This story contains graphic depictions of sex betwen an adult and an underage girl. If this offends you, please read something else. If not, enjoy!
Sexy Little Sarah 3- after work
We sat in the theater that thursday night, so far the only people in the entire place. Occasionally an usher would walk in and immediately out as we talked and we would be alone again.
While we talked, I found out that Sarah had been living with her mother but basically on her own for over a year- technically, she was in her mothers care, but her mother's work schedule and "extra activities" schedule kept Sarah alone most of the time to fend for herself, which was the reason she came to the mall so much. I felt for her- and at the same time could not help but admire her sexy looks as she spoke. She was really quite mesmerizing to look at as well as to talk to, and though I still completely lusted her in every sense of the word, I was becoming more and more fond of her in other ways as well.
The lights went out in the theater, and other than a few people in the far front row, we were alone. As the movie started, my attention was focused more on Sarah and her nubile, tight, young body, and as we munched our popcorn, I put my arm around her and started to rub one of her nipples. She leaned on me and held my hand as I did, and both her nipples became instantly erect- throughout the movie, I would kiss her- occasionally putting my hand between her thighs, feeling how warm and wet her pussy was becoming, and as the movie ended, and the lights came up, I had an idea.
Since I worked at the mall, I knew the back entrances and who should be there and when, so I led Sarah to one of those on the way to the employee parking lot.
It was dark, of course, and she walked next to me, my arm around her all the way to my car.
Her legs wrapped around me, still fucking her, I pushed the door unlock button on my keytab, and heard the doors unlock. . . I stepped back a bit, opened the door to the back seat lay Sarah on it, and fucked her hard until I knew I was going to cum- keeping my cock in her this time-- wanting her to feel how it was to have her pussy filled up with hot seed. . . her eyes got big, and she panted as I pumped my cum into her. . . I could feel her pussy fill up and the excess run out onto my balls and as I finished cumming in her, I kissed her and whispered "let's go home now, shall we?"
She nodded, out of breath and, with knees wobbling, climbed into the front seat, not even bothering to put her pants back on yet. I climbed in the driver's seat and we headed for my house. . . it was now 10:30, so the night was young-
Tylko dla doros艂ych!
Ta witryna zawiera nago艣膰, tre艣ci o charakterze jednoznacznie seksualnym i j臋zyk dla doros艂ych. Powinny by膰 dost臋pne tylko dla os贸b pe艂noletnich w fizycznej lokalizacji, z kt贸rej uzyskujesz dost臋p do witryny. Wchodz膮c na t臋 stron臋 internetow膮, o艣wiadczasz nam, 偶e jeste艣 pe艂noletni i zgadzasz si臋 z naszymi Warunkami. Jakiekolwiek nieautoryzowane korzystanie z tej strony mo偶e narusza膰 prawo stanowe, federalne i/lub zagraniczne. Chocia偶 Zuzana nie tworzy ani nie produkuje 偶adnych tre艣ci wymienionych w naszych reklamach; wszystkie nasze reklamy musz膮 by膰 zgodne z naszymi standardami wieku i tre艣ci.
Zuzana ma polityk臋 zerowej tolerancji dla pornografii dzieci臋cej lub nieletnich reklamuj膮cych lub korzystaj膮cych z naszej witryny. Wyra偶am zgod臋 na zg艂aszanie wszelkich nielegalnych us艂ug lub dzia艂a艅, kt贸re naruszaj膮 Warunki u偶ytkowania.
Zgadzam si臋 r贸wnie偶 zg艂osi膰 podejrzenie wykorzystywania nieletnich i/lub handlu lud藕mi do odpowiednich w艂adz.
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