegs wide, guiding my cock with both her hands till she was happy that Iwas correctly situated to penetrate her.
This felt even better if such a thing was possible, tight and wet andhot, plus I could now get one of those nipples in my mouth, still wastoo embarrassed to look at her while we fucked, if I did I was sure I’dlose my hard-on, Linda settled that awkward theory by telling me to kissher. I needn’t have worried, though I did close my eyes the first time,her kisses were passionate, the same quivering lipped, teeth knocking,tongue wrestling kisses of earlier when she’d cum as I ate her pussy.Fuck it was sexy, such a turn on, this older woman who I thought couldprobably get any man, as long as they were single and over 35, or youngand lonely and thousands of miles from home, or young and thought theirmates wouldn’t find out, or like me, young, virgin and with a thing forthat sexy older lady on their delivery route. I didn’t care, I thoughtshe was beautiful at that moment, and for a few years after too, evenafter I was married, by which time all her f****y had gone, bothdaughters having married US servicemen and moved to the states, theycame home every few years to visit and she went over there the odd timetoo, the rest of the time she was alone, but not lonely.
I visited at least once a week till I married, then it was once a monthafter that, then a couple of times a year which petered out toanniversaries of our first time. She moved to the states to live withone of her daughters when she retired from work and it was a recentmeeting after not seeing each other for years which prompted me to writethis. A few months ago I was in my local supermarket when I saw thisold woman approaching me; I didn’t really pay much attention to her,just another pensioner doing her shopping. She was accompanied by astunning looking girl who looked to be in her late teens or earlytwenties, it was she that caught my lecherous forty nine year old eye. Iwas trying to get a good look at her without appearing to be gawpinguntil she got to about five feet away and her face took my breath away.

It was a younger looking version of the Linda I had known looking backat me, no mistaking those features, it was only then I looked at the“old woman” she was smiling at me, “She is very beautiful isn’t sheScott ?” “Nearly as beautiful as her gran” I replied, quickly recoveringmy composure. “How are you Linda? Are you home for a holiday?” Iquickly asked. “Yes we are” she replied, “you still know how to flatteran old woman, Claire is actually my great granddaughter.” That threw me abit, I’d forgotten that Linda’s daughters were both a bit older than meand the youngest would be nearly sixty years old by now. Claire was thegranddaughter of Linda’s oldest daughter, I’d never met her. She hadmarried one of the first US servicemen to be stationed locally who wasstationed in the South of England before I ever met Linda. I didn’t knowwho to look at, Claire was a beautiful young woman, she had her greatgrandmother’s eyes and lips, and raven-black hair, Linda looked stunningfor her age, I tried to see if she had any work done on her facewithout staring but she was quicker than I thought. “Before you ask, ordon’t ask but think, yes, I admit it, I’ve had a wee bit of work done,not a lot just a nip here and a tuck there, nothing drastic.” “Gran!”Claire squealed, “You can’t go telling complete strangers things likethat!” I had to laugh, I might be a stranger to her but I was certainlyno stranger to her great grandmother. “If there is one thing Scott is,”Linda continued, giving her young companion a smile, “He is certainly nostranger.” Then giving me a sly wink she added, “And to answer yournext question Scott, I haven’t had everything lifted or tightened, Istill have the body of a woman half my age.” “Eeewww, gran that isdisgusting.” Claire screamed, going bright red in the face. I didn’tknow where to look; my eyes did, despite my best intentions being drawnof their own volition towards her breasts. They looked as magnificent asI’d remembered all those years ago.
I quickly tried to change the subject by asking all the usual politequestions, it turned out that Claire was just about to turn sixteen andLinda’s present was a trip across the Atlantic to visit her mother,grandmother and great grandmother’s home town. She had never been out ofthe states before and was a keen student of the history of the femaleside of her f****y tree and its origins. Unusual for a young girl in the21st century but it delighted Linda who hadn’t been home in ten yearsand wasn’t sure if this would be her last chance to visit. We chattedfor nearly an hour, Linda asking after my own f****y while I asked whoall was over here with them for their visit. I didn’t know Claire’smother or father and had barely known Linda’s other daughter but it wasgood manners to ask. It turned out that they were visiting bythemselves, just the two of them. Most of Linda’s contemporise hadpassed away, her old neighbourhood had changed completely, the houseshaving been demolished several years earlier and replaced by new homes,with new tenants. Linda didn’t know any of the people who lived in thearea now and besides, having been a pretty private person in her youngerdays, she hadn’t socialised with many of her neighbours. The fact thatshe and her daughters had a bit of a reputation locally for being overfriendly with American servicemen it wasn’t much of a surprise that shedidn’t have many old friends who were still alive or lived in the town.
Linda told me I was the first friendly face they’d met since they’darrived in town two days earlier, they were pretty much restricted tostrolling about the town seeing as Linda had never driven and Claire wastoo young to drive in this country. They’d planned a shopping trip toGlasgow and Edinburgh towards the end of their three weeks in Scotlandbefore spending the last week of their holiday in London to do the wholetourist trip thing with visits to Buckingham Palace and shows in theWest End. This meant that they would spend the next two weeks confinedto the town limits, not a great distance in it; you could walk from oneend of the town to the other in fifteen minutes. I offered my servicesas driver to take them to visit the outlying countryside and beaches ifthey got bored and found themselves at a loose end. Linda declined,saying that it might be better if I didn’t. Claire looked puzzled andasked why Linda was reluctant to accept my offer? “It’s complicated”Linda told her, “I’ll explain it to you later” I repeated my offer,saying I was sure something could be worked out to accommodate theirneeds? Linda slapped me on the arm and told me to behave myself, whichleft Claire even more puzzled, “I’ll explain that to you later too” shesaid with a laugh. When we parted Linda was still refusing my offer tobe their chauffeur during their stay, she wouldn’t even allow me to givethem a lift back to their hotel saying it was a beautiful day and theycould walk there in ten minutes.

As Linda gave me a goodbye hug and a peck on the cheek I slipped Clairemy card with my mobile number on it, giving her what I thought was afriendly wink, all the while resisting the urge to give Linda a properkiss, then deciding to take the risk I turned my head to meet her lips,slipping my tongue between them and running it quickly across her teeth.Linda turned her body slightly to hide her left side from Claire’s viewand gave my groin a quick squeeze, lingering to run a fingernail alongthe length of the outline of my cock. Whispering in my ear “Just for oldtimes’ sake.” Before patting me on the bum and telling Claire it wastime to go, she walked off. Claire surprised me by giving me a hug and apeck on the cheek, saying “Thank you, you have made her very happy,that is the happiest I’ve seen her in a long, long time.” She went torun after Linda who hadn’t even looked back but I stopped her, saying“Talk her into accepting, even if I just take the two of you a shortdrive into the countryside to one of the villages or beaches for an houror two, tell her not to worry about anything.” Claire smiled and ranoff out the supermarket door, giving me a quick wave as she disappearedfrom sight. That was recently, more of that later, but that first nightwas not yet over.
I opened my eyes, and looked into hers, she looked to be on the verge ofcrying, her eyes brimmed with tears. I stopped my tentative hip thrustsand asked her, “What’s wrong, am I hurting you?” “No,” she replied,stroking my hair, “No, you’re not hurting me, I just think this iswrong, so wrong, I shouldn’t be doing this, we shouldn’t be doing this,yet it feels so good, I’ve not felt this happy in a long time.” I put myfinger to her lips, shushing her to stop her protests. “You are doingnothing wrong,” I told her. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be,you have no idea how many times I’ve fantasised about this in the lastcouple of years” I told her how it was an early morning daydream of mineto imagine her answering the door dressed only in a flimsy nightie justso I could get a glimpse of her beautiful breasts. She blushed, herneck turning a deep pink as I bent my head to take a nipple between myteeth, giving it a little nibble. I shifted my weight onto my legsraising myself up onto my knees, taking hold of her bum cheeks in bothhands, pulling her lower body closer. Then I took hold of her thighs andraised her legs off the bed, she anticipated my thoughts and lifted herlegs higher to rest her calves on my shoulders crossing her anklesbehind my neck. I shuffled my body closer, penetrating her further as Idid, “Much better” I whispered, hands free now to do as I wished.
I didn’t move, finally getting the chance to have a good look at thissexy woman below me. “What are you doing?” she asked, laughing softly.“Having a good look at the sexy woman who has taken my virginity,” Ianswered, smiling back at her. “Flattery will get you nowhere youngman.” She replied, “You’ll need to do better than that to get into myknickers.” “Oh but I’ve no intention of getting into you’re knickers.” Iresponded, “Besides, I’ve already got you out of them, why would I wantto wear them?” She laughed again, a deep throaty laugh, reaching out totake both my hands, guiding them towards her breasts. I took one ineach hand, gently squeezing them as I flicked my thumbs across her hardnipples. She covered my hands with her own and squeezed, encouraging meto be a bit rougher with my fingers. It was the first I’d ever been thisclose to a pair of bare breasts so I was still a bit wary about what Icould or should do with my hands, I didn’t want to hurt her. It seemedlike the rougher I was with my fingers, the more I squeezed, the harderher nipple became under my thumbs. I had a vision of my squeezing tohard and her nipples flying off and hitting me in the eye, I just had tolaugh, which had Linda giving me a quizzical look. “Sorry,” I laughed.“I just had an image of your nipples fl