Mind Powers Rock. Intro Note: this is my first story and I have really good ideas, so leave many comments as you like. Also, this is a fiction story, it’s not real. No sex in this chapter. But read it and you will find it good. This story is told in first person. Don’t be disappointed, for I will tell more later on. If you want part one I am going to need 8 votes. Special Thanks to Morgen, for helping me how to post this story. A cool sword to you Morgen!===|=========> Personal information (For main character): Hi my name is Daniel Hogan. I live in Cleveland, Ohio. Im 25 years old, (im 5ft9 with an 8 inch dick. Im single, broke up with my wife in 2009) I have always had a wish getting a bigger dick but it would never come true. I work at a radiation lab. I am pretty high up there in rank. It was just the average day in the Radiation lab. Steven, my mentor, was checking the monitors telling me to get out (Steven and I had found a meteorite from space, and the government wants us to explore what kind of radiation is inside.)The Radiation levels were off the charts. Well the entire lab was collapsing from the radiation. I tried to get out but the door was locked. Steven ran out before I could escape. Sadly, I had no radiation suit on. I tried to save the meteorite, but it was too late.
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