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 The Misadventures of Mishi   Chapter 2: "House Guest"   (See the "XXX-Women" series, "Luke Powers, Black Master" series and "ThePerils of Greggie-Poo" for more Mishi action!)   Note: For some inexplicable reason, I wrote this one in script format...:/   INT MISHI'S APARTMENT IN THE BRONX   Greg is getting fucked up the ass by Fido, for the fifth time today.  Heis wearing a collar connected to his knees that makes him crawl around onhis hands and knees to move and keep bent over.  Fido humps him fast andhard then cums up his ass.  They hear keys jingling at the door, they bothhurry over to the door and wait anxiously as Mishi comes in.  She opens thedoor, she's wearing a business suit and skirt and carrying a briefcase. She looks frustrated and exhausted.   GREG   Mistress, you're home!   MISHI   Shut up, faggot and suck my ass!   She drops her skirt, turns around and squats right on his face, holdinghis head back in an uncomfortable position.   MISHI   It's really sticky today, i don't know why, so make sure you suck it allout and lick me clean nice and good.   GREG   Mrrrnn- sluuurrrp...   Mishi picks up a newspaper and starts reading.   MISHI   Fuckin' stupid ass Congress..  someone oughta teach that fat piece ofshit- ungh   She farts loudly and fills Greg's mouth with soft, sticky, smelly shit.He obediently swallows it down.   MISHI   Ahhh...  I've been holding that in all day!  There's this kid, a gopheror something, just a boy, but he's got the hots for me.  He's got this holedrilled into the women's bathroom and he watches us take shits, a reallittle pervert.  I'll bet the other side of that wall is covered in cum!   She shits some more, Greg is swallowing hungrily, not missing a drop. Her farts some out his nose, his burps go up her ass and come back out asfarts.   MISHI   So anyway, I know he's seen my cock, and everytime I go to the bathroom,he's in there.  Today I fucked Lolie on the toilet, right up the ass, thenI had her suck my cock as she went to the bathroom afterwards.   Mishi starts stroking her cock as she's telling the story, shittingloudly now, really letting it rip.   MISHI   She's a little whore, she is.  I'll have to piss in her mouth next timeI do that.  Anyway, just thinking about that got me all hard and Wesley,that's the peeping tom I was talking about, he surprised me in mycubicle...   INT MISHI'S CUBICLE AT WORK   Mishi is leaning back in her chair, with her feet up on the desk.  She'ssurrounded by unfinished work and Solitare is the only thing on hermonitor. She's thinking about Lolie and stroking her rock-hard cock throughher skirt.  Wesley comes in her cubicle to give her some intra-office mailand sees her hard-on through her skirt.  He drops the letter.  Mishi issurprised and pulls her skirt down and looks at him.   WESLEY   Uh,...  I, uh...   Mishi gets up and seductively approaches the boy, he's trembling andwants to leave, but doesn't.  He cowers in the corner of her cubicle.   MISHI   Well, wesley, what is it?   WESLEY   I just...  uh, I...   MISHI   You just what?   WESLEY   Well, I...  I had some...  I mean, you have some mail....   MISHI   Well, where is it?   Wesley looks down.  Mishi puts her hand out, waiting for him to deliverthe mail.  He crouches down, but she's got him pinned in the corner.  Hishead is at her crotch level as he picks up the mail.  He looks at hercrotch, sees the bulge and gulps nervously.  He hands the mail up to her.   WESLEY   H- here...   MISHI   Thank you, Wesley!  Was there anything else?   WESLEY   Well, I ...   MISHI   What?   WESLEY   No, nothing...   He turns to leave, she rushes up behind him, pushes him against the walland grinds her hard-on into his ass.  He lets out a yelp.   MISHI   Oh no you don't you little pervert!  You're not getting away thateasily! How did you like the little show I put on for you with Loliebefore?   Wesley is shocked, speechless, looking around nervously hoping no-onewill walk by.   MISHI   That's right, I know all about your little peeping secret- and I cantell your boss too, not to mention all these nice women, you're going to befired, sued, and put in jail...  where you'll probably become some blackguy's bitch and they'll all take turns fucking a nice little piece ofwhiteoy ass like yours...  but you'd probably like that, wouldn't you?   He doesn't answer.   MISHI   (continuing; speaking louder)   Wouldn't you, faggot?!!   She reaches around and grabs his crotch, he has a raging hard- on.   MISHI   That's what I thought.  Now you're going to do what I say and like it orI'm going to tell everyone about your little hole in the wall!  Got it?   WESLEY   Y- yes, anything you say...   MISHI   You like my cock, hunh?   She rubs against his ass, his cock flinches.   MISHI   You want to suck my cock, hunh?  You want me to fuck you like an animallike I did with Lolie, is that what you want?   WESLEY   Y- yes, please, anything you want, I'll do it...   MISHI   That's what I like to hear.  My place, 8 o'clock.  And bring yourpajamas, we're going to have a slumber party.  Got it?   WESLEY   Y-yes...   She hands him a piece of paper with her address on it and pats him onthe ass as he leaves.  He goes straight to the bathroom and jerks off.   INT MISHI'S APARTMENT IN THE BRONX   Greg is just finishing up, sticking his tongue up her ass getting thelast bits of shit.   MISHI   So anyway, he'll be here.  So be ready.   Greg finished up and licks his lips.  Mishi goes to the couch and plopsherself down and turns on the TV.  She pets Fido.   GREG   Mistress, is Lolie coming?   MISHI   No, no, she's not ready yet- oh, that reminds meShe opens her briefcaseand pulls out a water bottle half- filled with a whitish brown viscousliquid.   MISHI   Here's today's load.  I had Lolie shit my cum in here and spit the cumthat went in her mouth back in here.  Plus I jerked off a couple times. Bottoms up.   Greg opens the bottle, looks at Mishi, then drinks it all down.   MISHI   Yummy?   Greg burps.   GREG   Yes, Mistress.   MISHI   Good boy.   GREG   Thank you.   MISHI   Not you, asshole, Fido!   She slaps him.   MISHI   Don't speak unless spoken to, fucker!   GREG   S-sorry, Mistress.   MISHI   God I hate having to work for a living.  Ever since Professor XXX diedand the school closed, it's been Hell.  I used to spend the whole dayfucking.  Raping you every second of the day.  How am I supposed to get ajob and keep it?  The only thing I'm good at is raping the shit out ofworthless little worms like you.  And I tried doing the dominatrix bit, butthe guys that go there are such pussies!  Just because I anally raped thatguy and gave him a piss enema, he got all angry and got me fired.   GREG   Forgive me, Mistress, but whatever happened to him?   MISHI   Oh, I had Luke go and visit him and his pure little whitebread family.Haven't heard from him since.  Actually, I think Luke's moved in!  Hey,where the fuck's dinner?   GREG   I...  I'm sorry, Mishi, but Fido ate it...  I made chili and corn, but Itook a nap and when I woke up...   MISHI   Jesus Christ, you are absolutely worthless!   She gets up and goes into the kitchen.   GREG   Yes, Mistress.   MISHI   (offscreen)   What the-?  Jesus!  Faggot, get your scrawny little fuckhole in hereright this fucking instant!!!   Greg is surprised and jumps at her anger.  He crawls into the kitchenand sees her standing over a big pile of smelly dogshit.   MISHI   Very very bad boy!!!   She goes over to Greg and grabs his head.  She drags him over to theshit and sticks his nose in it.   MISHI   Bad!   (slapping his ass)   Bad bad boy!   GREG   I- I'm sorry Mistress, but it's not mine MISHI   Shut up!  Eat it!  Now!   She gets behind him and pulls up her skirt and rams her cock up his assand grabs his head and shoves it in the shit.  Greg eats it, grunting inpain as she pummels his asshole.  He gags on the putrid dogshit but eatsit.   MISHI   Looks like you're getting my dinner after all!  Ungh!  God I miss this!   There is a knock at the door.   MISHI   What the fuck?   She goes to the door.   MISHI   You finish that up!  And make it clean!  I want that floor clean enoughto eat off of!   She opens the door, Wesley is there.  He's about to same something buthe's shocked at seeing her standing stark naked at the door with a hard-on.   MISHI   Wesley?!  What the fuck are you doing here?  It's only 6:30!   WESLEY   I...   MISHI   Couldn't wait, hunh?  Well, no time like the present!   She yanks him in and slams the door.  An old hispanic woman in the halllooks at the door suspiciously.  Mishi pushes Wesley down on his knees andshoves her cock in his mouth.   MISHI   Get to it, boy!   (makes him spit cum in Greg's mouth, he gets turned on and kisses Greg,then fucks him up the ass)   Continuing "House Guest" - Mishi takes the flowers Wesley brought, hasWesley & Greg bend over on hands and knees and french.  She gives them pissenemas and sticks the flowers in their asses as she eats a pizza she madeGreg order once she found out the dog ate her dinner.  When the pizza isdelivered, the delivery girl is shocked, when she comes in, she sees Greg &Wesley and giggles.  Mishi takes the delivery girl into the bedroom andfucks the shit out of her while Greg and Wesley kiss, smelling the pizzaand their stomaches grumbling.  Mishi comes back out and eats the pizza offthier backs (delivery girl exhausted, asleep).  She can't finish it and hasGreg feed the leftovers to the dog.  She tells him not to be jealous, he'llget some pizza too once Fido's done with it.  Later, pizza girl and Mishigiggle and make Wesley and Greg blow and fuck each other.